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Re: Another question about Migrains.........

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Grace, as far as the memory loss I'm sorry I don't have an answer. My son has

had memory loss ( short term) since he has been on narcotics, so I don't know if

the migraines are adding to it. But on the Imitrex script, I find it odd that

you would only get three pills to a script. Is $20 your co-pay? When we get a

script of Imitrex it comes in a sealed box of 9 pills. Maybe you could ask your

Dr to write the script different. The med works best when taken at the onset of

the migraine. If you where more free to take the Imitex, your husband wouldn't

have to take off work. Even at $20 for 3 pills, it's cheaper than him losing a

day of work, and you wouldn't be suffering. I hope you find a way to make this

work. Migraines are horrible.


Another question about Migrains.........

I am still having one. I am taking Fioricet because I don't want to

take the Imitrex untill I can't stand it. I can't afford to get

them. For 3 lousy pills with insurance it was 20 bucks. I don't have

that kind of money. So I am trying to get threw this with the

Fioricet's. They work for the most part, but I get very sleepy.

Anyways.....my question is for those who have had migrains. Did you

lose your memory? I can't remember anything this week and some of

last week too. I have to think REAL hard to remember anything. I

lose track of what I am talking about. I repeat myself. All I can

remember is picking my friend up at work and taking her friend and

her home. Then having to go to the ER and being admited to see if I

had an anurism burst. Or that Arterio Venous Malformation in my

spine burst. I guess everything was ok cause they sent me home the

next day. I lied and told them my head ache was gone. I HATE

hospitals and we can't afford for my husband to take off work to

stay with the kids. Please tell me the memory loss is normal.


To learn more about EDS, visit our website: http://www.ehlersdanlos.ca

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Grace, as far as the memory loss I'm sorry I don't have an answer. My son has

had memory loss ( short term) since he has been on narcotics, so I don't know if

the migraines are adding to it. But on the Imitrex script, I find it odd that

you would only get three pills to a script. Is $20 your co-pay? When we get a

script of Imitrex it comes in a sealed box of 9 pills. Maybe you could ask your

Dr to write the script different. The med works best when taken at the onset of

the migraine. If you where more free to take the Imitex, your husband wouldn't

have to take off work. Even at $20 for 3 pills, it's cheaper than him losing a

day of work, and you wouldn't be suffering. I hope you find a way to make this

work. Migraines are horrible.


Another question about Migrains.........

I am still having one. I am taking Fioricet because I don't want to

take the Imitrex untill I can't stand it. I can't afford to get

them. For 3 lousy pills with insurance it was 20 bucks. I don't have

that kind of money. So I am trying to get threw this with the

Fioricet's. They work for the most part, but I get very sleepy.

Anyways.....my question is for those who have had migrains. Did you

lose your memory? I can't remember anything this week and some of

last week too. I have to think REAL hard to remember anything. I

lose track of what I am talking about. I repeat myself. All I can

remember is picking my friend up at work and taking her friend and

her home. Then having to go to the ER and being admited to see if I

had an anurism burst. Or that Arterio Venous Malformation in my

spine burst. I guess everything was ok cause they sent me home the

next day. I lied and told them my head ache was gone. I HATE

hospitals and we can't afford for my husband to take off work to

stay with the kids. Please tell me the memory loss is normal.


To learn more about EDS, visit our website: http://www.ehlersdanlos.ca

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> I am still having one. I am taking Fioricet because I don't want


> take the Imitrex untill I can't stand it. I can't afford to get

> them. For 3 lousy pills with insurance it was 20 bucks. I don't


> that kind of money. So I am trying to get threw this with the

> Fioricet's. They work for the most part, but I get very sleepy.

> Anyways.....my question is for those who have had migrains.

Did you lose your memory?

Gracie --I'm taking this in two parts here as a retired neuro/psych

nurse who's worked mostly with acm patients /peers this last six

years - I'm new to learning EDS - but some acm patients have

migraines too so it's discussed there a lot too .

First your medications costs - I'll be glad to work with you - or

anyone else here facing costs limmitations of getting the

medications their doctor prescribes . There are a lot of different

manufacter's programs to get the meds we need with no costs -

and I've become a master sluth at helping sort out individuals

needs . We have links at Wishes and Rainbows you can use to

start - I'll be glad to guide you through .

( http://www.wishesandrainbow.org )

Your welcome to write me dirrectly at

InParadise@... too - it's easy to set up the

paperwork involved so it's not a big hastle to you or your doctor

too - once established it's usually not ardous at all . Quite a lot of

the drug manufater's have a program now where if you don't

qualify for their purchase program because your family's a bit

over their offical limmits - they will instead agree to have their

drig rep. for your doctors office come drop of a suply of what you

yourself need in samples ( along with more for others the doctor

might want . ) -- it's a back door we can often set in motion too .

Sometimes we'll find a given manufacter won't have the program

you need - but can then do a bit of snooping - find a similar

medication that does have a program -and your doctor can

consider switching you to try the other med too :-)

So on to your memory impacts question .

I can't remember anything this week and some of

> last week too. I have to think REAL hard to remember anything.

I lose track of what I am talking about. I repeat myself. All I can

> remember is picking my friend up at work and taking her friend

and her home. Then having to go to the ER and being admited

to see if I had an anurism burst. Or that Arterio Venous

Malformation in my spine burst. I guess everything was ok cause

they sent me home the next day. I lied and told them my head

ache was gone. I HATE> hospitals and we can't afford for my

husband to take off work to stay with the kids. Please tell me the

memory loss is normal.

