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P A R T Y - party. So Cal EDSers Party!

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Hi everyone~~

I have been off list as you might have noticed.

Been knee deep in planting pretty bunches of annual flowers in the garden,

stuffing any and all " junk " in the empty closets,

scrubbing the bathroom tiles with a toothbrush...

In other words....

Working my itty bitty Hypermobile fingers to the bone getting ready for

Sunday's festivities.


Boy I am getting very excited about this Sunday's event...

I just realized that this is a party for people who do not know each other!

So for the shy one's out there (me included!) we are all in the same boat.


Here is a FINAL plea for RSVP...

I have only a few that have " officially " RSVP'ed

to me although I know there are more who had mentioned they are coming.

I am trying to get a real head count so I can get

the appropriate amount of veggie & turkey & meat burgers,

buns, chips, green salad, mac salad (mom's recipe), sodas and ...

PARTY FAVORS (I love party favors!)

Even if it is a small group.... Small is a GREAT start but I don't want to

over purchase food that will go to waste.

If you have not " officially " responded, please just drop me a note, here on

list or personally is probably better.




I will need to know from you...

1) How many in your party will be coming with you

2) A contact phone number so I can reach you if there is an emergency the

MORNING of the party.

Also, I need to give you my number in case you get lost

I am calling it the " First Annual So. California EDSers Get-together "

My dad said ... " So you are planning on having one of these each year? "

I told him " Yep, I hope so! "

He just looked at me and rolled his eyes...

I think he was seeing into the future to another of these

" get the yard in shape marathons " !

He is 73 years old but you would never know it...

Sometimes I even forget and I think I have

pooped my mom and dad out completely!


Thanks for your RSVP by this Friday noon.


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