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I hate doctors!

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Stacey, you need to go see someone else about your wrist!!! I think we've

all been through this - I know how you feel, and so does most everyone here.

Don't you live in Canada Stacey?? Can Jill recommend someone for you to

see??? I'm copying her just in case. You MUST NOT give up, Stacey. Call

me if you need me, OK?

Love Lana 0:-)

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Hi Lana

Thanks Lana and sorry for not being there when you messaged me. I

was upstairs at that point 'talking' to mom. I know in the end I

will give in and contact the clinic that I go to for my knee but

right now I just dont feel like I have the energy to get in all this

again. I just know that I am on a time limit with having knee

surgery in november to get something at least done to the wrist so I

can use crutches at that point. I will be online for a while more

and probably all day tomorrow.


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Stacey.... like Lana said most all of us have been there-and listened to the

'crap' some idiot docs can dish out because they don't know a thing about EDS. I

found most of the time when doctors come out with these asinine statements as

yours did, it's an attempt to cover up their lack of knowledge about EDS.

Today I saw my rheumatologist-whom I happen to be pleased with. He really does

care and wants to be of help.

But even he made a statement that I forced myself not to comment on -today

anyhow. When he said he was sending me to an orthopedic surgeon to evaluate

my knee that is in need of TKR and now has little to no stability left, I asked

only that I have a surgeon that would be willing to learn about some of the EDS

needs I have, and if need be willing to speak to other doctors who had cared for

those who have had it, so I can get the care I need. His comment was --- " we all

know about EDS " in a very quiet voice ----

My thought was " yes, you all may 'know' about EDS, BUT IT'S PRECIOUS LITTLE THAT


I wonder if he realized what he said after it popped out ? So even really good

doctors can come out with some doozies...But there's no excuse for the lack of


But the doctor you saw should be ignored totally, and another one found to

replace him.

It's hard to imagine a person saying that to someone. Geez

Take care, and I hope you find a really good doctor now.




Stacey wrote:

I went to get my wrist looked at again for the 3 week follow up for bracing and

doing physio and the OS was a moron!

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Thank you Cindy for your post. I know its amazing how little

doctors know about EDS. I mean my GP once told me so what you have

it, it doesnt cause pain. That doctor will definatly be ignored and

honestly I blame myself for giving him a second chance. He was the

OS who did the first knee surgery and in my opinion that is what has

led to the others having to be done. Like I said in the post to

Lana, I will end up looking for another OS for my wrist in a

reputible (wow I cant spell), respectful clinic.


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Stacey - so sad that you had to go through that today. Even though

it might be hard - remember it is he that has a problem and doesn't

get it. Sounds like your next step is to find a new doctor - Good

Luck in that, I know it can be hard. It seems to be a common

occurance that doctors don't believe us when we say we have pain.

There is a file on Chronic Pain in EDS somewhere on this site - and

there is volumes of stuff on chronic pain in fibro on the web - that

might be helpful when convincing your next doc about the pain.

> I went to get my wrist looked at again for the 3 week follow up for

> bracing and doing physio and the OS was a moron! He first asked me

> why I was there if I hadnt had any of the tests he ordered done.


> I told him the EMG wasnt until September 15th and his office hadnt

> called me for the MRI yet. So he told me that I will just have to

> take a few days off in september then to come down for the tests


> consultation appointments. Well I told him that I would not be


> to do this as I would be in school and am already going to be

> missing a few weeks in november for my knee surgery. At this point

> he says " What do you want me to do write your exams for you? " . I

> was shocked at what he said. He also told me that I had to figure

> out my priorities and should probably postpone my knee surgery

> (which I have been on the waiting list for since january). I was

> not satisfied with this so he then asks me what he wants me to do.

> I told him I wanted to be able to work and live a semi normal


> So he says " Do you want me to go and work for you too? " . I couldnt

> belive the disrespect he was showing me! Eventually I was crying

> and he just walked out of the cubicle.


> At this point I left the hospital basically in tears. A lady held

> the door open for me and asked me if I was okay. As she got into

> her car she also made sure that I had a way home. I must have

> looked like crap! I came home and pretty much crawled into bed. I

> felt horrible. I was in a bad mood plus he had played around with

> my wrist so I didnt feel good either.


> So mom figures I should give up on this guy and call the clinic


> I go to for my knee to see if I could get in to see someone there

> about my wrist. I am just so fed up with doctors that I dont even

> want to do this. I dont want to have to prove to yet another


> that I am in pain even though it looks like nothing is wrong on the

> xrays. I was thinking today about how many different doctors I


> been to and how many different medications I have been on this last

> year and it was truly depressing :( I mean I am 22 years old and


> life revolves around doctors appointments and physiotherapy. I


> really feel like giving up :( I dont want to do this anymore


> Stacey

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Stacey --

As many have said in their replies to your post,. the OS you saw was very

ignorant and, in my opinion, extremely rude and crude!!!! There is no excuse for

this type of behavior. There was a book written once called " How to win friends

and influence people " -- maybe this jerk needs to read it. I hope you hang in

there and look for a new doctor (a real one!!!) -- you will find one.

