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Re: Cardiology Articles?

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> I have my annual check-up with my cardiologist on Monday, but


> will be my first appointment with him since my EDS diagnosis.


> printed the article on " EDS and the Heart " from the UK's EDS


> site, but I was wondering if anyone knew of any other articles I

> should print out for him. If you know of any, please post the link

> or email them directly to me at gimpygal(at)hotmail.com

(Please note

> that this is a different email address than the one I use for this

> group... I have trouble opening attachemnts with my yahoo


> sometimes). Thanks!!!!



-- as a chiari advocate /peer and retired nurse that the

ASAP neurosurgeons kindly nurtured along in learning in debth

since they knew I particpate in the wacma and asap suport

groups endevoring to be of help to folks learning the impacts of

acm /sm ect . The've spent hours - until the WEEE hours some

years - LOL -- answering questions and debating FINE points

too - tehehe . They awarded me the national volunteer of the year

two years back now - telling me I'm an awsome mostly accurate

advocate . So you can print this to show the doctor too - not to

brag - I think I've got this right .

At asap were told there are three warning signs /red flags we

should take seriously -and ask our doctors to do so too

immediatly . They should be " worked up " - and mannagment

stragegy's taken . ( With the recent eds /chiari association being

discoverd - I'd take just an eds diagnosis as a possible way that

the neck /base of the skull area could easy suffer to much

compression as a cause /and feel csf flow study ect . may be

warrented too ) .

First - cardiac irregularity . - It can be related to compression of

the brainstem- sleep disturbance with apnea from both central

and perifferal sources may be found as well - so both cardic and

sleep study testing should be considered .

Second - passing out or drop attacks . ( again cardiac can be

involved in this one too ) - In me predecompresion - standing up

from a couch or bed seated almost always led to seeing stars

/hearing the ocean roar in my head - while I wobbled and OFTEN

ploped back down - LOL ! -- what was serious though as my

tonsils decended lower following a blow to the head and

whiplash ---

was passing out on the lawn -- comming too and stagering

toward the house just to pass out again -- over and over -one day

-- I finally made it to the couch - slept for hours despite a

massive presure in my head falling asleap - till a friend arrived

and took me to er . -- there my chiari WAS taken seriously - they

kept me in a bed for a whole WEEK on monitoring - yikes !

the finally discharged me with referal to a neurosurgeon two

months later -- and ASAP /angel flights swouped me to the

experts soon there after --

But I had the third warning /red flag too -- Aspriation .

If we swollow wrong- ( and both eds and chiari can have

swollowing difficulties related ) -- we cough hard . My diaphram

is a part of what glitches from higher presure in my head -- and it

too heaves in muscle spasms over and over that wouldn't let me

breath -- says I turn blue !

So--cardiac irregulaity including tachcardia like you discribe -

and those palpitations /drops down to 50 as well -- are a

symptom we SHOULD seek our physicans full evaluation and

proable testing /interventions for -- it's NOT something to ignore -

live with -- and you need to bring these email messages -

stammer and hand em over asking the doctor help .

It's fine /normal to feel shy /asking for help with the doctors -

somehow many of us become fumbled tounged - me included .

Having your peer's suport /urgings to get passed the

brain/mouth /fummbles is a GOOD way to approach it =tehehe .

By the way -- while this isn't an article to cite -- I sure do take a

LONG time to explain my first thoughts huh -- someone needs to

teach me better editing - LOL . -Hugs gal -feel better soon - and

stay in resting mode till you see the doctor too please !

in Paradise

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Guest guest

> I have my annual check-up with my cardiologist on Monday, but


> will be my first appointment with him since my EDS diagnosis.


> printed the article on " EDS and the Heart " from the UK's EDS


> site, but I was wondering if anyone knew of any other articles I

> should print out for him. If you know of any, please post the link

> or email them directly to me at gimpygal(at)hotmail.com

(Please note

> that this is a different email address than the one I use for this

> group... I have trouble opening attachemnts with my yahoo


> sometimes). Thanks!!!!



-- as a chiari advocate /peer and retired nurse that the

ASAP neurosurgeons kindly nurtured along in learning in debth

since they knew I particpate in the wacma and asap suport

groups endevoring to be of help to folks learning the impacts of

acm /sm ect . The've spent hours - until the WEEE hours some

years - LOL -- answering questions and debating FINE points

too - tehehe . They awarded me the national volunteer of the year

two years back now - telling me I'm an awsome mostly accurate

advocate . So you can print this to show the doctor too - not to

brag - I think I've got this right .

At asap were told there are three warning signs /red flags we

should take seriously -and ask our doctors to do so too

immediatly . They should be " worked up " - and mannagment

stragegy's taken . ( With the recent eds /chiari association being

discoverd - I'd take just an eds diagnosis as a possible way that

the neck /base of the skull area could easy suffer to much

compression as a cause /and feel csf flow study ect . may be

warrented too ) .

First - cardiac irregularity . - It can be related to compression of

the brainstem- sleep disturbance with apnea from both central

and perifferal sources may be found as well - so both cardic and

sleep study testing should be considered .

Second - passing out or drop attacks . ( again cardiac can be

involved in this one too ) - In me predecompresion - standing up

from a couch or bed seated almost always led to seeing stars

/hearing the ocean roar in my head - while I wobbled and OFTEN

ploped back down - LOL ! -- what was serious though as my

tonsils decended lower following a blow to the head and

whiplash ---

was passing out on the lawn -- comming too and stagering

toward the house just to pass out again -- over and over -one day

-- I finally made it to the couch - slept for hours despite a

massive presure in my head falling asleap - till a friend arrived

and took me to er . -- there my chiari WAS taken seriously - they

kept me in a bed for a whole WEEK on monitoring - yikes !

the finally discharged me with referal to a neurosurgeon two

months later -- and ASAP /angel flights swouped me to the

experts soon there after --

But I had the third warning /red flag too -- Aspriation .

If we swollow wrong- ( and both eds and chiari can have

swollowing difficulties related ) -- we cough hard . My diaphram

is a part of what glitches from higher presure in my head -- and it

too heaves in muscle spasms over and over that wouldn't let me

breath -- says I turn blue !

So--cardiac irregulaity including tachcardia like you discribe -

and those palpitations /drops down to 50 as well -- are a

symptom we SHOULD seek our physicans full evaluation and

proable testing /interventions for -- it's NOT something to ignore -

live with -- and you need to bring these email messages -

stammer and hand em over asking the doctor help .

It's fine /normal to feel shy /asking for help with the doctors -

somehow many of us become fumbled tounged - me included .

Having your peer's suport /urgings to get passed the

brain/mouth /fummbles is a GOOD way to approach it =tehehe .

By the way -- while this isn't an article to cite -- I sure do take a

LONG time to explain my first thoughts huh -- someone needs to

teach me better editing - LOL . -Hugs gal -feel better soon - and

stay in resting mode till you see the doctor too please !

in Paradise

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> ,


> I have different articles for you and have forwarded them to you


> I hope they help you. They are attachments, there is no other way

to send

> them...


> Jill

Sorry to butt in, would it be possible for you to send those

articles to me as well please?

Many Thanks,

Estelle xx


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