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Re: What type of Doc?

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Hi cindy,

From what i understand they can do an EP study where they run a catheter up

through the groin to the heart and send little shocks to the heart to see

how it responds, that tells them if there is a problem with the electrical

system or not. I had that same question before my pacemaker, i asked him if

i still had some compression of the brain stem could that be causing it. He

said it would more than likely cause tacchycardia, but the EP study would

show for sure. If you find a cardiologist who also specializes in

electrophysiolohgy that would be excellent.

What type of Doc?

> Due to the findings at NIH, Dylan needs to see some specialists. For the

C7 spine laxity, and bulging disk, and the L shoulder with reduced reflex

from the cervical or shoulder joint, plus the broken spinus process at L3

right over the nerve that runs to his R knee pain, Does he see a Neurologist

or Neurosurgeon? The primary today was no help. He doesn't understand all

this and doesn't want to. So I can ask for what ever Doc and tests I want. I

was very upset with him today for his response to the problems found. That's

a whole other story. Dylan's EKG today still showed him in Bradycardia

still,(Two weeks now that I know of) which no-one is taking seriously. His

HR during that 1 minute test was 46. He is not a trained athlete, he is a

child that has laid in bed for two years. Drives me crazy! My gut tells me

this is a problem. A big problem. We got back late from the Doc's so, Monday

I'll call a cardiologist. I can only find one Dr in Michigan that treats

autonomic dysfunction but I don't know if he is a heart Dr. I'll find out

Monday. I don't want him to have a pacemaker if the Autonomic dysfunction

isn't addressed at the same time. From what I have read, the autonomic

dysfunction can cause the bradycardia, and then he'd have a pace maker when

the heart was never the problem. This is all getting so darned complicated.

I'm afraid if I take him to a regular heart Dr, they'd want to put in the

pacemaker. We just have to get to Dr Grubbs!. I am changing insurance to

better suit Dylan's needs, but it doesn't start till Oct 1. Till then, I'm

stuck with who ever is in my book. How in the heck do you pick a name of a

Dr. in a book? More things show up every day. Today he has been dizzy.

Yesterday his foot zapped him everytime he put weight on it. Sorry this is

getting long, but I'm frustrated. He's 17 and the Dang Doc just isn't

helpful with these new problems found. He admitted it was over his head. I

like that a Doc can admit that but where do I go from here? I have to start

Monday. I know there are nurs!

> es in th

> is group, where do I take him?

> Cindylouwho



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Hi cindy,

From what i understand they can do an EP study where they run a catheter up

through the groin to the heart and send little shocks to the heart to see

how it responds, that tells them if there is a problem with the electrical

system or not. I had that same question before my pacemaker, i asked him if

i still had some compression of the brain stem could that be causing it. He

said it would more than likely cause tacchycardia, but the EP study would

show for sure. If you find a cardiologist who also specializes in

electrophysiolohgy that would be excellent.

What type of Doc?

> Due to the findings at NIH, Dylan needs to see some specialists. For the

C7 spine laxity, and bulging disk, and the L shoulder with reduced reflex

from the cervical or shoulder joint, plus the broken spinus process at L3

right over the nerve that runs to his R knee pain, Does he see a Neurologist

or Neurosurgeon? The primary today was no help. He doesn't understand all

this and doesn't want to. So I can ask for what ever Doc and tests I want. I

was very upset with him today for his response to the problems found. That's

a whole other story. Dylan's EKG today still showed him in Bradycardia

still,(Two weeks now that I know of) which no-one is taking seriously. His

HR during that 1 minute test was 46. He is not a trained athlete, he is a

child that has laid in bed for two years. Drives me crazy! My gut tells me

this is a problem. A big problem. We got back late from the Doc's so, Monday

I'll call a cardiologist. I can only find one Dr in Michigan that treats

autonomic dysfunction but I don't know if he is a heart Dr. I'll find out

Monday. I don't want him to have a pacemaker if the Autonomic dysfunction

isn't addressed at the same time. From what I have read, the autonomic

dysfunction can cause the bradycardia, and then he'd have a pace maker when

the heart was never the problem. This is all getting so darned complicated.

I'm afraid if I take him to a regular heart Dr, they'd want to put in the

pacemaker. We just have to get to Dr Grubbs!. I am changing insurance to

better suit Dylan's needs, but it doesn't start till Oct 1. Till then, I'm

stuck with who ever is in my book. How in the heck do you pick a name of a

Dr. in a book? More things show up every day. Today he has been dizzy.

