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Free flights are REAL- file info ( getting to NIH )

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Greetings all

I posted to files yesterday ? or the day before ( ah my memory )

on org/s who provide assistance with free flights to medical

appointments .

I don't want to retype info over and over -- but DO want to assure

you all that this is VERY real and possible to arrange easily for

most folks low - to moderate income /stressed by medical

needs impacts .

I'm AMONG THOSE who've gotten both many flights within 1000

miles through Angel Flights ( to and from chiari related appt;s -

including home from the surgery ) then followup appts - AND

later to go and help post op /with care someone needed too !

I've personally also been helped by the US national patient travel

hotline folks --- the QUICKLY arranged flights from CA to NY

when I needed a different neurosurgical consultation just this

last May -- ONE phone call and they made the arragment's for

flights . ( http://PatientTravel.org )

They DO help arrange flights for study's at NIH -- ( one tip is

explain a bit about how serious the condition is and that be

getting to the study - YOU " LL get better guidance for your local

physicians in treating a RARE condition ) ---

But please DO go ahead and contact them -- don't take out loans

for a ticket -- nor hesitate to apply over concerns arranging flights

for either very low costs / or more often free -- they are there

WANTING to help folks in our position GET to the more distant

specialists appt/s and study's - care !

I wrote more info - tips ect based on my experience both

arranging flights myself ---and on my experience /work efforts as

VP of Wishes and Rainbows in the US info file I sent -- I've

helped quite a LOT of times now when someone BOGS down

-and I don't mind doing this , you can feel free to write me

dirrectly off this discusion list if you've got Q;s or run into

problems -- but it IS very real that the flights are available free --

and I'd hate to see someone pass up the opertunity to GO there

to the study over freting how they can afford the flights !

Family's within a 1000 miles can ALL fly together on Angel

Flights too if there are multiple family members going to be

tested -- a few of the plane owners have larger planes that can

seat 4 or 5 folks in one flight . - A request goes up to the member

pilots that EXPlAINS that one of the bigger planes is needed -

OR they will request TWO planes if two parents are flying and

YOU agree you don't mind being split into two planes for the trip -

( it may increase the odds of finding pilots quickly to do this ) --

but either way they WILL work to get everyone there .

The Canadian org I posted info on -- is also very real - One

member here wrote me dirrectly saying she'd already gotten

confirmation they'd help calling /without the actual appt date

confirmed yet . --

This is real -- the only barrier to recieving free flights assistance

for a study like this one through Dr F / NIH is ASKING !

I know folks may miss a day or two of posts -- and I'm a bit

limmited in how much I can be on the computer currently-- so

you all are welcome to repost info from what I've sent too if you

see this " topic " come up repeatedly . Please just steer those

who've missed the posts I've sent to the file's on the left

---anyone needing ASSISTance with how to arrange the flights /

OR who bogs down in an application process / is welcome to

write to me dirrectly at InParadise@sbcglobal too-- I don't

mind at all trying to help . I've seen folks get flights for six years

now as a chiari /sm advocate - and gotten them myself too --it IS

real / free and not difficult to arrange !

I'll add that both pilots AND the main office staff of Angel Flights

have told me REPEATEDLY they WISH more folks would ask

--they've got MORE pilots wishing MORE folks would ask than

they have demand /need for in patients !! They've urged me to

share the news they are there waiting for requests -- the pilots

are GLAD to offer this service instead of just flying for the fun of it

--they can afford to provide it ( they get good tax write off's ect )

your NOT taking a flight away from someone who " needs it more

" at ALL in asking !

in Paradise

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