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Re: woe is me

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Hi Betty

I dont know if this will help you or not but this is what my mom has

me do (yes I still listen to mommy's advice ;) ). I always have

either dequadin or strepsils on hand. Dequadin is safe to take with

any medications I beleive and has no harsh medicines in it as that

is what mom took when she was pregnant. Strepsils are a little

stronger I think. I usually just get what ever one I can find. I

just make sure to suck on one as much as possible to keep my throat

moist. My dad has had colds so bad that he has been put on an

inhaler and it did help to lessen his cough. I cant remember if he

was still on the cough supressant at the same time though. Anyways

thats my two cents :)


PS. Sorry I wasnt able to come over while you were at the beach,

something came up that day and we ended up spending it in Owen Sound

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Can you go to another Urgent clinic or see another Dr? You could have

fractured or dislocated a rib coughing. The Dr. needs to put you in an

antibiotic now. Things can start out virally but then get a secondary

bacterial infection. Hound the Dr. till he gives in and gives you what you

need, an antibiotic and some codeine syrup. Hugs!

Love, S.

woe is me

> Hi all

> DOes anyone have a solution to my never ending cough. I get kind of

worried as that was a major thing the genetecist told me was that if you

have a really bad cough: a) get on a cough suppresant and B) it is really

not good for you as you are straining everything when you cough. As you may

have read I have been to the medical clinic 3 times this week....I have an

eye infection in both eyes now, a sore throat that the doctor says is caused

by the coughing. I was up all night lsat night with everything. Now I have

this severe (only when coughing) pain near the top of my rib cage. I am

presuming that it is from the coughing. I notice now that the pain is also

when I stand straight up or stretch out. Does this sound like just a normal

strain from coughing or should I treat it as spmething more serious. As I

said it worsens as I cough. I mentioned before that the doctor prescribed an

inhaler to try instead of the codeine syrup as it has been 4-5 days and

still not helping alot. I do question how an inhaler can help with the

coughing....my head these days just isn't on straight as maybe I am missing

how this works. Anybody know??????

> Thanks as always for listening. I know my troubles are not nearly as

serious as some but I do appreciate the shoulder & advice.

> Betty




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