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RE: Thrown out of another hospital

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Sue, surely there is someone you can call there - if nothing else,

I'd call 911. No, it's not an emergency - YET! Can you do a search

for a patient's advocacy group in your area?

Love Lana

> Well, went to another hospital for my osteomyletis and they

wouldn't take me.

> Said it is a chronic problem and they can't force DR's to take

medicare or

> medicaid. I am seriously considering suicice. I have to be at

deaths door to get

> into an ER and then no follow up. I now have no narcotics. I Have

been on

> high doses of narcotics 90 mg of morphine 3 times a day and two 10

mg percocet

> every four hours and now I have to go cold turkey. sorry the

hospital said. We

> can't help you


> Sue




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Sue, surely there is someone you can call there - if nothing else,

I'd call 911. No, it's not an emergency - YET! Can you do a search

for a patient's advocacy group in your area?

Love Lana

> Well, went to another hospital for my osteomyletis and they

wouldn't take me.

> Said it is a chronic problem and they can't force DR's to take

medicare or

> medicaid. I am seriously considering suicice. I have to be at

deaths door to get

> into an ER and then no follow up. I now have no narcotics. I Have

been on

> high doses of narcotics 90 mg of morphine 3 times a day and two 10

mg percocet

> every four hours and now I have to go cold turkey. sorry the

hospital said. We

> can't help you


> Sue




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Oh Sue!

Maybe I have not been keeping up but what happened to the MD that was

prescribing your meds?

Why is no one treating you?

You hold on girl I am sure you will work it out.

Is there a free clinic out there some where?

Free clinics by law (at least in the state of California) cannot refuse any

patient for any reason.

I don't understand why this is happening.

Is there something that one of us out here can do to help you?

I know things look horrible right now but suicide is really not the answer.

The answer might not be easy but I am sure we can figure it out with all the

resources that the CEDAfamily have.



Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 10:55 AM

To: ceda

Subject: Thrown out of another hospital

Well, went to another hospital for my osteomyletis and they wouldn't take


Said it is a chronic problem and they can't force DR's to take medicare or

medicaid. I am seriously considering suicice. I have to be at deaths door to


into an ER and then no follow up. I now have no narcotics. I Have been on

high doses of narcotics 90 mg of morphine 3 times a day and two 10 mg


every four hours and now I have to go cold turkey. sorry the hospital said.


can't help you


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Have you contacted Heim Jr.? He posted a message on the list

and wants to help you find the proper people that can help you!

Please contact him. I don't have your personal email address to send

this to you privately, but his email is Daddio5600@...

Please send him an email asap.

Love Lana

> Well, went to another hospital for my osteomyletis and they

wouldn't take me.

> Said it is a chronic problem and they can't force DR's to take

medicare or

> medicaid. I am seriously considering suicice. I have to be at

deaths door to get

> into an ER and then no follow up. I now have no narcotics. I Have

been on

> high doses of narcotics 90 mg of morphine 3 times a day and two 10

mg percocet

> every four hours and now I have to go cold turkey. sorry the

hospital said. We

> can't help you


> Sue




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I am very concerned and praying for you. Can you find an urgent care

or daytime walk-in clinic with some records or a fax number of your

previous doctor? My life was saved by an urgent care doc who took time

to do something she didn't really have to do. Good docs are out there,

they are just hard to find.

I too am on a high dosage of pain meds and when the meds got recalled

a couple months ago I about panicked at the pharmacy when they were

going to turn me away. I was at the point of begging because I knew

what would happen if I didn't get them.

I believe that your and other's situations like this are becoming all

too common.(((((hug)))) I converse with friends in some areas of the

US and share stories about their lack of adequate health care.

IMHO this kind of behavior from doctors is possibly because of

government regulation of controlled substances including the legally

precribed pain meds. The war on drugs have been waged, and many

innocent people are now affected. Sometimes a doctor is being

investigated and suddenly will stop treating certain patients whom

they have prescribed chronic pain meds. In some cases it could be the

doc who did something wrong and he/she's covering themselves.

The cash only thing sounds suspicious, and you might be better off

without him in the long run. It will be best to find a pain management

clinic, but until then , you need urgent intervention.

I will continue to pray for you...please ler us know how you are--and

help is possible, hang in there!

I too have been turned away from an ER for having a chronic condition

that are 'borderline' emergencies, according to the ER doc. I did get

an IV for fluids though, because I was severly dehydrated. I had to go

to the ER for IV's about 7-8 times in 2 months waiting to see a GI

specialist at a clinic appointment. When I finally had the

colonoscopy/endoscopy I went into shock. I insisted on them starting

an IV first which was not the norm, but we all were glad I had one.

Care and Concern,

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