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Re: My SSI

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My SSI went thru but have to wait 2 to 3 more months before anything starts -

he ( my lawyer ) thinks- he said - anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 to 3 months but ,

I got a letter today saying

Fully Favorable-

Doing the Conga - rats for you TJ!!!! What a relief!!! But some $$ is better

than no $$!!

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Yes it is, seems like quite a bit to me - plus I can - if I can find enuf jobs -

making graphics and websites etc- make up to 800 per month without it disturbing

those funds. So not bad at all-.... and beings you are the only one who even

acknowledged that I exist...... if you want to know the rotten parts that can

happen because EDS and VEDS are NOT enough to get SSI in Michigan- I'll tell ya

via personal e-mail.

Hugs- TJ


My SSI went thru but have to wait 2 to 3 more months before anything starts

- he ( my lawyer ) thinks- he said - anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 to 3 months but

, I got a letter today saying

Fully Favorable-

Doing the Conga - rats for you TJ!!!! What a relief!!! But some $$ is better

than no $$!!

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Guest guest

Yes it is, seems like quite a bit to me - plus I can - if I can find enuf jobs -

making graphics and websites etc- make up to 800 per month without it disturbing

those funds. So not bad at all-.... and beings you are the only one who even

acknowledged that I exist...... if you want to know the rotten parts that can

happen because EDS and VEDS are NOT enough to get SSI in Michigan- I'll tell ya

via personal e-mail.

Hugs- TJ


My SSI went thru but have to wait 2 to 3 more months before anything starts

- he ( my lawyer ) thinks- he said - anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 to 3 months but

, I got a letter today saying

Fully Favorable-

Doing the Conga - rats for you TJ!!!! What a relief!!! But some $$ is better

than no $$!!

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Congrats! That must be a great feeling! I am sure any little bit

you can get will help. Don't spend it all in one place through.

Hopefully the money starts coming quickly to help you out.

Congrats again!

Take care.


> My SSI went thru but have to wait 2 to 3 more months before

anything starts - he ( my lawyer ) thinks- he said - anywhere from 2

weeks to 2 to 3 months but , I got a letter today saying

> Fully Favorable-

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U dont have the whole story right- in 92 he abandoned me and 3 sons- I took

him back when he called 3 weeks later and said he had seen the light because

Biblically I thought it was the right thing to do and that it was for the best

for the kids to have their dad here- in 97 we lost our 12 yr old to aneurysm on

kidney- i filed suit, ken didnt want nuthin to do with it, i was in college

taking legal assisting classes so i took it over- and became conservator but

when it came close for time for the settlement to come in, my husband said if

the boys that are alive get more than 20 thous each he was filing so i said bye-

he filed- got a crooked evil lawyer- and even though the boys lived here with me

all their lives we were in middle of remodeling and it was not safe but ken

lived in it too but he used that against me in court - i had an idiot nice

lawyer- who did not fill out a paper that i told him he should- the one that

decides the custodial environment- he said he didnt need to becuz the boys were

left here with me so their custodial environment was established....... ken is

evil and never wanted the boys- he said that all his life but due to the money

our dead son brought , then he had all kinds of interest....... he fought to be

come conservator he didnt want them having what i got them, i did win that

whoopie what good is it?????????????????????????????????????? he got the

kids............... came running home yes- and Dakota may some day too but

during this 2 yr battle ive been in and out of wheelchairs , in so much pain

while ken is parading with women and etc etc- and he won ??????????????????????

because he has a crooked evil lawyer- and how can they make a mother who stayed

home with her kids pay 110 a week to their dad WHO NEVER WATCHED THE KIDS who

never changed a diaper- beyond me but that is how it went................... he

has seen me in this shape he has seen me in severe pain and left me like


he has not fought to get john back most likely cuz he's afraid of the

kid------- but now all the sudden the SSI is coming thru and ken is married fast

to a gal get this i found out tonight ISSA NURSEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and guess where


