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RE: Lana: a weird thing

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You are not a blabbermouth.....You are spontaneous and that honesty

comes thru loud and clear in your e-mails....one of the things I really

like about your messages...from the heart. That is an excellent quality

as many of us are more guarded and not as forthright....now remember,

you're spontaneous....O.K.

In the counselling sessions we had, I cried buckets....and buckets so

let me assure you, tears can happen lots and often this is good to

release some of the buried pain(emotional), that I wasn't willing to

experience and live through.

Re the knee pain...try Mike's polarity X technique on your knee. It

really works for knees and many other things. I do it on my own knee.

This is taking time for yourself...just do it.

Re the twitching in the thumb and index finger. Meaghan has had this

exact same thing in her lower thigh. It occurred for a day or two after

I had her show me how hypermobile her knees and lower legs were when I

was first identifying the HEDS and amt of hypermobility in different

joints. When standing she can turn both feet so the toes face each other

but obviously this dislocated her knee and the muscle gets overstretched

and goes into spasm. We even went to the doctor with it and he

suggested she must have twisted her knee but because she did not

experience pain when twisting it we did not relate the two till later it

dawned on me what the twist was. Obviously you have overstretched or

dislocated the thumb in your activities. I know the twitching is most

annoying and quite uncomfortable. Does soaking it in warm Epsom salt

bath help and using a tensor bandage to provide support? Do you use a

wrist brace, even at night? Mike might have a technique to reduce the

spasming. Like you, Meaghan's twitching occurred when she was at rest

but it stopped after 3 or 4 days. At night try applying a thick moist

face cloth that you warm in the microwave, as warm as you can tolerate.

I have relieved a number of back muscle spasms for Bill by using a wet

towel warmed in the microwave. I place plastic over the towel and then

another towel on top to retain heat. For a hand I suppose putting it in

a plastic bag and then wrapping a second small towel over top would


My sister with fibromyalgia finds that cold (an ice pack) at the base of

her skull works best for her when she has severe pain. We are all

different and need to find what works.

No doubt, getting adequate physical rest and enough sleep will help

substantially. Meaghan finds a warm Epsom salts bath helps improve

restless legs and sleep. This is taking time for yourself. Counselling

is hard work, and no doubt draining you somewhat....a little like

feeling one has been thrown into turmoil. Have patience and the courage

to ride it out.

All the best, Bernie

News from Sis --- feet and a weird thing

Importance: High

I'm not doing good physically right now. My right knee is really


me big time. I haven't done anything to it. It's right in the middle,

below the kneecap. Also, I have this very strange twitching going on in


left hand, around my thumb (which I've always had problems with my


It's between the thumb and 1st finger, and the twitching only lasts a


seconds, and I would call it painful, but it drives me NUTS! Between


two things, it woke me at 4 a.m. and I was unable to get back to sleep


So what say you about this?!?!?! Any ideas???? I even took a muscle

relaxant thinking that it might help, but it didn't do much; and I also


on my silver ring splints, which didn't help either! UGH! I haven't


anything to THAT either!!! I have a weird thing too.usually the left


of my neck is the part that really hurts, but right now, it's the right


- it's very tight, and I know I'm having muscle spasms. My LEFT


hurts like heck as well. I don't know if it's nerves or what - I have

started the Buspar, but am not up to a regular dose yet. Could it be


I'm just worn out? Too tired??? Physically drained? I KNOW I'm that,


would it cause all these OTHER things to be going on?????

If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them! Thanks for listening,


news about Cindy, Sis AND me! I know, I know..I'm a blabbermouth,


have been! I think I'm a loveable one though, and if I get on your


you can just ignore me! LOL!

All of YOU need to take care of yourselves, OK?

Love Lana 0:-)

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You are not a blabbermouth.....You are spontaneous and that honesty

comes thru loud and clear in your e-mails....one of the things I really

like about your messages...from the heart. That is an excellent quality

as many of us are more guarded and not as forthright....now remember,

you're spontaneous....O.K.

