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Re: Moredental office vapor

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Is it a biological dentist you see? In my personal experience I have

found them leapyears ahead of other dentists in terms of

understanding the link between teeth/gums and systemic body

diseases. And leapyears ahead in safety.

Each room at my dentist's office has a strong ventilation system.

They flick on a switch and it radically removes the air in the room

bringing new fresh air in. They also have negative ion generators in

the rooms. Strong efforts at very clean air.

I wonder if you might have an unseen bacterial/fungal/viral

infection in the gums? Each time you get worked on these things are

being dumped into your bloodstream? My dentist has case histories of

people who have been cured of debilitating diseases like yours by

taking aggressive rounds of antibiotics to kill suspected but unseen

pathogens. They even offer free classes on gum health to avoid

bodily diseases.

The possibility exists that you have been on the edge of adrenal

collapse for a long time and that the stress of the event was just

the straw that broke the camel's back? One common trait of adrenal

fatigue is that people can often point to the event that they think

started it all, when in fact it had been incubating for some time.

Studying stopthethyroidmadness.com and all the links offered there

would be a good place to learn more about adrenals and thyroid. As

it could have been an adrenal thing that finally collapsed, the same

could be said for the thryoid. Others here probably have better

suggestions on places to learn more about adrenals.

I haven't seen your dentist's office or mode of operation so I have

no idea if there was mercury in the air. I never thought about it,

but I guess in a careless office it is possible.

Whatever happened, it is likely there are a multitude of things at

play by this time. You will probably want to seriously consider

taking an intolerance test of foods and chemicals, get thorough

detailed lab tests of adrenals (24 hour 4 sample saliva cortisol)

and thyroid (free T3, free T4, 3 different thyroid antibodies, and

TSH) (but learn yourself how to read them instead of relying on what

a doctor says, and always go by symptoms no matter what the lab

says), consider ways to find out if you are metal toxic or not, and

seek a biological dentist who specializes in condemning and removing

amalgam fillings. No matter what, the place you have been going is

not a place you want to go again. Just my opinion.

I had no hope of finding such an outstanding biological dentist in

my rural area. But with some google searching and phone calls, I

found one in the next State just 1 1/2 hours drive. Totally totally

awesome dentist. They make mainstream dentists look like amateurs.

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Is it a biological dentist you see? In my personal experience I have

found them leapyears ahead of other dentists in terms of

understanding the link between teeth/gums and systemic body

diseases. And leapyears ahead in safety.

Each room at my dentist's office has a strong ventilation system.

They flick on a switch and it radically removes the air in the room

bringing new fresh air in. They also have negative ion generators in

the rooms. Strong efforts at very clean air.

I wonder if you might have an unseen bacterial/fungal/viral

infection in the gums? Each time you get worked on these things are

being dumped into your bloodstream? My dentist has case histories of

people who have been cured of debilitating diseases like yours by

taking aggressive rounds of antibiotics to kill suspected but unseen

pathogens. They even offer free classes on gum health to avoid

bodily diseases.

The possibility exists that you have been on the edge of adrenal

collapse for a long time and that the stress of the event was just

the straw that broke the camel's back? One common trait of adrenal

fatigue is that people can often point to the event that they think

started it all, when in fact it had been incubating for some time.

Studying stopthethyroidmadness.com and all the links offered there

would be a good place to learn more about adrenals and thyroid. As

it could have been an adrenal thing that finally collapsed, the same

could be said for the thryoid. Others here probably have better

suggestions on places to learn more about adrenals.

I haven't seen your dentist's office or mode of operation so I have

no idea if there was mercury in the air. I never thought about it,

but I guess in a careless office it is possible.

Whatever happened, it is likely there are a multitude of things at

play by this time. You will probably want to seriously consider

taking an intolerance test of foods and chemicals, get thorough

detailed lab tests of adrenals (24 hour 4 sample saliva cortisol)

and thyroid (free T3, free T4, 3 different thyroid antibodies, and

TSH) (but learn yourself how to read them instead of relying on what

a doctor says, and always go by symptoms no matter what the lab

says), consider ways to find out if you are metal toxic or not, and

seek a biological dentist who specializes in condemning and removing

amalgam fillings. No matter what, the place you have been going is

not a place you want to go again. Just my opinion.

I had no hope of finding such an outstanding biological dentist in

my rural area. But with some google searching and phone calls, I

found one in the next State just 1 1/2 hours drive. Totally totally

awesome dentist. They make mainstream dentists look like amateurs.