TOOOOOOOOOOO, now what do i do......................... saginaw hospitals is

where we went all our lives, u tell me he is not up to something......... the

hearing on june 4 , the dang paper stating i owe arrears when they were dropped-

the paper saying if i dont pay i can go to jail and the ssi back payment all at

one time this is happenning, is she working thered so if next time i go in she

can secretly pull the life plug whatttttttttt whatttttttttt whatttttttttttt why

cant he just leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll give him the money - i do not careeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I'll give him all money i have if he just leaves meeeeeeeeee


he knows stressis a major factor of this, he took her to apply at bay med why

didnt he take her to saginaw huh ............... so she can poke - prod thru my

info at bay med? what is going on here- i wish i were never born I WISH I WERE



as for character and all that I did go thru all that and it got me nowhere

nowhere nowhere becuz his evil biased lawyer has the big wig reputation here in

tuscola county and the judges etc are all for him, i have no chance- ive been

thru this horror for over 2 yrs- i have tried all i can do even getting a better

lawyerrrrrrrrrrrrr but there is no way out of this hell, none........ he wants

me dead, he wants me stressed so i die so he will be in control of the boys

money- im not dumb , thats all it is................

now now only do i have to find a new hospital, or just go to the one that

kills everyone- i also have to make sure that this blonde is never AROUND

ME.......... like thats gonna be real comfy having to spend time in the hospital

knowing his wifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee is there...................

ive fought for nothingl i have fought long enuf- ive done nothing wrong ever

to begin with , he did , and even though he has slapped me to the floor- he has

abandoned his family etc the courts said, that was ONLY ONCEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. AND


we were remodelingggggggggggg

was given to us as a gift a wedding givt

we had to fix it up

it was 800 sq ft for yrsssssssssssss with 5 ppl in it

3 yrs before he left he began adding on- now 2300 sq ft

and he left me a shell to fix

i didnt want to use my part of my sons money - which he knew

i intended on splitting my part btwn the boyss and add it to the rest they


thatssssssssssssss why he lefttttttttttttttttt the courts wont listen

his friggen family wont listen and they -------- his family------------ all

knowwwwwwwwwww the truth they do they do they dooooooooooooooooooo and they are

siding with him and i never did anything except give my all to all of these

fools for free------------- i fixed their puters- for freeeeeeeeeeee they

offered to pay i said oh no- i cant take your moneyyyyyyyyyyy

I had plenty of people speak up for me- i worked at the school i volunteered

there most every dang day- but the schools are zipp lipped they cant get

involved and if they do they stick up for ken , why?????? i do not know- he

never had anything to do with the school system until the year he won the kids,

his very first time of doing anything up there he told the courts its because I

NEVER LET HIM DO THIS BEFORE whattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt............


I cant hang tough- im tired- ive been thru hell with this idiot -----------

and he wont ever stop till im hanging but not hanging tough just



Don't ever waive your rights to your EX. Get another lawyer and fight this

all the way to Kingdom come. He does not have any right to your SSI! How did

he find out about it? Never, Never give up what belongs to you! I understand

you hurt, me too. But keep fighting. Get friends, neighbors, family to write

character witnesses of your life if appropriate and notarize them. You are

not an idiot, he suckered his way back into your life with empty promises

always with $$ signs in his eyes! I'm here, hang tough my friend!

Hugs, S.

Re: My SSI



> TJ,


> Congrats! That must be a great feeling! I am sure any little bit

> you can get will help. Don't spend it all in one place through.

> Hopefully the money starts coming quickly to help you out.


> Congrats again!


> Take care.

> Jen



> > My SSI went thru but have to wait 2 to 3 more months before

> anything starts - he ( my lawyer ) thinks- he said - anywhere from 2

> weeks to 2 to 3 months but , I got a letter today saying

> > Fully Favorable-





> To learn more about EDS, visit our website: http://www.ehlersdanlos.ca




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U dont have the whole story right- in 92 he abandoned me and 3 sons- I took

him back when he called 3 weeks later and said he had seen the light because

Biblically I thought it was the right thing to do and that it was for the best

for the kids to have their dad here- in 97 we lost our 12 yr old to aneurysm on

kidney- i filed suit, ken didnt want nuthin to do with it, i was in college

taking legal assisting classes so i took it over- and became conservator but

when it came close for time for the settlement to come in, my husband said if

the boys that are alive get more than 20 thous each he was filing so i said bye-

he filed- got a crooked evil lawyer- and even though the boys lived here with me

all their lives we were in middle of remodeling and it was not safe but ken

lived in it too but he used that against me in court - i had an idiot nice

lawyer- who did not fill out a paper that i told him he should- the one that

decides the custodial environment- he said he didnt need to becuz the boys were

left here with me so their custodial environment was established....... ken is

evil and never wanted the boys- he said that all his life but due to the money

our dead son brought , then he had all kinds of interest....... he fought to be

come conservator he didnt want them having what i got them, i did win that

whoopie what good is it?????????????????????????????????????? he got the

kids............... came running home yes- and Dakota may some day too but

during this 2 yr battle ive been in and out of wheelchairs , in so much pain

while ken is parading with women and etc etc- and he won ??????????????????????