In the counselling sessions we had, I cried buckets....and buckets so

let me assure you, tears can happen lots and often this is good to

release some of the buried pain(emotional), that I wasn't willing to

experience and live through.

Re the knee pain...try Mike's polarity X technique on your knee. It

really works for knees and many other things. I do it on my own knee.

This is taking time for yourself...just do it.

Re the twitching in the thumb and index finger. Meaghan has had this

exact same thing in her lower thigh. It occurred for a day or two after

I had her show me how hypermobile her knees and lower legs were when I

was first identifying the HEDS and amt of hypermobility in different

joints. When standing she can turn both feet so the toes face each other

but obviously this dislocated her knee and the muscle gets overstretched

and goes into spasm. We even went to the doctor with it and he

suggested she must have twisted her knee but because she did not

experience pain when twisting it we did not relate the two till later it

dawned on me what the twist was. Obviously you have overstretched or

dislocated the thumb in your activities. I know the twitching is most

annoying and quite uncomfortable. Does soaking it in warm Epsom salt

bath help and using a tensor bandage to provide support? Do you use a

wrist brace, even at night? Mike might have a technique to reduce the

spasming. Like you, Meaghan's twitching occurred when she was at rest

but it stopped after 3 or 4 days. At night try applying a thick moist

face cloth that you warm in the microwave, as warm as you can tolerate.

I have relieved a number of back muscle spasms for Bill by using a wet

towel warmed in the microwave. I place plastic over the towel and then

another towel on top to retain heat. For a hand I suppose putting it in

a plastic bag and then wrapping a second small towel over top would


My sister with fibromyalgia finds that cold (an ice pack) at the base of

her skull works best for her when she has severe pain. We are all

different and need to find what works.

No doubt, getting adequate physical rest and enough sleep will help

substantially. Meaghan finds a warm Epsom salts bath helps improve

restless legs and sleep. This is taking time for yourself. Counselling

is hard work, and no doubt draining you somewhat....a little like

feeling one has been thrown into turmoil. Have patience and the courage

to ride it out.

All the best, Bernie

News from Sis --- feet and a weird thing

Importance: High

I'm not doing good physically right now. My right knee is really


me big time. I haven't done anything to it. It's right in the middle,

below the kneecap. Also, I have this very strange twitching going on in


left hand, around my thumb (which I've always had problems with my


It's between the thumb and 1st finger, and the twitching only lasts a


seconds, and I would call it painful, but it drives me NUTS! Between


two things, it woke me at 4 a.m. and I was unable to get back to sleep


So what say you about this?!?!?! Any ideas???? I even took a muscle

relaxant thinking that it might help, but it didn't do much; and I also


on my silver ring splints, which didn't help either! UGH! I haven't


anything to THAT either!!! I have a weird thing too.usually the left


of my neck is the part that really hurts, but right now, it's the right


- it's very tight, and I know I'm having muscle spasms. My LEFT


hurts like heck as well. I don't know if it's nerves or what - I have

started the Buspar, but am not up to a regular dose yet. Could it be


I'm just worn out? Too tired??? Physically drained? I KNOW I'm that,


would it cause all these OTHER things to be going on?????

If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them! Thanks for listening,


news about Cindy, Sis AND me! I know, I know..I'm a blabbermouth,


have been! I think I'm a loveable one though, and if I get on your


you can just ignore me! LOL!

All of YOU need to take care of yourselves, OK?

Love Lana 0:-)

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> Lana:....now remember, you're spontaneous....O.K.

.....................Got it, Bernie! :) Thanks for the NICE


> In the counselling sessions we had, I cried buckets....and buckets

so let me assure you, tears can happen lots and often this is good to

release some of the buried pain(emotional), that I wasn't willing to

experience and live through.

......................Yes, I think that has a LOT to do with it.

> Re the knee pain...try Mike's polarity X technique on your knee. It

> really works for knees and many other things. I do it on my own

knee. This is taking time for yourself...just do it.

......................I do know I need to do this! Really, I've been

meaning to, but I tend to get caught up in other things, and right

now, the other things just seem more important than a pain in my knee

that I know I can work on later and lessen. I WILL do it, Bernie,

TONIGHT! You spurred me on!