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Is it a biological dentist you see? In my personal experience I have

found them leapyears ahead of other dentists in terms of

understanding the link between teeth/gums and systemic body

diseases. And leapyears ahead in safety.

Each room at my dentist's office has a strong ventilation system.

They flick on a switch and it radically removes the air in the room

bringing new fresh air in. They also have negative ion generators in

the rooms. Strong efforts at very clean air.

I wonder if you might have an unseen bacterial/fungal/viral

infection in the gums? Each time you get worked on these things are

being dumped into your bloodstream? My dentist has case histories of

people who have been cured of debilitating diseases like yours by

taking aggressive rounds of antibiotics to kill suspected but unseen

pathogens. They even offer free classes on gum health to avoid

bodily diseases.

The possibility exists that you have been on the edge of adrenal

collapse for a long time and that the stress of the event was just

the straw that broke the camel's back? One common trait of adrenal

fatigue is that people can often point to the event that they think

started it all, when in fact it had been incubating for some time.

Studying stopthethyroidmadness.com and all the links offered there

would be a good place to learn more about adrenals and thyroid. As

it could have been an adrenal thing that finally collapsed, the same

could be said for the thryoid. Others here probably have better

suggestions on places to learn more about adrenals.

I haven't seen your dentist's office or mode of operation so I have

no idea if there was mercury in the air. I never thought about it,

but I guess in a careless office it is possible.

Whatever happened, it is likely there are a multitude of things at

play by this time. You will probably want to seriously consider

taking an intolerance test of foods and chemicals, get thorough

detailed lab tests of adrenals (24 hour 4 sample saliva cortisol)

and thyroid (free T3, free T4, 3 different thyroid antibodies, and

TSH) (but learn yourself how to read them instead of relying on what

a doctor says, and always go by symptoms no matter what the lab

says), consider ways to find out if you are metal toxic or not, and

seek a biological dentist who specializes in condemning and removing

amalgam fillings. No matter what, the place you have been going is

not a place you want to go again. Just my opinion.

I had no hope of finding such an outstanding biological dentist in

my rural area. But with some google searching and phone calls, I

found one in the next State just 1 1/2 hours drive. Totally totally

awesome dentist. They make mainstream dentists look like amateurs.

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Hi, thanks for you reply.



Is it a biological dentist you see? In my personal experience I have

> found them leapyears ahead of other dentists in terms of

> understanding the link between teeth/gums and systemic body

> diseases. And leapyears ahead in safety.


> Each room at my dentist's office has a strong ventilation system.

> They flick on a switch and it radically removes the air in the room

> bringing new fresh air in. They also have negative ion generators


> the rooms. Strong efforts at very clean air.

=====> Normally in the past, I saw biologic dentists and still got

poisoned after being in their office. Even if I was in there for a

consultation and nothing more. One dentist had a new office and the

most sophisticated extraction system equipment for removing mercury

vapor. I still got poisoned. He didn't seem happy when I told him

and was a bit cynical.

=====>this time around I didn't see a biologic dentist, because I

needed to see an experienced cerec dentist. I had old composites

that needed replacing and I wanted cerec porcelain. This material

MUST be done properly by a highly experienced dentist who knows how

to use it. Or things can go wrong. It is also very expensive, i

wasn't taking chances. He was also an instructor in replacing it, so

I was in good hands (at least in that area). He also found a bit of

amalgam under one of my composites, so he was very honest with me and

cleared everything out thoroughly.

=====>The problem was, his office was obviously contaminated badly

with mercury vapor. Because he didn't have issues with amalgam, so I

cannot imagine he would have the best equipment for clearing the air,

or in fact removing it from any patients who requested it. I guess

he would just use the very basics.

====>So having seen him twice now for hours eachtime replacing the

porcelain, I must have breathed in a load of it, plus the anaesthetic

didn't help I'm sure.



I wonder if you might have an unseen bacterial/fungal/viral

> infection in the gums? Each time you get worked on these things are

> being dumped into your bloodstream? My dentist has case histories


> people who have been cured of debilitating diseases like yours by

> taking aggressive rounds of antibiotics to kill suspected but


> pathogens. They even offer free classes on gum health to avoid

> bodily diseases.

====> Interesting you should say this. I developed a severe

bacterial infection/disease in 2003 (viral or what I don't know). I

am female. I was using an infected mascara bottle and didn't realise

it. The eye cosmetic was obviously badly contaminated with some kind

of vicious bacteria and this bacteria entered both my eyes and I

developed severe eye infection. It didn't stop there. I got flu

like symptoms and then the infection spread from the eyes, into the

brain (dizzy spells, slurred speech, feelings of movement throughout

the head, chill like sensations, unable to think fast or properly).

