Guest guest Posted August 14, 2004 Report Share Posted August 14, 2004 > Hi guys, > > First of all, I have to say that this is all sorted out already!!! I > of course got " bloody pissed " (LOL) and contacted the airline (SAS!!! > They sure don't have policies like that, that I sure know after > travelling a lot with them!) here in Norway, then wrote a mail to the > person in the UK who was booking my tickets about it... Aase I was soo dismayed to read this post from you about the airline foks goofs -- I'm both SORRY you ran into yet another out of touch / illinformed airline rep / AND so very glad you KNEW your rights and how to strighten out the mess ! Some thoughts / tips below here that I hope may help others flying with chairs -- First in the US there is now a special phone line with 24/7 response available you can contact if you do run into serious difficulties-- I now take it WITH ME stapled inside my ticket's envelope each time . Having it at hand has saved those frantic attempts to find / contact them promptly . I travel with a BIG electric chair on some trips ( and a smaller " travel " electric chair occationally )-- I've become leary about using the travel chair however BECAUSE they've totally TRASHED it twice . They do get it repaired - it's taken them 4-5 months / AND they havn't made ANYTHING available while on the trip when it got thrashed ( yet another vilolation of my rights - their responsabiity's ! ) With the big chair it has proved HARD for them to GET onto the plane --and they DON " T listen when I request the handler who will actually LOAD it come meet with me to learn the controls . It's DELAYED the plane taking off a FEW times -- very costly to them -but would they LISTEN to me ?? HA -- that was too much to expect . I always ask I be aloud to USE my own chair - for both comfort and independance - with them both taking it at the plane door ( then I walk onboard ) and bringing it too me during layovers ect . at the plane door . I 've learned that checking it for THEIR convience ISN " T a good idea in part because it's then DUMPED at the luggage claim area NOT put back together when I arrive at my destination - something I CAN " T do is squat down and put those heavy batteries back in for example . They don't answer requests promptly at all to come GET it togethrer OR fix problems they've created by taking apart sections / connecting bolts ect someone ELSE took apart needlessly ect -- often ALL of us clueless how someone even dismantled parts !! This is ALL unneeded as well IF they'd learn the controls ( I DO bring the manual in a big plastic envelope and TAPE that onto the chair as well UNDER the seat cushion -- so the mechnaic's DO have access to try and " fix / repair " parts someone else disassembled later . They've also LEFT a 450 lb chair assembled -- worth $28,000 UNATTENDED -- someone could easly be HURT by trying to snag the chair - OR it could be stollen this way ---GRRRRR ! At one point it was brought to the WRONG upstairs boarding area - then left in the middle of the upstairs boarding area - in the midst of a very crowded group waiting unattended , I caught up finally watching a CHILD goofing with it in GREAT fear while I was too far away approaching to do anything but shout -- parents unconcerned / geepers talk about FEAR someone would be hurt !! -- I've been stranded waiting for the manual chair /attendant to turn up and take me down to luggage during this time it was dumped off -- just NOT a good situation to risk happening anymore . The last time I flew cross country changing planes twice ect -- it happened that the head pilot for the first leg of the trip =was nearby and overheard my requests / insistance they NEEDED a luggage boarding person to come up / and saw me being blown off despite several tries -- then when it DID delay the plane yet again by at least 30 mins ( engine running and repeat pilot announcements that they were working on trying to get it onboard ) --all the while I FELT embarassed since they'd set me aside boarding EVERYONE else first so the entire plane load of passengers KNEW who's chair was the problem too ! The pilot came and found me when we landed -explained he HAPPENED to be on a special " team " responsable to help spot problems /and get them solved . He was soo tickled to GRASP what was going on --and be able to take this to a big regional problem solving meeting --and immediatly asked could I stick around a little while to help WORK out a better solution , be willing to be contacted to help work on it ect too . ( I was GLAD to partner in this effort . ) He first went to their computer system - opening a reservations file kept on each passenger these days ( HMM -- I didn't KNOW they now do this ! ) And placed a special RED FLAG problem notice that allerts them to read comments below -- then entered info. saying