> Re the twitching in the thumb and index finger. Meaghan has had


> exact same thing in her lower thigh.....and the muscle gets


> and goes into spasm...... Obviously you have overstretched or

> dislocated the thumb in your activities. I know the twitching is


> annoying and quite uncomfortable.

......................DUH, I guess I never considered that! I haven't

thought much about HOW it may have come about!

Does soaking it in warm Epsom salt

> bath help and using a tensor bandage to provide support? Do you

use a

> wrist brace, even at night? Mike might have a technique to reduce


> spasming. Like you, Meaghan's twitching occurred when she was at


> but it stopped after 3 or 4 days. At night try applying a thick


> face cloth that you warm in the microwave, as warm as you can


For a hand I suppose putting it in

> a plastic bag and then wrapping a second small towel over top would

> work.

......................GREAT idea, Bernie! In fact, I have a mitten

type of thing you place in a microwave that I got from a physical

therapist, so I'll give that a try tonight, and soak it in epsom

salts before I do it. THANK YOU! I'm just not thinking clearly

right now I guess.

> No doubt, getting adequate physical rest and enough sleep will help

> substantially. Meaghan finds a warm Epsom salts bath helps improve

> restless legs and sleep. This is taking time for yourself.


> is hard work, and no doubt draining you somewhat....a little like

> feeling one has been thrown into turmoil. Have patience and the


> to ride it out.

......................Yes, I'm sure more rest will help! Honestly,

even though the company has gone that I had, I've been playing catch

up with grocery shopping, laundry, counseling, etc. I absolutely

HAVE to make myself get more sleep...again, TONIGHT! I do have the

inner turmoil, and even moreso today, as Mike wants to talk about the

ADD book, and I know he's not happy about it, as it began last

evening, but it was already midnight, and I requested we resume the

talk tonight. If it doesn't go well, I plan to just ask that we

leave it and talk about it during the counseling session, where there

is a 3rd party. I hope it goes better than I'm anticipating.

Bernie, thank you so much for YOUR openess and insight, and for

taking the time to tell me about Meaghan. What you said regarding

the overstretching makes a lot of sense, and the twitching does seem

to be decreasing a little bit. Maybe with the soak and warm mitten

it will cease. Again, I truly appreciate this! I promise I will do

these things for myself TONIGHT!

Love Lana

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> Lana:....now remember, you're spontaneous....O.K.

.....................Got it, Bernie! :) Thanks for the NICE


> In the counselling sessions we had, I cried buckets....and buckets

so let me assure you, tears can happen lots and often this is good to

release some of the buried pain(emotional), that I wasn't willing to

experience and live through.

......................Yes, I think that has a LOT to do with it.

> Re the knee pain...try Mike's polarity X technique on your knee. It

> really works for knees and many other things. I do it on my own

knee. This is taking time for yourself...just do it.

......................I do know I need to do this! Really, I've been

meaning to, but I tend to get caught up in other things, and right

now, the other things just seem more important than a pain in my knee

that I know I can work on later and lessen. I WILL do it, Bernie,

TONIGHT! You spurred me on!

> Re the twitching in the thumb and index finger. Meaghan has had


> exact same thing in her lower thigh.....and the muscle gets


> and goes into spasm...... Obviously you have overstretched or

> dislocated the thumb in your activities. I know the twitching is


> annoying and quite uncomfortable.

......................DUH, I guess I never considered that! I haven't

thought much about HOW it may have come about!

Does soaking it in warm Epsom salt

> bath help and using a tensor bandage to provide support? Do you

use a

> wrist brace, even at night? Mike might have a technique to reduce


> spasming. Like you, Meaghan's twitching occurred when she was at


> but it stopped after 3 or 4 days. At night try applying a thick


> face cloth that you warm in the microwave, as warm as you can


For a hand I suppose putting it in

> a plastic bag and then wrapping a second small towel over top would

> work.

