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Hi everyone!

Well, I'm back (at least physically) from the conference, and what a

conference it was!! IT WAS WONDERFUL!!! THANK YOU to Judy King's

group for doing such a GREAT job with everything!! I'm so impressed.

And for those of you who don't know, I lost my brand new video camera

and digital camera the first day! Judy, from CA was an ANGEL and had

picked it up for me and turned it into the registration desk, but it

wasn't discovered until Thurs. evening. My trip had been ruined by

my horrible, scattered self until the time it was returned, so I

thank Judy from the bottom of my heart, for letting me enjoy the rest

of the conference! AND for saving my marriage! LOL!

It was so wonderful to finally get to meet Jill in person and also

Beth! I had a ball! I do have the pictures downloaded, but Mike

said our provider will only let us send so many, so you may be

receiving several emails that include the pics. Unfortunately, I

won't be able to begin to send them until next Tues. probably, as we

leave town (again!) today for Shanna's. They have an annual party

and we had already committed to go - which I really WANT to, but I

have to tell you, I'm TOTALLY exhausted! I was up til 2:30 Wed.

night getting ready for work on Thurs. Then after we get home from

Shanna's on Sun. eve. I have work and Mon. eve. I teach TKD. So

Tuesday will be the earliest time I get to send them. More than

likely, I will upload them to Walmart or some place like that so

everyone can get on and take a look at them. I didn't take a whole

bunch, it was just too busy to try to take lots of pictures! I

haven't even signed back on the lists as yet - just too much to do,

and seems overwhelming right at the moment. I have gotten on and

read a few posts, but haven't responded. I will sign back on Tues.

as well. I got back in Omaha Wed. at 4:30 p.m. Flights were fine,

but the 2nd one was late leaving and arriving. Sis stayed on the

phone with me until my name was called for a ticket. I was kind of

nervous after the previous day, as I was scheduled for the last

flight out of Buffalo, and for some unknown reason, it was sent back

to Chicago, and eventually canceled altogether. There was no way I

could have made it all the way home to Omaha, so Sue's husband,

Jerry, had to turn around an hour after he dropped me off, and come

and get me again! Sue and her family showed me an absolutely

wonderful time, and it was GREAT to get to know Aase better! We have

a lot in common, and I just love her! I've learned not to schedule

the last flight of the day when flying standby! :) Sis and Lennie

were WONDERFUL in helping me and calming my frazzled nerves! THANKS


My videos didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. One is totally

unusable, as the speaker didn't use the microphone, and on another, I

was almost too far away. But I still have SOMETHING, at least! I

began to read the chronic pain book (which was free-more on that

later)on the plane. I looked through the information from the

meditation talk last night, and it looks great! I will try to find a

way to share that with everyone. More on the information I got


I just wanted you all to know that I missed you all and am glad to be

able to correspond again. I'm sorry if I missed birthdays and such,

and I send greetings to all those I missed. For those of you who

requested prayers, I've read the posts and am filling your requests,

but just haven't had time to respond to the emails. I will be

sending some personal emails to some of you next week sometime, but

please feel free to email me personally at home; though keep in mind

I am gone this weekend.

I hope all of you are well as can be expected! I've missed you!

Love Lana

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Welcome back Lana - we missed you! Glad you had a great time and

hope you are recovering now. Take and I'll talk with you more later -

got to scoot as I'm off to see my grandparents.

Love and hugs....Jo


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Welcome back Lana - we missed you! Glad you had a great time and

hope you are recovering now. Take and I'll talk with you more later -

got to scoot as I'm off to see my grandparents.

Love and hugs....Jo


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Thanks Jo! I would like to know more about what happened with you

during the last week regarding your cardian issues and such. If you

still have the email, could you send it to me privately?? I'm

thinking of you - have a great visit!

Love Lana

> Welcome back Lana - we missed you! Glad you had a great time and

> hope you are recovering now. Take and I'll talk with you more

later -

> got to scoot as I'm off to see my grandparents.


> Love and hugs....Jo

> xxx

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> Yes, we had a ball, Barb! I so wish you could have been with all of

> us! I was so tickled Mike got more amazing results there too! I'll

> plan on seeing you at the next conference for SURE! Right?? :)

Next year, I will still be in school, so probably not unless they change the

dates. I am out of class the last three weeks of June, Sept, December, and



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> Yes, we had a ball, Barb! I so wish you could have been with all of

> us! I was so tickled Mike got more amazing results there too! I'll

> plan on seeing you at the next conference for SURE! Right?? :)

Next year, I will still be in school, so probably not unless they change the

dates. I am out of class the last three weeks of June, Sept, December, and



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Well shoot, Barb! How in the world am I supposed to see you?!?!? How

much longer until you're done with classes altogether?

Love Lana

> > Yes, we had a ball, Barb! I so wish you could have been with all


> > us! I was so tickled Mike got more amazing results there too!


> > plan on seeing you at the next conference for SURE! Right?? :)


> Next year, I will still be in school, so probably not unless they

change the

> dates. I am out of class the last three weeks of June, Sept,

December, and

> March.


> -Barb

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Thanks Patti - it's nice to know one is missed. I sure missed all

of you! I will try to rest up and get back onlist soon!

Love Lana

> Welcome back, Lana!!


> I am so glad you had such a great time, but we missed you

here!!!!! I hope you get to rest up after this weekend!


> Love, Patti

> Back from conference






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