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SoCal Party - Mika's Comments

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Mika sent me an off-list email on Monday. She gave me permission

this morning to share it with the CEDA list. I think her comments

about hope and not giving in or giving up are particularly important.


Mika on Monday:

" ... after your treatment, when I got home, I actually felt hope,

which I have not felt for a long time.

.... To be able to straighten my foot, toes up and pulled forward,

aligning my knee straight up and all without pain was absolutely

amazing. Standing was a new sensation also because there was

actually more strength in my legs than usual. They were a little

wobbly but felt more responsive than normal. As if to say my brain

would give the command to walk and they responded. I could also

lift my leg and foot up (to take a step) 3 - 4 inches higher that

ever before (1-2 inches) and all without pain. Now granted my range

of motion was still limited, but improved. If I could get complete

treatments over a period of time, I can't imagine what my life would

be like...

I am (was) captive by EDS. I related by slowly and surely giving

up. I have fought this battle for almost 30 years. I hadn't

realized how it had slowly crept in and began to kill my spirit

until one day not too long ago I was calculating a future date when

I thought my daughter would be enjoying one of lifes

accomplishments. When I said to myself; " only 15 more years " , I

realized that I couldn't last that long. I could not and did not

want to live that many more years in this condition. What I have

since come to realize is that EDS steals slowly your hope, dreams

and desires to go forward and live life fully. Now, since your

treatment, I can say that I will not let EDS do that to me. No

matter what, there is always hope. I can return to a " normal " pain

free life if I never give up and remain open to all possibilities.

So you see you have helped in more ways than one.

On Monday I attempted to use the technique myself, unsuccessfully.

I will not give up- I will keep trying and when I take my breaks and

put my legs up I will try to put my hands on the points to get some

relief. "

Mika on Thursday:

Hi Mike, Yes you can post the email with my name attached. I must

say I don't regularly go to the CEDA site and when I checked it out

the other day I was wondering where I would post something like

that. Maybe you can clarify that for me. I am very active in the

EDNF message boards and of course on our local group page. If you

want to check that out here's the link


As for how am I feeling 4 days later, slowly I feel the pain

returning and the foot (leg) rotating out again. I try to take

about 20 minutes mid afternoon where I put my legs up and place my

hand on that point in my back/hip area. I don't have the thera cane

so I have rolled a towel to try to get a counter point. I am

struggling to see that what I am doing is the same as what you did,

but I am trying. I hope to get a " refresher course " when you come

to San Diego in September. Until then I will keep trying.

Goodluck with the post and let me know if I can do more.

Thanks, Mika

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