......................GREAT idea, Bernie! In fact, I have a mitten

type of thing you place in a microwave that I got from a physical

therapist, so I'll give that a try tonight, and soak it in epsom

salts before I do it. THANK YOU! I'm just not thinking clearly

right now I guess.

> No doubt, getting adequate physical rest and enough sleep will help

> substantially. Meaghan finds a warm Epsom salts bath helps improve

> restless legs and sleep. This is taking time for yourself.


> is hard work, and no doubt draining you somewhat....a little like

> feeling one has been thrown into turmoil. Have patience and the


> to ride it out.

......................Yes, I'm sure more rest will help! Honestly,

even though the company has gone that I had, I've been playing catch

up with grocery shopping, laundry, counseling, etc. I absolutely

HAVE to make myself get more sleep...again, TONIGHT! I do have the

inner turmoil, and even moreso today, as Mike wants to talk about the

ADD book, and I know he's not happy about it, as it began last

evening, but it was already midnight, and I requested we resume the

talk tonight. If it doesn't go well, I plan to just ask that we

leave it and talk about it during the counseling session, where there

is a 3rd party. I hope it goes better than I'm anticipating.

Bernie, thank you so much for YOUR openess and insight, and for

taking the time to tell me about Meaghan. What you said regarding

the overstretching makes a lot of sense, and the twitching does seem

to be decreasing a little bit. Maybe with the soak and warm mitten

it will cease. Again, I truly appreciate this! I promise I will do

these things for myself TONIGHT!

Love Lana

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Epsom salts are a wonderful item for EDS. It may be, from some studies I've

seen, that we have a magnesium deficiency anyways....and those salts are

magnesium! Since I've taken extra magensium supplements, I've also had less


and my breathing got a lot better.


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Epsom salts are a wonderful item for EDS. It may be, from some studies I've

seen, that we have a magnesium deficiency anyways....and those salts are

magnesium! Since I've taken extra magensium supplements, I've also had less


and my breathing got a lot better.


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Best wishes in your discussion with the ADD book tonight. Larry went to the

Doc today and he hasn't told me a word about what they spoke about, so I

won't ask. I just don't know what address to write you at anymore. I tried

the private one and nothing. I'm praying for you all, keep prayers out to

Cindy and Dylan and please.

Love, S.

Re: Lana: a weird thing


> > Lana:....now remember, you're spontaneous....O.K.


> ....................Got it, Bernie! :) Thanks for the NICE

> observation!


> > In the counselling sessions we had, I cried buckets....and buckets

> so let me assure you, tears can happen lots and often this is good to

> release some of the buried pain(emotional), that I wasn't willing to

> experience and live through.


> .....................Yes, I think that has a LOT to do with it.


> > Re the knee pain...try Mike's polarity X technique on your knee. It

> > really works for knees and many other things. I do it on my own

> knee. This is taking time for yourself...just do it.


> .....................I do know I need to do this! Really, I've been

> meaning to, but I tend to get caught up in other things, and right

> now, the other things just seem more important than a pain in my knee

> that I know I can work on later and lessen. I WILL do it, Bernie,

> TONIGHT! You spurred me on!


> > Re the twitching in the thumb and index finger. Meaghan has had

> this

> > exact same thing in her lower thigh.....and the muscle gets

> overstretched

> > and goes into spasm...... Obviously you have overstretched or

> > dislocated the thumb in your activities. I know the twitching is

> most

> > annoying and quite uncomfortable.


> .....................DUH, I guess I never considered that! I haven't

> thought much about HOW it may have come about!


> Does soaking it in warm Epsom salt

> > bath help and using a tensor bandage to provide support? Do you

> use a

> > wrist brace, even at night? Mike might have a technique to reduce

> the

> > spasming. Like you, Meaghan's twitching occurred when she was at

> rest

> > but it stopped after 3 or 4 days. At night try applying a thick

> moist

> > face cloth that you warm in the microwave, as warm as you can

> tolerate.

> For a hand I suppose putting it in

> > a plastic bag and then wrapping a second small towel over top would

> > work.


