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RE: Re: muscles

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Many, many thanks, buddy. I'm going to print this one out so I can get some

very simple routine in place (more than simple and I won't do it...). In some

ways it feels as though my hip/leg are back to " normal. " But I know this isn't

the case because of the pain I get when I thoughtlessly pull on those muscles.

I really would love to just walk without hesitation -- without thought -- i.e.,

without any pain. I know I have to be intentional about these stretches.

Again, thanks very much. Joyce (Dr Gross, LHR, 2/2/04)

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well this is a very good topic

thanks for bringing it up.

wondering about others sensation correcting old patterns of

muscle firing when protecting our prior bad hips.

I am 6 wks post op. I have the hardest time not firing all my hip flexor

muscles when i raise my leg up.

My PT says they are all firing which is preventing ease of lifting.

separating only the lifter in the group is very difficult.

i am practicing but wondering if others have success with other method

too. i.e. accupunture, massage, etc.


dm_griggzy wrote:

> Joyce,


> Surfacehippies have had success with a variety of therapies and

> it's my opinion that there's not just one single exercise,

> stretch or therapy that will magically restore your strength and

> range of motion; you'll need a routine combining several

> stretches and exercises. I used (and still use) several fitness

> devices and regimens but the top two general things that worked best

> in my rehab were (1) weight resistance exercises that specifically

> isolate and work the affected muscles, (2) stretching of the

> hamstrings, abductors, hip flexors, and lower back.


> Here's a beginner level routine for the common post-op weakness

> in the upper hamstring-buttocks-abductor muscles (I think it's a

> standard post-op condition): Weight resistance can be achieved with

> several devices. If you don't have access to a gym, try a rubber

> exercise band tied around your ankle and secure the other end to an

> immovable object (anchor point) at about the same height as you

> ankle. Face the anchor point and gently move your leg straight back,

> then 90 degrees up to work your hamstrings and buttocks. Face

> sideways with your good leg towards the anchor point and move you leg

> out to work the abductors. Do three sets of 12-20 repetitions,

> taking a count of 3 to complete the stretch movement and hold the

> stretch for a count of one. There's plenty more you can do, but

> this is a good start for a beginner.


> Stretching ? keep it gentle - there should be no real pain, only

> a reasonably tug or pulling sensation. Hold all stretches for at

> least one minute and preferably more. If it's too painful to

> hold them this long, work up to up it gradually. Hamstrings - Keep

> your hips and shoulders square to your leg and keep your back

> straight when titling your upper body toward your toe; don't round

> forward. Point your foot (toes) down for the first half of the

> stretch, then flex it up for the second half. Beauty Queen stretch

> (for the abductors) - Lie on the floor, face up. Keeping one leg

> straight, bend the other leg 90 degrees and cross it over your

> straight leg, gently pulling/holding it with your opposite hand.

> Don't let the back of your shoulders rise off the floor. This is

> my most difficult stretch and is similar to what you attempted in the

> sitting motion. You need to gradually work at it over time and it

> will eventually pay off. It took me the better part of a year to

> return and significant range of motion to my first resurfaced hip, so

> stay patient and be consistent in stretching. Hip flexors ? put

> the knee of your operated leg on the floor and extend the other foot

> flat on the floor a few feet in front. Bend the forward leg 90

> degrees, bend forward and gently push your groin toward the floor.

> You should feel the stretch in the front of your hip and quadriceps.


> Compensating for pain puts a mighty strain on parts of our bodies

> that aren't designed to do that kind of work, while at the same

> time, the injured areas atrophy to near uselessness. So rehab has as

> much to do with recovering from the misuse of our muscular-skeletal

> system as from the actual surgery. Your body will tell you the next

> day if you've overdone it. There's a difference between a

> healthy soreness that goes away in a day or two and pain that

> typically lasts a minimum of several days indicating an injury. When

> I get the type of muscle twitching you're experiencing, it's

> not necessarily a bad indicator, especially if it goes away in a

> couple of days.


> I've tried many therapies for various athletic injuries,

> including gym based weight machines and cardiovascular training,

> stretching, yoga (Birkram), isometrics, chiropractic care, inversion

> therapy, pilates, walking, water exercises, wobble boards, ski

> machines (skier's edge and Nordic track), slide boards,

> acupuncture, exercise ball, exercise bands, martial arts (Okinawan

> Karate), cycling, and several others that I'm overlooking. My

> garage could be mistaken for a gym with all the rehab devices and

> exercise equipment I've accumulated. You find devotees of each

> of the above and they all have merit. I plan to stay active and will

> use inversion therapy and an occasional visit to a good chiropractor

> for the rest of my life.


> If you don't make steady progress, you may need the help of a

> physical therapist and/or personal trainer with experience treating

> your condition. Stay positive and best of luck.


> Dave



> > Hi, folks. My hip joint is fine and I have no pain there. My

> problem

> > is the muscles that were so messed up while I was limping around

> with

> > the pain of OA. They've tightened up to such a place that when I

> walk

> > any distance at all, they go into spasms (I guess). They feel tight

> > and like they're getting " smaller " with each step. One exercise

> that

> > someone suggested to stretch those muscles is the " cross-over "

> where,

> > while sitting, you put the ankle on the opposite knee and, while

> > keeping a straight back, lean forward. No problem doing that with

> my

> > non-op leg. But the left leg?? I can almost get my left ankle up to

> > my right knee -- but not quite. My question is: what are you all

> > doing to stretch those muscles? What is too much to do? What

> exactly

> > is the danger of " over doing " things? I'm 3 months post-op and can

> do

> > stairs with no problem. It's just straight on walking that ties up

> > those left leg/hip muscles. Any suggestions? Thanks, Joyce (Dr

> > Gross, LHR, 2/2/04)




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My muscles hadn't moved for 35 years when I got my Resurface.......... they

went nuts as soon as I put any pressure on them to start doing what they

were given to me to do........... much of that jumping, twitching

etc.......... I found having a massage regularly for the first few months

absolutely essential to getting them calmed.......... and still have one

every 3 weeks........... even though they are not begging me now like they

did at first..........it still helps...........

I am a great fan of acupuncture but didn't find it helped the muscles a lot

at the first.......

Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02

> well this is a very good topic

> thanks for bringing it up.

> wondering about others sensation correcting old patterns of

> muscle firing when protecting our prior bad hips.

> I am 6 wks post op. I have the hardest time not firing all my hip flexor

> muscles when i raise my leg up.

> My PT says they are all firing which is preventing ease of lifting.

> separating only the lifter in the group is very difficult.

> i am practicing but wondering if others have success with other method

> too. i.e. accupunture, massage, etc.

> tthanks


> dm_griggzy wrote:



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Thanks for the tips -- I need them. I just got back from the chiropractor (that

really helps the situation). I bought a pack of 3 SERIOUS rubber bands to be

used to strengthen hip/leg muscles. Has this nifty chart of drawings so that I

can see what to do. Now, I tell myself: Discipline! You all, I admit that

there's a huge part of me that just wants my body back so I can go on mindlessly

mis-using it the way I did when I was young, strong, and invincible. Joyce (Dr

Gross, LHR, 2/2/04)

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