Good luck and all the best wishes to you.


Re: I hate doctors!

To learn more about EDS, visit our website: http://www.ehlersdanlos.ca

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Stacey --

As many have said in their replies to your post,. the OS you saw was very

ignorant and, in my opinion, extremely rude and crude!!!! There is no excuse for

this type of behavior. There was a book written once called " How to win friends

and influence people " -- maybe this jerk needs to read it. I hope you hang in

there and look for a new doctor (a real one!!!) -- you will find one.

Good luck and all the best wishes to you.


Re: I hate doctors!

To learn more about EDS, visit our website: http://www.ehlersdanlos.ca

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Ohhh Stacey!!! ((((HUGS))))) I am so sorry, and so disgusted that

you got such crap from this surgeon. You have enough to deal with

right now without having to take crap from him too. I would cancel

any future appointments with him and either ask for a good upper body

OS off of Jill's list or go to the clinic and have Dr. F. set you up

with one of his collegues who are good with wrists. Whatever you

feel the most comfortable with.

I wish I could give you a real hug Stacey. I know how horrible this

is having had several of these 'medical professionals' myself!

Hang in there Stacey... Take a few days off to rejuevenante and when

you're ready hop back onto the horse and into battle.



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Ohhh Stacey!!! ((((HUGS))))) I am so sorry, and so disgusted that

you got such crap from this surgeon. You have enough to deal with

right now without having to take crap from him too. I would cancel

any future appointments with him and either ask for a good upper body

OS off of Jill's list or go to the clinic and have Dr. F. set you up

with one of his collegues who are good with wrists. Whatever you

feel the most comfortable with.

I wish I could give you a real hug Stacey. I know how horrible this

is having had several of these 'medical professionals' myself!

Hang in there Stacey... Take a few days off to rejuevenante and when

you're ready hop back onto the horse and into battle.



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Hi Stacey

I've had my share of these Doctors too but they usually gave me the " don't call

us, we'll call you " line. Because they really have no clue as to what to do.

It's easier for someone like that to tick you off so you don't look to him for

help because he's obviously not willing to crack a book or do any research to

learn more about your condition. I've actually had a lot more of those than I've

had good doctors that will go the extra distance. This guy is certainly not

going to go any distance for you so it's probably best that you go through the

hell of getting a new Doc all over again. It will be worth it in the end when

you have a doctor that you can trust and feel comfortable with.

Good luck to you.


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There's the Stacey I know and love! :-) You get determined, girl!

Love Lana 0:-)

Re: I hate doctors!

Lana, I will end up looking for another OS for my wrist in a

reputible (wow I cant spell), respectful clinic.


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What a creep for a doctor- he sounds like a few I've had- but never quite as

rude as this one is, he needs his license revoked, what a pig....... So sorry

you had to go through that- sure do hope you find a real doctor soon. Hugs and

you are in my prayers Love TJ

I went to get my wrist looked at again for the 3 week follow up for

bracing and doing physio and the OS was a moron! He first asked me

why I was there if I hadnt had any of the tests he ordered done. So

I told him the EMG wasnt until September 15th and his office hadnt

called me for the MRI yet. So he told me that I will just have to

take a few days off in september then to come down for the tests and

consultation appointments. Well I told him that I would not be able

to do this as I would be in school and am already going to be

missing a few weeks in november for my knee surgery. At this point

he says " What do you want me to do write your exams for you? " . I

was shocked at what he said. He also told me that I had to figure

out my priorities and should probably postpone my knee surgery

(which I have been on the waiting list for since january). I was

not satisfied with this so he then asks me what he wants me to do.

I told him I wanted to be able to work and live a semi normal life.

So he says " Do you want me to go and work for you too? " . I couldnt

belive the disrespect he was showing me! Eventually I was crying

and he just walked out of the cubicle.

At this point I left the hospital basically in tears. A lady held

the door open for me and asked me if I was okay. As she got into

her car she also made sure that I had a way home. I must have

looked like crap! I came home and pretty much crawled into bed. I

felt horrible. I was in a bad mood plus he had played around with

my wrist so I didnt feel good either.

So mom figures I should give up on this guy and call the clinic that

I go to for my knee to see if I could get in to see someone there

about my wrist. I am just so fed up with doctors that I dont even

want to do this. I dont want to have to prove to yet another doctor

that I am in pain even though it looks like nothing is wrong on the

xrays. I was thinking today about how many different doctors I have

been to and how many different medications I have been on this last

year and it was truly depressing :( I mean I am 22 years old and my

life revolves around doctors appointments and physiotherapy. I just

really feel like giving up :( I dont want to do this anymore


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