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Itinerary Update

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I now have more information ont he meeting in Baltimore. Turns out

there will actually be two. Here is the direct passage I just

received from Dr. Francomano: " We will be meeting at the s

Hopkins Bayview medical campus in Baltimore on August 26, from 9 AM

to 4 PM and at the Kennedy Krieger Institute on August 27. " There is

also a high probability that I will be meeting/treating one of her

EDS patients on the 25th.

I will also share another comment from her email. " It was a great

pleasure to meet you in Buffalo and to have the opportunity to watch

your work with Aase. Now all we have to do is figure out how to

clone you so you can be available in all states of the Union to all

the people who need your services! " Have to admit, that one sure

made my day.

At any rate, we are currently at an RV park on the peninsula

northeast of Green Bay Wisconsin. As soon as I finish checking

emails and posts, we are going to hit the road again. We are going

to drive up and over through northern Wisconsin and Michigan today.

Plans are to be in the southern Michigan area then for the next 2-4

days, exact details not yet determined. I will then be able to

rework the itinerary based on the Baltimore dates and put out

another post with the latest revision.

Given the unreliability of our email, my personal cell phone number

is . I have been leaving it plugged in to the car

charger and turned on the last couple of days and will probably

continue to for the next couple of days. If for any reason it is

turned off, it does have voice mail. Just as info if anybody really

NEEDS to get in touch with me.

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