because he has a crooked evil lawyer- and how can they make a mother who stayed

home with her kids pay 110 a week to their dad WHO NEVER WATCHED THE KIDS who

never changed a diaper- beyond me but that is how it went................... he

has seen me in this shape he has seen me in severe pain and left me like


he has not fought to get john back most likely cuz he's afraid of the

kid------- but now all the sudden the SSI is coming thru and ken is married fast

to a gal get this i found out tonight ISSA NURSEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and guess where


TOOOOOOOOOOO, now what do i do......................... saginaw hospitals is

where we went all our lives, u tell me he is not up to something......... the

hearing on june 4 , the dang paper stating i owe arrears when they were dropped-

the paper saying if i dont pay i can go to jail and the ssi back payment all at

one time this is happenning, is she working thered so if next time i go in she

can secretly pull the life plug whatttttttttt whatttttttttt whatttttttttttt why

cant he just leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll give him the money - i do not careeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I'll give him all money i have if he just leaves meeeeeeeeee


he knows stressis a major factor of this, he took her to apply at bay med why

didnt he take her to saginaw huh ............... so she can poke - prod thru my

info at bay med? what is going on here- i wish i were never born I WISH I WERE



as for character and all that I did go thru all that and it got me nowhere

nowhere nowhere becuz his evil biased lawyer has the big wig reputation here in

tuscola county and the judges etc are all for him, i have no chance- ive been

thru this horror for over 2 yrs- i have tried all i can do even getting a better

lawyerrrrrrrrrrrrr but there is no way out of this hell, none........ he wants

me dead, he wants me stressed so i die so he will be in control of the boys

money- im not dumb , thats all it is................

now now only do i have to find a new hospital, or just go to the one that

kills everyone- i also have to make sure that this blonde is never AROUND

ME.......... like thats gonna be real comfy having to spend time in the hospital

knowing his wifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee is there...................

ive fought for nothingl i have fought long enuf- ive done nothing wrong ever

to begin with , he did , and even though he has slapped me to the floor- he has

abandoned his family etc the courts said, that was ONLY ONCEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. AND


we were remodelingggggggggggg

was given to us as a gift a wedding givt

we had to fix it up

it was 800 sq ft for yrsssssssssssss with 5 ppl in it

3 yrs before he left he began adding on- now 2300 sq ft

and he left me a shell to fix

i didnt want to use my part of my sons money - which he knew

i intended on splitting my part btwn the boyss and add it to the rest they


thatssssssssssssss why he lefttttttttttttttttt the courts wont listen

his friggen family wont listen and they -------- his family------------ all

knowwwwwwwwwww the truth they do they do they dooooooooooooooooooo and they are

siding with him and i never did anything except give my all to all of these

fools for free------------- i fixed their puters- for freeeeeeeeeeee they

offered to pay i said oh no- i cant take your moneyyyyyyyyyyy

I had plenty of people speak up for me- i worked at the school i volunteered

there most every dang day- but the schools are zipp lipped they cant get

involved and if they do they stick up for ken , why?????? i do not know- he

never had anything to do with the school system until the year he won the kids,

his very first time of doing anything up there he told the courts its because I

NEVER LET HIM DO THIS BEFORE whattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt............


I cant hang tough- im tired- ive been thru hell with this idiot -----------

and he wont ever stop till im hanging but not hanging tough just



Don't ever waive your rights to your EX. Get another lawyer and fight this

all the way to Kingdom come. He does not have any right to your SSI! How did

he find out about it? Never, Never give up what belongs to you! I understand

you hurt, me too. But keep fighting. Get friends, neighbors, family to write

character witnesses of your life if appropriate and notarize them. You are

not an idiot, he suckered his way back into your life with empty promises

always with $$ signs in his eyes! I'm here, hang tough my friend!

Hugs, S.

Re: My SSI



> TJ,


> Congrats! That must be a great feeling! I am sure any little bit

> you can get will help. Don't spend it all in one place through.

> Hopefully the money starts coming quickly to help you out.


> Congrats again!


> Take care.

> Jen



> > My SSI went thru but have to wait 2 to 3 more months before

> anything starts - he ( my lawyer ) thinks- he said - anywhere from 2

> weeks to 2 to 3 months but , I got a letter today saying

> > Fully Favorable-





> To learn more about EDS, visit our website: http://www.ehlersdanlos.ca




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