> .....................GREAT idea, Bernie! In fact, I have a mitten

> type of thing you place in a microwave that I got from a physical

> therapist, so I'll give that a try tonight, and soak it in epsom

> salts before I do it. THANK YOU! I'm just not thinking clearly

> right now I guess.


> > No doubt, getting adequate physical rest and enough sleep will help

> > substantially. Meaghan finds a warm Epsom salts bath helps improve

> > restless legs and sleep. This is taking time for yourself.

> Counselling

> > is hard work, and no doubt draining you somewhat....a little like

> > feeling one has been thrown into turmoil. Have patience and the

> courage

> > to ride it out.


> .....................Yes, I'm sure more rest will help! Honestly,

> even though the company has gone that I had, I've been playing catch

> up with grocery shopping, laundry, counseling, etc. I absolutely

> HAVE to make myself get more sleep...again, TONIGHT! I do have the

> inner turmoil, and even moreso today, as Mike wants to talk about the

> ADD book, and I know he's not happy about it, as it began last

> evening, but it was already midnight, and I requested we resume the

> talk tonight. If it doesn't go well, I plan to just ask that we

> leave it and talk about it during the counseling session, where there

> is a 3rd party. I hope it goes better than I'm anticipating.


> Bernie, thank you so much for YOUR openess and insight, and for

> taking the time to tell me about Meaghan. What you said regarding

> the overstretching makes a lot of sense, and the twitching does seem

> to be decreasing a little bit. Maybe with the soak and warm mitten

> it will cease. Again, I truly appreciate this! I promise I will do

> these things for myself TONIGHT!


> Love Lana






> To learn more about EDS, visit our website: http://www.ehlersdanlos.ca


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Best wishes in your discussion with the ADD book tonight. Larry went to the

Doc today and he hasn't told me a word about what they spoke about, so I

won't ask. I just don't know what address to write you at anymore. I tried

the private one and nothing. I'm praying for you all, keep prayers out to

Cindy and Dylan and please.

Love, S.

Re: Lana: a weird thing


> > Lana:....now remember, you're spontaneous....O.K.


> ....................Got it, Bernie! :) Thanks for the NICE

> observation!


> > In the counselling sessions we had, I cried buckets....and buckets

> so let me assure you, tears can happen lots and often this is good to

> release some of the buried pain(emotional), that I wasn't willing to

> experience and live through.


> .....................Yes, I think that has a LOT to do with it.


> > Re the knee pain...try Mike's polarity X technique on your knee. It

> > really works for knees and many other things. I do it on my own

> knee. This is taking time for yourself...just do it.


> .....................I do know I need to do this! Really, I've been

> meaning to, but I tend to get caught up in other things, and right

> now, the other things just seem more important than a pain in my knee

> that I know I can work on later and lessen. I WILL do it, Bernie,

> TONIGHT! You spurred me on!


> > Re the twitching in the thumb and index finger. Meaghan has had

> this

> > exact same thing in her lower thigh.....and the muscle gets

> overstretched

> > and goes into spasm...... Obviously you have overstretched or

> > dislocated the thumb in your activities. I know the twitching is

> most

> > annoying and quite uncomfortable.


> .....................DUH, I guess I never considered that! I haven't

> thought much about HOW it may have come about!


> Does soaking it in warm Epsom salt

> > bath help and using a tensor bandage to provide support? Do you

> use a

> > wrist brace, even at night? Mike might have a technique to reduce

> the

> > spasming. Like you, Meaghan's twitching occurred when she was at

> rest

> > but it stopped after 3 or 4 days. At night try applying a thick

> moist

> > face cloth that you warm in the microwave, as warm as you can

> tolerate.

> For a hand I suppose putting it in

> > a plastic bag and then wrapping a second small towel over top would

> > work.


> .....................GREAT idea, Bernie! In fact, I have a mitten

> type of thing you place in a microwave that I got from a physical

> therapist, so I'll give that a try tonight, and soak it in epsom

> salts before I do it. THANK YOU! I'm just not thinking clearly

> right now I guess.


