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Re: Re: 5 wks post-op today!

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Hi Debbie,

Butting in here to suggest you ask your THR surgeon to produce the evidence

of these potential problems........ and why there are surgeons happily

putting in THR m/m obviously ignoring what he knows......... There are

referenced journal articles of examination of retrieved BHR's showing no

wear because of how good the finish is on them...... so you could ask him

just where does he think the vast amount of metal ions needed are going to

come from............ The same article showed pretty clearly why any polly

joints do in fact wear, i.e. can never be finished as well as metal leaving

bits to be worn off, which to me was far more a likely senario than any

concerns about maybe metal fragments.

See also an article I posted a couple of days ago about the advantages to

women of a Resurface over a THR....... which lists one of the medical

advantages......... there are other physical advantages if you think through

your life as a woman......... And that is apart from being able to resume

being a martial arts person........which several on this board appear to

have done.............rather than wandering around feeding ducks...........

Even I have better expectations from my BHR than that...............

And yes femur heads do die under Resurface prothesis - the same way as THR's

do fail because bone integrity fails........just ask around a few friends

and you will soon get a few horror stories about people's fun and games with

THR's though bone failure etc............. ditto knees or any other

prothesis inserted in a body...........and remember even the bodies own

systems fail which is why we are all in this boat anyway...........

In the end you have to be comfortable with your body, what's in it and the

resultant life for whatever time you have allotted............ One of the

retrieved BHR's referred to in the journal article I read belonged to

someone who died of unrelated causes within 18 months of getting their new

hip.............. To me this highlighted yet again the uncertainties of

life.........and that no hip prothesis may save us certain


Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02

> I am a 50 year old woman who is trying to decide between THR and hip

> resurfacing. My orthopedic surgeon is dead set against resurfacing

> due to the potential problems years down the road with possibly

> cancer, kidney failure, etc. from the metal ions released. Also, he

> said that the resurfacing could possibly cause death of the femur.

> I am so torn as to which way to go - THR and eliminate the potential

> bad stuff, but limit myself to merely walking around the park (on

> even ground) feeding the ducks, Or go with the resurfacing. I have

> been in the martial arts for 20 years and would love to continue with

> it - I haven't been able to kick more than knee high for 2 years.

> I'm scared stiff and confused and terrified I'll make the wrong

> decision. How did you deal with the ion question, etc. with the

> resurfacing, and did you have it done in LA? I live in Ohio.

> Congratulations on regaining your youth. (I feel like I'm 80)

> Debbie

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