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hippy food/jri

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Yo, hippy kids...

This is a delicate entry, so let me set it up properly. The one

complaint I hear and read most commonly from folks who's been

resurfed in LA is that the hospital food is dreadful. But I think I

also recall that they allow family to bring food in. Is there a

place, then, for such family-provided food to be cooked or warmed?

The reason I ask (and the delicate part): From your experience,

would there be a use for the services of a personal chef who would

prepare meals to specification (even for special medical

requirements)? The food would be prepared off-premises, then brought

in for heating prior to service, as I understand. A friend of mine

has a son who's professionally trained, and provides personal chef

services. He lives in San Obispo, but his family lives in Long

Beach, and he goes to LB regularly...to lay in meals for his Mom

(who's got a very demanding position)...and his grandmother, who has

Alzheimer's and other special medical dietary needs.

If there is interest, let me know here...and I can provide his web

address in non-posted personal e-mail ( " personal e-mail! " : is that an

oxymoron?). I was talking to his mom today, and the idea flashed on

me while we were talking that LA hippies may have some use of his

services. But this is not about advertising, or selling...and I've

not even told him I was going to post this. I will send him a note

today, so nobody is surprised. And if nobody is interested, trust

me, I'll never mention it again..

Hobble on Hippies...


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Hi Alan,

I think that Chuck, or LAOH themselves would be the ones to ask

about your plan. LAOH seems like a " bare bones " kind of set up, at

least it seemed that way to me. Not the most modern place.

And regarding your insurance nightmare. If there is no way that

you'll be reimbursed if you choose JRI, but there is some chance of

reimbursement from DeSmet, and you are equally confident in both

DR.'s, and the costs are similar (in case you don't get reimbursed),

than Belgium looks like the best choice. At least you have a shot at

getting some $ back. I was concerned with the DVT issue in Belgium

during my research, and I'll be darned if I could find any evidence

that there is great cause for concern. Thin your blood, wear your

sexy TEDS, and you should be fine. The flight had me worried too,

but I assure you, the drive home through LA and Orange county

traffic was probably more dangerous. And I think I found a passage

in your insurance by-laws that states that " evidence of arthritis

shall be recognized as smoke exiting from the patients ass as a

result of bone on bone frictional heat " . That's proabably why they

won't accept you as a candidate.

C+ 4-15-04

P.S. I would suggest flesh eating ants to Steve's proposed

C4/flamethrower plan.

> Yo, hippy kids...


> This is a delicate entry, so let me set it up properly. The one

> complaint I hear and read most commonly from folks who's been

> resurfed in LA is that the hospital food is dreadful. But I think


> also recall that they allow family to bring food in. Is there a

> place, then, for such family-provided food to be cooked or



> The reason I ask (and the delicate part): From your experience,

> would there be a use for the services of a personal chef who would

> prepare meals to specification (even for special medical

> requirements)? The food would be prepared off-premises, then


> in for heating prior to service, as I understand. A friend of


> has a son who's professionally trained, and provides personal chef

> services. He lives in San Obispo, but his family lives in


> Beach, and he goes to LB regularly...to lay in meals for his Mom

> (who's got a very demanding position)...and his grandmother, who


> Alzheimer's and other special medical dietary needs.


> If there is interest, let me know here...and I can provide his web

> address in non-posted personal e-mail ( " personal e-mail! " : is that


> oxymoron?). I was talking to his mom today, and the idea flashed


> me while we were talking that LA hippies may have some use of his

> services. But this is not about advertising, or selling...and


> not even told him I was going to post this. I will send him a


> today, so nobody is surprised. And if nobody is interested, trust

> me, I'll never mention it again..


> Hobble on Hippies...

> Alan

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Yo Chris...

I was, at this early stage, just curious as to whether there might be

enough interest even to talk to Chuck about the idea. I was sure

that, early on, I'd read that LAOH allowed families to provide food.

But it's been a long time since the issue came up.

Still waiting on the CIGNoids to provide me answer about where my

next stop will be.

Okay, flesh eating ants are thorough...and appropriately slow... but

I'm getting increasingly enamoured of the idea that I might get some

real BANG for my insurance...with a quick clean-up. That C4 and a

flamethrower plan has a lot of appeal.

All the best,


> > Yo, hippy kids...

> >

> > This is a delicate entry, so let me set it up properly. The one

> > complaint I hear and read most commonly from folks who's been

> > resurfed in LA is that the hospital food is dreadful. But I


> I

> > also recall that they allow family to bring food in. Is there a

> > place, then, for such family-provided food to be cooked or

> warmed?

> >

> > The reason I ask (and the delicate part): From your experience,

> > would there be a use for the services of a personal chef who


> > prepare meals to specification (even for special medical

> > requirements)? The food would be prepared off-premises, then

> brought

> > in for heating prior to service, as I understand. A friend of

> mine

> > has a son who's professionally trained, and provides personal


> > services. He lives in San Obispo, but his family lives in

> Long

> > Beach, and he goes to LB regularly...to lay in meals for his Mom

> > (who's got a very demanding position)...and his grandmother, who

> has

> > Alzheimer's and other special medical dietary needs.

> >

> > If there is interest, let me know here...and I can provide his


> > address in non-posted personal e-mail ( " personal e-mail! " : is


> an

> > oxymoron?). I was talking to his mom today, and the idea flashed

> on

> > me while we were talking that LA hippies may have some use of his

> > services. But this is not about advertising, or selling...and

> I've

> > not even told him I was going to post this. I will send him a

> note

> > today, so nobody is surprised. And if nobody is interested,


> > me, I'll never mention it again..

> >

> > Hobble on Hippies...

> > Alan

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OHhhhh myyyyyyyy gooosshh DID THIS CRACK ME UP!!!

Roche, you're HILARIOUS!!!!

In surfacehippy , " Roche " wrote:

Hi Alan, ......... I think I found a passage in your insurance by-

laws that states that " evidence of arthritis shall be recognized as

smoke exiting from the patients ass as a result of bone on bone

frictional heat " . That's proabably why they won't accept you as a


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