Yesterday his foot zapped him everytime he put weight on it. Sorry this is

getting long, but I'm frustrated. He's 17 and the Dang Doc just isn't

helpful with these new problems found. He admitted it was over his head. I

like that a Doc can admit that but where do I go from here? I have to start

Monday. I know there are nurs!

> es in th

> is group, where do I take him?

> Cindylouwho



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>>Does he see a Neurologist or Neurosurgeon?<<<


Here is a personal but very informative opinion.

First a question..

Would you have a carpenter wire the electrical stuff in your house when

putting in a new heater and pump in a pool?

If you would, don't ever invite me over to jump in!

When you are talking about the spine you NEED TO SEE A NEUROSURGEON. An


When you need shoulder reconstruction you need a orthopedic surgeon. A


I am sure I can find the post I sent to Lana when she was considering just


You have to really think about this..

There are others that will have a very different opinion but in all y 20

years working in the medical malpractice field I saw more " oops " coming from

orthopedic surgeons working on spins than any other specialty.

At least promise me that you will get at least one opinion from a

neurosurgeon BEFORE having surgery done by a orthopedic surgeon.



AKA: jetskideb

SoCal EDS'er

What type of Doc?

Due to the findings at NIH, Dylan needs to see some specialists. For the C7

spine laxity, and bulging disk, and the L shoulder with reduced reflex from

the cervical or shoulder joint, plus the broken spinus process at L3 right

over the nerve that runs to his R knee pain, The primary today was no help.

He doesn't understand all this and doesn't want to. So I can ask for what

ever Doc and tests I want. I was very upset with him today for his response

to the problems found. That's a whole other story. Dylan's EKG today still

showed him in Bradycardia still,(Two weeks now that I know of) which no-one

is taking seriously. His HR during that 1 minute test was 46. He is not a

trained athlete, he is a child that has laid in bed for two years. Drives me

crazy! My gut tells me this is a problem. A big problem. We got back late

from the Doc's so, Monday I'll call a cardiologist. I can only find one Dr

in Michigan that treats autonomic dysfunction but I don't know if he is a

heart Dr. I'll find out Monday. I don't want him to have a pacemaker if the

Autonomic dysfunction isn't addressed at the same time. From what I have

read, the autonomic dysfunction can cause the bradycardia, and then he'd

have a pace maker when the heart was never the problem. This is all getting

so darned complicated. I'm afraid if I take him to a regular heart Dr,

they'd want to put in the pacemaker. We just have to get to Dr Grubbs!. I am

changing insurance to better suit Dylan's needs, but it doesn't start till

Oct 1. Till then, I'm stuck with who ever is in my book. How in the heck do

you pick a name of a Dr. in a book? More things show up every day. Today he

has been dizzy. Yesterday his foot zapped him everytime he put weight on it.

Sorry this is getting long, but I'm frustrated. He's 17 and the Dang Doc

just isn't helpful with these new problems found. He admitted it was over

his head. I like that a Doc can admit that but where do I go from here? I

have to start Monday. I! know th ere are nurses in this group, where do I

take him?


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>>Does he see a Neurologist or Neurosurgeon?<<<


Here is a personal but very informative opinion.

First a question..

Would you have a carpenter wire the electrical stuff in your house when

putting in a new heater and pump in a pool?

If you would, don't ever invite me over to jump in!

When you are talking about the spine you NEED TO SEE A NEUROSURGEON. An


When you need shoulder reconstruction you need a orthopedic surgeon. A


I am sure I can find the post I sent to Lana when she was considering just


You have to really think about this..

There are others that will have a very different opinion but in all y 20

years working in the medical malpractice field I saw more " oops " coming from

orthopedic surgeons working on spins than any other specialty.

At least promise me that you will get at least one opinion from a

neurosurgeon BEFORE having surgery done by a orthopedic surgeon.



AKA: jetskideb

SoCal EDS'er

What type of Doc?

Due to the findings at NIH, Dylan needs to see some specialists. For the C7

spine laxity, and bulging disk, and the L shoulder with reduced reflex from

the cervical or shoulder joint, plus the broken spinus process at L3 right

over the nerve that runs to his R knee pain, The primary today was no help.

