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Re: Urgh, should have known this would happen! -Jo

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You really need to look at getting a power chair ASAP. then you wont

be stressing your wrist and shoulder and ricking injury to them and

this would also prevent further accidents from slipping or falling. I

know how hard it is coming to terms with needing this kind of

equiptment but Jo you really do need to look at it, simply for a

safety reason to try to prevent further injuries but still allow you

mobility and more than likely MORE mobility (as then cast, cam

walker, brace and shoulder immobiliser or not you could still get out

and about (even just roll out to the garden and sit in the sun and

read or go for a long roll/stroll with mum and dad around the area)

and with being restricted with not being allower to weightbear much

then it wouldn't matter you could still go out and have fun and do

things and just get out of the house.

The other advantage I can see if that the power chair would help you

to conserve what energy you have to do other more enjoyable things

and when out would help prevent people from bumping and jostling you

and thus risking further injury.

PLEASE PLEASE dear friend look SERIOUSLY at getting yourself a

powerchair As soon as is humanly possible (I know how hard it is

mentally and emotionally to come to terms with Jo but I truly think

you wont look back once getting one and it will help prevent further

injuries from slips and falls and joints giving way, and will take

the stress of already dodgy limbs and rest/ protect those limbs not

yet too badly injured.

I truly beleive in my heart that a power chair wil give you greater

independance and freedom and would be a WHOLE lot safer for you.

Look after yourself my firend and take it easy PLEASE and look after

that nasty nasty ankle, knee, wrist and that newly repaired shoulder..

Sharon xx


> I guess I really should have known better than to expect my good

> news and happiness from yesterday to last very long. After another

> early, but pretty uneventful morning having my MRI scan and cardiac

> monitor fitted things I'm afraid have turned sour again this

> afternoon. It's my own fault I suppose as I should have taken more

> care, but it was a lovely afternoon for a chance and I was sick of

> being inside...so I went to pick some brambles (blackberries) from

> the bottom of the garden with my Mom.


> It was really nice enjoying the sun and we collected a bumper crop

> of juicy, ripe fruits for my Mom to make her bramble and apple

> crumble with. We were just finishing and about to return to the

> house though when I lost my footing on some ground I thought was

> solid and bingo, one use crack later I'm looking down to see my

> right ankle horribly dislocated with the foot at 90 degrees to the

> ankle joint. I screamed rather loudly with the pain, but worst

> still I actually had to weight bare on the dislocated ankle in


> to get to the grass and flop onto the floor - that has to be one of

> the most agonising things I've ever done - practically standing on

> the base of my tibia. Ouch!


> With some help from Mom I managed to relocate the joint and hobble

> to the house, of course the fact that it's my opposite side knee

> that's stuffed isn't helping matters here either. The foot swelled

> up pretty bad, felt awful and every time I tried to put weight

> through it, just rolled back out of joint again...suggesting pretty

> bad ligament damage. So back off to the hospital again into the

> fortunately great care of the ER consultant and my good friend

> the staff nurse. Between them they rescued me from a well

> meaning student who didn't have a clue and educated her rather


> course style on my " rare condition, multiple morphology and special

> care " protocol!


> Several hours, poking, prodding, x-raying and conflabbing later


> decided there is thankfully no bone spurs come away with the

> ligaments, but the joint is practically just hanging as I've torn


> much internally. Because of my current state of play with my dodgy

> left knee and of course my left arm still in plaster, they decided

> that putting my right leg in plaster would be too much strain for


> as I'd need to be NWB. I am still having to risk my wrist and newly

> fixed shoulder by using both crutches, but thankfully instead of

> plaster cast I've been given a very fancy Aircast pneumatic walker

> cast, that can be pumped up with a special tool for a perfect fit,

> and which they are not really supposed to give out! It's a very

> impressive piece of kit, worth around $170 and although cumbersome

> and awkward still, is a lot better than being in plaster for me as


> can partly weight bear with this. I have to stay in the cast, use

> both crutches when mobilising but try to stay as immobile as

> possible until I see Mac on Wednesday and take things from


> oops, yet an other thing for poor Mac to care for!


> I really do look such a sight at the moment, I will have to get a

> picture for you all to have a good giggle at - Imagine a mutant

> wearing a huge, greay plastic aircast on her right leg, a bright

> blue brace on her left leg, a plaster cast on her left arm, two

> crutches and a slightly noticeable cardiac monitor with wires

> everywhere and a pager type recorder clipped to my waist. If ever

> the NHS want a calendar girl, I'm it :-)


> Take care everyone and I promise to post that picture for you

> tomorrow. Thinking of you all.


> Love and hugs....Jo

> xx

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