the chair is VERY difficult to load without understanding the controls -- and that I should be allowed to go down to the actual LUGGAGE boarding spot MYSELF with the chair in the future / showing the person who WILL load the chair myself exactly how to lower the back / disable the power AFTER the required profile is set ect . - then boarded through the airline personel entrance by climbing one flight of stair's since that IS something I can mannage . LOW and behold ---THIS worked -- the last three flights went SMOOTHLY this way !! I've now contacted the two other airlines that I use on occation too --all three DO have a special needs flaging procedure you can request have your details entered into --it saves ALL those repeat conversations about the TYPE of chair - weight and demensions ect . over and over = once entered you just tell them at the time of reservation to see the file / and that your planing to travel with the chair they've got info on :-) Last year I had a BAD experience where they sold me a ticket --then tried to back out saying they couldn't accomidate a chair AT all -- I tried going up the chain of supervisors through THREE supervisors - none of whom would even discuss the TYPE of chair with me much less that I'd flown from this airport before where they had mannaged it . Frustrated I turned to the National airtransportation federal office== where they are responsable to help ensure this sort of problem is solved -and filed an offical complaint . THEY brought a federal avaiation engineer into the loup of determining if this chair CAN be safely transported on even the small little puddle jumper planes ect --then did act to notice the airline that they MUST accomidate the chair --and FINED the airline for discrimination after an investigation too . ( This all happened quite promptly -- solved within just a few days timeframe ) . This isn't a civil fine YOU recieve --it goes to the airports to purchase BETTER boarding equipment to solve this sort of stuff better in the long run . I was able to designate the fine money GO to the airport I use most often --so even this " hastle " felt worthwhile to persue / stick out !! I learned they really DO act to " fix " the discriminatory actions /behaviors now --and they ARE getting much better about this sort of problem now -- it's a very refreshing change from just a few years back . So those of you in the states -- I can''t PROMISE it's all solveable -- but if you do have that electric chair ==DO ASK them to enter a permanant RED flag note in your reservations file -- it can greatly solve the issues that we experience without it ! I think the risk of more dammage has been brought way down now too -- at one point it SEEMS they must have DROPED the folding travel chair from a 15 or so ft height - since the steel frame was bent in three different ways /dirrections at ONCE . LATER in that trip they " goofed " and sent the chair to the WRONG airport pickup rather than transfering it on to my destination too -- It was LOST badly dammaged for two days timeframe before finally turning up in an unclaimed baggage office of the wrong airport ! -- THIS alone has me convinced we are BETTER off asking it be BROUGHT to us to USE when changing planes mid trip ect . They DON " T seem to grasp that if they DO cause dammage - they are responsable to arrange IMMEDIATE rental /use of an ELECTRIC chair too -- NOT a manual chair loan -- yet another " fine clause " YOU should be aware off and DEMAND WHILE still at the airport - there is a special " officer " sort of representative they can PAGE to come to the baggage office WHEN you discover damamge ect . WHO SHOULD solve it as soon as possible ( even on a weekend - although it can take a few hours to locate a rental source with what YOU need . ) Am I getting demanding / picky -- You bet -- unless WE take this on ourselves , it's just NOT going to happen . I'm really fed UP with their carelessness -- they'd NEVER act this way with someone's CAR for goodness sake - LOL . -- I've learned though that you CAN put them on notice to SOLVE these chair issues promptly --and they ARE getting much better about it too . I hope that helps some -- I know folks afraid to fly with electric chairs because of prior nightmares -- the good news is they are improving AND we have that 24/7 helpline to turn to now too ! Aase -- I admire your willingness to be the truly squeeky wheel who DOES demand your rights / and work to get this stuff solved too -- WITHOUT advocates like you are - it wouldn't BE improving !! YOu go gal -- I KNOW how uncomfortable it can be to confront them and insist on your rights --but it's worth the efforts too -- your not just solving it for yourself - but for everyone else too . in Paradise Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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