He doesn't understand all this and doesn't want to. So I can ask for what

ever Doc and tests I want. I was very upset with him today for his response

to the problems found. That's a whole other story. Dylan's EKG today still

showed him in Bradycardia still,(Two weeks now that I know of) which no-one

is taking seriously. His HR during that 1 minute test was 46. He is not a

trained athlete, he is a child that has laid in bed for two years. Drives me

crazy! My gut tells me this is a problem. A big problem. We got back late

from the Doc's so, Monday I'll call a cardiologist. I can only find one Dr

in Michigan that treats autonomic dysfunction but I don't know if he is a

heart Dr. I'll find out Monday. I don't want him to have a pacemaker if the

Autonomic dysfunction isn't addressed at the same time. From what I have

read, the autonomic dysfunction can cause the bradycardia, and then he'd

have a pace maker when the heart was never the problem. This is all getting

so darned complicated. I'm afraid if I take him to a regular heart Dr,

they'd want to put in the pacemaker. We just have to get to Dr Grubbs!. I am

changing insurance to better suit Dylan's needs, but it doesn't start till

Oct 1. Till then, I'm stuck with who ever is in my book. How in the heck do

you pick a name of a Dr. in a book? More things show up every day. Today he

has been dizzy. Yesterday his foot zapped him everytime he put weight on it.

Sorry this is getting long, but I'm frustrated. He's 17 and the Dang Doc

just isn't helpful with these new problems found. He admitted it was over

his head. I like that a Doc can admit that but where do I go from here? I

have to start Monday. I! know th ere are nurses in this group, where do I

take him?


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Hi Cindy:

I am so sorry you are having these difficulties.

I think Debbie is right on. Getting the C spine issue assessed by a

neurosurgeon seems like the priority, particularly if your PCP will

refer you. , do you know any others having had neurosurgery in

the Detroit area and who they had experience with. That would be a


Has anyone suggested that Dylan could wear a soft stockinet collar for

neck support til he gets seen. It seems to me a soft neck colar could

reduce movement. You can purchase stockinet at a medical drug store, or

buy a pair of long cotton socks, long enough to go around the neck and

be secured at back side. Fill the stockings with stuffing and tie

aroumd the neck. Looks like two layers of sausages, one on top of the

other. Softer on the skin than hard collars.


What type of Doc?

Due to the findings at NIH, Dylan needs to see some specialists. For the

C7 spine laxity, and bulging disk, and the L shoulder with reduced

reflex from the cervical or shoulder joint, plus the broken spinus

process at L3 right over the nerve that runs to his R knee pain, Does he

see a Neurologist or Neurosurgeon? The primary today was no help. He

doesn't understand all this and doesn't want to. So I can ask for what

ever Doc and tests I want. I was very upset with him today for his

response to the problems found. That's a whole other story. Dylan's EKG

today still showed him in Bradycardia still,(Two weeks now that I know

of) which no-one is taking seriously. His HR during that 1 minute test

was 46. He is not a trained athlete, he is a child that has laid in bed

for two years. Drives me crazy! My gut tells me this is a problem. A big

problem. We got back late from the Doc's so, Monday I'll call a

cardiologist. I can only find one Dr in Michigan that treats autonomic

dysfunction but I don't know if he is a heart Dr. I'll find out Monday.

I don't want him to have a pacemaker if the Autonomic dysfunction isn't

addressed at the same time. From what I have read, the autonomic

dysfunction can cause the bradycardia, and then he'd have a pace maker

when the heart was never the problem. This is all getting so darned

complicated. I'm afraid if I take him to a regular heart Dr, they'd want

to put in the pacemaker. We just have to get to Dr Grubbs!. I am

changing insurance to better suit Dylan's needs, but it doesn't start

till Oct 1. Till then, I'm stuck with who ever is in my book. How in

the heck do you pick a name of a Dr. in a book? More things show up

every day. Today he has been dizzy. Yesterday his foot zapped him

everytime he put weight on it. Sorry this is getting long, but I'm

frustrated. He's 17 and the Dang Doc just isn't helpful with these new

problems found. He admitted it was over his head. I like that a Doc can

admit that but where do I go from here? I have to start Monday. I know

there are nurses in this group, where do I take him?


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Hi Cindy:

I am so sorry you are having these difficulties.

I think Debbie is right on. Getting the C spine issue assessed by a

neurosurgeon seems like the priority, particularly if your PCP will

refer you. , do you know any others having had neurosurgery in

the Detroit area and who they had experience with. That would be a


Has anyone suggested that Dylan could wear a soft stockinet collar for

neck support til he gets seen. It seems to me a soft neck colar could

reduce movement. You can purchase stockinet at a medical drug store, or

buy a pair of long cotton socks, long enough to go around the neck and

be secured at back side. Fill the stockings with stuffing and tie

aroumd the neck. Looks like two layers of sausages, one on top of the

other. Softer on the skin than hard collars.


What type of Doc?

