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Re: Bone Density Scan Appointment Next Week

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Good luck with both tests. Also, I am impressed that you were able

to get approval for the bone scan. My mom had to jump through hoops

with her doctor when she wanted to get one in her late 50's because

her mom (my grandma) has HORRIBLE osteoporosis! So, I think it is

wonderful that you are able to get one, since if I remember correctly

you are in your early 30's. Way to go, and again, good luck!

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Hope all turns out well Barb- I had one of those a few years ago- easiest

test I ever had, except getting up and off the table...... LOL......

I am going in for my first bone density scan on May 20.

I am also awaiting the results on my thyroid hormone levels. My blood

pressure and weight are way up, so hopefully both will be explained by the test

results when they come back next week.


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> Good luck with both tests. Also, I am impressed that you were able

> to get approval for the bone scan. My mom had to jump through hoops

> with her doctor when she wanted to get one in her late 50's because

> her mom (my grandma) has HORRIBLE osteoporosis! So, I think it is

> wonderful that you are able to get one, since if I remember correctly

> you are in your early 30's. Way to go, and again, good luck!

I am 32 - will be 33 in September. I went to the doc to talk to him about

two things - a bone scan and a recheck of the thyroid hormones. I made sure

to get the first appointment of the day because the doc hasn't had time to

get behind schedule so he has more time for me. I told him first about the

thyroid issues because that was more important to me. I explained that I

was experiencing symptoms of weight gain and was losing my hair again. He

agreed it was a good idea to retest.

Then as he was jotting the orders down, I told him I also wanted a bone

density scan because of the EDS. I explained to him that there were two

studies done on EDS and osteoporosis. The first study showed a link between

EDS and osteoporosis. The second study said that when you adjust for

factors of weight, exercise, and smoking that EDSers aren't at a higher

risk, but it was my belief that people with EDS tend to be more sedentary

and therefore have higher risk factors from lifestyle issues as a result of

living with EDS. I further explained that I knew of people with EDS who

were my age and younger who had osteoporosis. He wrote up the orders in a

jiffy and I was on my merry little way.

When I was researching my paper on doctor-patient communication, one of the

articles I read described three types of doctors.

1) Paternal - The doctor dictates everything and the patient has no control.

2) Consumer - The patient tells the doctor what's wrong and does research on

treatments. The doc just orders the tests or treatments as directed by the


3) Mututal - A true partnership with a lot of communication.

Ideally, for EDS you want a Mutual doctor, but in my case I tend to go for

the Consumer doctor because I find they need to rely on my knowledge of EDS

to know what to do.


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All the best Barb! I hope the tests explain some of the problems and

point to potentional solutions or management posibilities. The bone

scan is a breeze! No loud noises, a table with a thick sponge, no

injections and depending on where its done and what their policy is

you may even get the results and what they mean right away! I think

bone scans are very important tests for women, **especially** those

who aren't able to be very active. I had my first bone scan at the

age of 19 just this past February and it showed -1.8 ostepenia. I

should be building bone mass, not loosing it so that was a major

concern but I'm so glad I pushed for a scan, got it done, and now

this is being managed. Next year I'll know how effectively its been

handled and whether I need to take drugs for it

I hope it goes well Barb! Hang in there and I hope they get your

blood pressure under control :-(



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Good luck, Barb.

I've had a bone density - piece of cake (except maybe getting on and off the

table). I hope things turn out good for you.


Bone Density Scan Appointment Next Week

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Hi Rhea,

> All the best Barb! I hope the tests explain some of the problems and

> point to potentional solutions or management posibilities. The bone

Thanks. I actually am not experiencing any current problems, but I want the

test done as a baseline so I know where I stand now and can make any

lifestyle adjustments necessary to prevent any problems in the future. With

my added weight from the thyroid problems, lack of exercise in recent years,

having had a sterilization surgery, and having EDS, I want to make sure that

I don't add osteoporosis to the mix later in life.

> I hope it goes well Barb! Hang in there and I hope they get your

> blood pressure under control :-(

Well, they aren't doing anything medically for the blood pressure. I think

it is related to the thyroid treatment. I had chronic LOW bp for 17 years

and once I went on Levoxyl, my bp came up and is now high. My cholesterol

also skyrocketed this year too, which really annoys me. I can deal with the

EDS, but this other medical stuff is really aggravating!


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The bone density test is a piece of cake, 15-25- minutes. The DEXA scan is

the best for accurate and full assessment evaluations. But the medication

choices for treatment can be hard on ones body. Been there, done that! But

each persons response to medication is different, so I don't want to bias

you. Good Luck and Best Wishes!


PS, Did they check your Thyroid Hormones?

Bone Density Scan Appointment Next Week

> I am going in for my first bone density scan on May 20.


> I am also awaiting the results on my thyroid hormone levels. My blood

pressure and weight are way up, so hopefully both will be explained by the

test results when they come back next week.


> -Barb



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