Then it spread into the rest of my body. Left me with ongoing sore

throat, fever and intolerance to exercise and brain symptoms.

===> since that time, I have felt like someone with an aids like

conditon. I stopped healing, whereas before I was healing well from

years of mercury poisoning. Now I had this instead, which was worse

than the mercury. This finished me and has done since. No test has

detected it, nothing has helped it. Exercise makes it worse. I came

to a standstill from that moment on.

===> ON top of this, I developed periodontal gum disease, which I

believe was related to this systemic infection or indirectly from

lowered immunity. It is also been suggested I have gangrene in the

left side of my jaw after wisdom tooth removal (voll testing showed

this). However, no other test has been clear cut enough for a

dentist to take any notice. Plus we don't have cavitation dentists

readily available here. Voll test clearly detects wet gangrene in

that area, yet xray doesn't show anything too evident. Cavitat scan

shows problems on the upper areas instead. Yet, I coincidentally got

worse after the lower wisdom tooth was removed, which seems to

confirm the voll results.

===> As you can see, I am probably dealing with multiple infections

of one kind or another. This is when I plummeted and this is why my

adrenals/thyroid are probably also now suffering and why I

cannot " heal " . Though I eat an excellent diet, efforts only take me

so far or not at all! I did find after using gum treatment off the

internet, that after weeks it " felt " as though symptoms were

improving all over, not just the gums...I thought perhaps I was

imaginging it. I'd stop and the improvement woudl remain until I got

hit down again by something and it would be back. Unfortuantely this

stuff is expensive over the long term. You get a small bottle for a

pretty steep price. I do not find anything else has helped. This

stuff helped because I used an irrigator to penetrate the stuff right

into the gum. I am wondering if colloidal silver would actually be a

good alternative...? Either way, I am not in a position to keep

purchasing the internet one.

===> I was given antibiotics last year after a bad flu bug that I

coudln't recover from. I had infection from that and coughing up

green mucous, so I had not much choice. The antibiotics worsened my

gut problems and candida. So that was yet another belt on my health

and now of course, the recent dental office visits have compounded

things even further.

===> The problem is, my body is so weakened it cannot bounce back,

so one thing tends to mount on top of another. Add some mercury to

it too I'm sure and you got a multi-factoral problem going on.


> The possibility exists that you have been on the edge of adrenal

> collapse for a long time and that the stress of the event was just

> the straw that broke the camel's back? One common trait of adrenal

> fatigue is that people can often point to the event that they think

> started it all, when in fact it had been incubating for some time.

> Studying stopthethyroidmadness.com and all the links offered there

> would be a good place to learn more about adrenals and thyroid. As

> it could have been an adrenal thing that finally collapsed, the


> could be said for the thryoid. Others here probably have better

> suggestions on places to learn more about adrenals.


> I haven't seen your dentist's office or mode of operation so I have

> no idea if there was mercury in the air. I never thought about it,

> but I guess in a careless office it is possible.


> Whatever happened, it is likely there are a multitude of things at

> play by this time. You will probably want to seriously consider

> taking an intolerance test of foods and chemicals, get thorough

> detailed lab tests of adrenals (24 hour 4 sample saliva cortisol)

> and thyroid (free T3, free T4, 3 different thyroid antibodies, and

> TSH) (but learn yourself how to read them instead of relying on


> a doctor says, and always go by symptoms no matter what the lab

> says), consider ways to find out if you are metal toxic or not, and

> seek a biological dentist who specializes in condemning and


> amalgam fillings. No matter what, the place you have been going is

> not a place you want to go again. Just my opinion.

====> my diet is the best right now I can handle. After much

research and experimentation. I don't really have food allergies so

to speak, I just have bad infections that are easily fed by any

sugars in my diet, that includes high carbs. I have to be very

strict. I also eat healthy too. I had testing done for my glands

recently and sent the results on here to Jacky. You can check those

out if you like. I've been given thyroid (natural from a pig) to

take too, plus lugols iodine. And a small medication for adrenal

hormone. NOt sure how it's going to go. Right now I'm taking my

temperature daily to test that also. I'm probably going to start

that stuff in about a week.

===> I don't know if it would matter what dental office I would

enter, even a biologic one wipes me out. And this mainstream one, I

was in there for hours on end, so I think I'd get poisoned either

way. My body cannot handle anything. i cannot even light a candle!

I get ill from them too.


Thanks again for your post. Very helpful/informative. You seemed to

hit the nail on the head with the infections! Wow, that took me by



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