Due to the findings at NIH, Dylan needs to see some specialists. For the

C7 spine laxity, and bulging disk, and the L shoulder with reduced

reflex from the cervical or shoulder joint, plus the broken spinus

process at L3 right over the nerve that runs to his R knee pain, Does he

see a Neurologist or Neurosurgeon? The primary today was no help. He

doesn't understand all this and doesn't want to. So I can ask for what

ever Doc and tests I want. I was very upset with him today for his

response to the problems found. That's a whole other story. Dylan's EKG

today still showed him in Bradycardia still,(Two weeks now that I know

of) which no-one is taking seriously. His HR during that 1 minute test

was 46. He is not a trained athlete, he is a child that has laid in bed

for two years. Drives me crazy! My gut tells me this is a problem. A big

problem. We got back late from the Doc's so, Monday I'll call a

cardiologist. I can only find one Dr in Michigan that treats autonomic

dysfunction but I don't know if he is a heart Dr. I'll find out Monday.

I don't want him to have a pacemaker if the Autonomic dysfunction isn't

addressed at the same time. From what I have read, the autonomic

dysfunction can cause the bradycardia, and then he'd have a pace maker

when the heart was never the problem. This is all getting so darned

complicated. I'm afraid if I take him to a regular heart Dr, they'd want

to put in the pacemaker. We just have to get to Dr Grubbs!. I am

changing insurance to better suit Dylan's needs, but it doesn't start

till Oct 1. Till then, I'm stuck with who ever is in my book. How in

the heck do you pick a name of a Dr. in a book? More things show up

every day. Today he has been dizzy. Yesterday his foot zapped him

everytime he put weight on it. Sorry this is getting long, but I'm

frustrated. He's 17 and the Dang Doc just isn't helpful with these new

problems found. He admitted it was over his head. I like that a Doc can

admit that but where do I go from here? I have to start Monday. I know

there are nurses in this group, where do I take him?


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From what I understand, nurses know the scoop on the good doctors.

So, you may want to ask around at the local hospital. Talk to only

the nurses and ask who they would take their family members to if

they needed a cardiologist...

>>> How in the heck do you pick a name of a Dr. in a book? More

things show up every day. Today he has been dizzy. Yesterday his foot

zapped him everytime he put weight on it. Sorry this is getting

long, but I'm frustrated. He's 17 and the Dang Doc just isn't

helpful with these new problems found. He admitted it was over his

head. I like that a Doc can admit that but where do I go from here? I

have to start Monday. I know there are nurses in this group, where do

I take him? <<<

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I sent a message to my chiari group asking about anybody who had had postive

experiences with one, especially pediatric ones, I'll see what sort of

response i get and let you know.

What type of Doc?


> Due to the findings at NIH, Dylan needs to see some specialists. For the

> C7 spine laxity, and bulging disk, and the L shoulder with reduced

> reflex from the cervical or shoulder joint, plus the broken spinus

> process at L3 right over the nerve that runs to his R knee pain, Does he

> see a Neurologist or Neurosurgeon? The primary today was no help. He

> doesn't understand all this and doesn't want to. So I can ask for what

> ever Doc and tests I want. I was very upset with him today for his

> response to the problems found. That's a whole other story. Dylan's EKG

> today still showed him in Bradycardia still,(Two weeks now that I know

> of) which no-one is taking seriously. His HR during that 1 minute test

> was 46. He is not a trained athlete, he is a child that has laid in bed

> for two years. Drives me crazy! My gut tells me this is a problem. A big

> problem. We got back late from the Doc's so, Monday I'll call a

> cardiologist. I can only find one Dr in Michigan that treats autonomic

> dysfunction but I don't know if he is a heart Dr. I'll find out Monday.

> I don't want him to have a pacemaker if the Autonomic dysfunction isn't

> addressed at the same time. From what I have read, the autonomic

> dysfunction can cause the bradycardia, and then he'd have a pace maker

> when the heart was never the problem. This is all getting so darned

> complicated. I'm afraid if I take him to a regular heart Dr, they'd want

> to put in the pacemaker. We just have to get to Dr Grubbs!. I am

> changing insurance to better suit Dylan's needs, but it doesn't start

> till Oct 1. Till then, I'm stuck with who ever is in my book. How in

> the heck do you pick a name of a Dr. in a book? More things show up

> every day. Today he has been dizzy. Yesterday his foot zapped him

> everytime he put weight on it. Sorry this is getting long, but I'm

> frustrated. He's 17 and the Dang Doc just isn't helpful with these new

> problems found. He admitted it was over his head. I like that a Doc can

> admit that but where do I go from here? I have to start Monday. I know

> there are nurses in this group, where do I take him?

> Cindylouwho



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