Hmm-- it's normal with an intense headache yes -- if the

headache is ongoing the memory impacts can be too BUT the

headache isn't normal !!

Truth is hating hospitals is normal too --BUT you still NEED to go

be HONEST with the neurologist or your primary care now too ---

talk over that the headache remains a problem at a less intense

by present and steady still --and the memory impacts are evident

too . Your doctor SHOULD and does need to help sort out now

what is causing this !

It's good news when an ER assessment doesn't find that dire

cause --and we are ALL glad to escape the confines of that little

cot and shed the thin " gown " again -

but that doesn't mean the warning signal your brain screamed is

insignifigant /needs and warents no more attention mom -- it

happened FOR a reason --to warn you and the doctor

somethings up and needs help now .

when a headache remains - you really do need to go for follow

up assessment . So schedule an appt Soon - as for any

cancelation openings too - and Do listen to your body please .

You've got a family to raise mom - be responsable now - lol .

Hugs to you - please do let us know what the doctor finds too .

in Paradise



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> I am still having one. I am taking Fioricet because I don't want


> take the Imitrex untill I can't stand it. I can't afford to get

> them. For 3 lousy pills with insurance it was 20 bucks. I don't


> that kind of money. So I am trying to get threw this with the

> Fioricet's. They work for the most part, but I get very sleepy.

> Anyways.....my question is for those who have had migrains.

Did you lose your memory?

Gracie --I'm taking this in two parts here as a retired neuro/psych

nurse who's worked mostly with acm patients /peers this last six

years - I'm new to learning EDS - but some acm patients have

migraines too so it's discussed there a lot too .

First your medications costs - I'll be glad to work with you - or

anyone else here facing costs limmitations of getting the

medications their doctor prescribes . There are a lot of different

manufacter's programs to get the meds we need with no costs -

and I've become a master sluth at helping sort out individuals

needs . We have links at Wishes and Rainbows you can use to

start - I'll be glad to guide you through .

( http://www.wishesandrainbow.org )

Your welcome to write me dirrectly at

InParadise@... too - it's easy to set up the

paperwork involved so it's not a big hastle to you or your doctor

too - once established it's usually not ardous at all . Quite a lot of

the drug manufater's have a program now where if you don't

qualify for their purchase program because your family's a bit

over their offical limmits - they will instead agree to have their

drig rep. for your doctors office come drop of a suply of what you

yourself need in samples ( along with more for others the doctor

might want . ) -- it's a back door we can often set in motion too .

Sometimes we'll find a given manufacter won't have the program

you need - but can then do a bit of snooping - find a similar

medication that does have a program -and your doctor can

consider switching you to try the other med too :-)

So on to your memory impacts question .

I can't remember anything this week and some of

> last week too. I have to think REAL hard to remember anything.

I lose track of what I am talking about. I repeat myself. All I can

> remember is picking my friend up at work and taking her friend

and her home. Then having to go to the ER and being admited

to see if I had an anurism burst. Or that Arterio Venous

Malformation in my spine burst. I guess everything was ok cause

they sent me home the next day. I lied and told them my head

ache was gone. I HATE> hospitals and we can't afford for my

husband to take off work to stay with the kids. Please tell me the

memory loss is normal.

Hmm-- it's normal with an intense headache yes -- if the

headache is ongoing the memory impacts can be too BUT the

headache isn't normal !!

Truth is hating hospitals is normal too --BUT you still NEED to go

be HONEST with the neurologist or your primary care now too ---

talk over that the headache remains a problem at a less intense

by present and steady still --and the memory impacts are evident

too . Your doctor SHOULD and does need to help sort out now

what is causing this !

It's good news when an ER assessment doesn't find that dire

cause --and we are ALL glad to escape the confines of that little

cot and shed the thin " gown " again -

but that doesn't mean the warning signal your brain screamed is

insignifigant /needs and warents no more attention mom -- it

happened FOR a reason --to warn you and the doctor

somethings up and needs help now .

when a headache remains - you really do need to go for follow

up assessment . So schedule an appt Soon - as for any

cancelation openings too - and Do listen to your body please .

You've got a family to raise mom - be responsable now - lol .

Hugs to you - please do let us know what the doctor finds too .

in Paradise



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I've never lost my memory, Grace, but I would think that severe pain

could very well cause that.

Love Lana

> I am still having one. I am taking Fioricet because I don't want


> take the Imitrex untill I can't stand it. I can't afford to get

> them. For 3 lousy pills with insurance it was 20 bucks. I don't


> that kind of money. So I am trying to get threw this with the

> Fioricet's. They work for the most part, but I get very sleepy.

> Anyways.....my question is for those who have had migrains. Did


> lose your memory? I can't remember anything this week and some of

> last week too. I have to think REAL hard to remember anything. I

> lose track of what I am talking about. I repeat myself. All I can

> remember is picking my friend up at work and taking her friend and

> her home. Then having to go to the ER and being admited to see if


> had an anurism burst. Or that Arterio Venous Malformation in my

> spine burst. I guess everything was ok cause they sent me home the

> next day. I lied and told them my head ache was gone. I HATE

> hospitals and we can't afford for my husband to take off work to

> stay with the kids. Please tell me the memory loss is normal.



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I tried http://wishesandrainbows.org/ instead, and that worked...

http://www.wishesandrainbows.org works too... So you obviously just

forgot the last " s " (not only one rainbow... :)...


Aase Marit :)

> Re: Another question about Migrains.........




> ( http://www.wishesandrainbow.org )


> Every time I've clicked on this website I get a message that it's

>not found. Any ideas???




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