> > No doubt, getting adequate physical rest and enough sleep will help

> > substantially. Meaghan finds a warm Epsom salts bath helps improve

> > restless legs and sleep. This is taking time for yourself.

> Counselling

> > is hard work, and no doubt draining you somewhat....a little like

> > feeling one has been thrown into turmoil. Have patience and the

> courage

> > to ride it out.


> .....................Yes, I'm sure more rest will help! Honestly,

> even though the company has gone that I had, I've been playing catch

> up with grocery shopping, laundry, counseling, etc. I absolutely

> HAVE to make myself get more sleep...again, TONIGHT! I do have the

> inner turmoil, and even moreso today, as Mike wants to talk about the

> ADD book, and I know he's not happy about it, as it began last

> evening, but it was already midnight, and I requested we resume the

> talk tonight. If it doesn't go well, I plan to just ask that we

> leave it and talk about it during the counseling session, where there

> is a 3rd party. I hope it goes better than I'm anticipating.


> Bernie, thank you so much for YOUR openess and insight, and for

> taking the time to tell me about Meaghan. What you said regarding

> the overstretching makes a lot of sense, and the twitching does seem

> to be decreasing a little bit. Maybe with the soak and warm mitten

> it will cease. Again, I truly appreciate this! I promise I will do

> these things for myself TONIGHT!


> Love Lana






> To learn more about EDS, visit our website: http://www.ehlersdanlos.ca


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Thanks ! Am sending you an email with all my current email

addresses, OK? I appreciate your prayers so much. When I pray for

Mike and me, I include you and Larry, and any other couples or

individuals that suffer from ADD.

Please take good care of YOU! I'll keep you informed!

Love Lana

> > > Lana:....now remember, you're spontaneous....O.K.

> >

> > ....................Got it, Bernie! :) Thanks for the NICE

> > observation!

> >

> > > In the counselling sessions we had, I cried buckets....and


> > so let me assure you, tears can happen lots and often this is

good to

> > release some of the buried pain(emotional), that I wasn't willing


> > experience and live through.

> >

> > .....................Yes, I think that has a LOT to do with it.

> >

> > > Re the knee pain...try Mike's polarity X technique on your

knee. It

> > > really works for knees and many other things. I do it on my own

> > knee. This is taking time for yourself...just do it.

> >

> > .....................I do know I need to do this! Really, I've


> > meaning to, but I tend to get caught up in other things, and right

> > now, the other things just seem more important than a pain in my


> > that I know I can work on later and lessen. I WILL do it, Bernie,

> > TONIGHT! You spurred me on!

> >

> > > Re the twitching in the thumb and index finger. Meaghan has had

> > this

> > > exact same thing in her lower thigh.....and the muscle gets

> > overstretched

> > > and goes into spasm...... Obviously you have overstretched or

> > > dislocated the thumb in your activities. I know the twitching


> > most

> > > annoying and quite uncomfortable.

> >

> > .....................DUH, I guess I never considered that! I


> > thought much about HOW it may have come about!

> >

> > Does soaking it in warm Epsom salt

> > > bath help and using a tensor bandage to provide support? Do you

> > use a

> > > wrist brace, even at night? Mike might have a technique to


> > the

> > > spasming. Like you, Meaghan's twitching occurred when she was at

> > rest

> > > but it stopped after 3 or 4 days. At night try applying a thick

> > moist

> > > face cloth that you warm in the microwave, as warm as you can

> > tolerate.

> > For a hand I suppose putting it in

> > > a plastic bag and then wrapping a second small towel over top


> > > work.

> >

> > .....................GREAT idea, Bernie! In fact, I have a mitten

> > type of thing you place in a microwave that I got from a physical

> > therapist, so I'll give that a try tonight, and soak it in epsom

> > salts before I do it. THANK YOU! I'm just not thinking clearly

> > right now I guess.

> >

> > > No doubt, getting adequate physical rest and enough sleep will


> > > substantially. Meaghan finds a warm Epsom salts bath helps


> > > restless legs and sleep. This is taking time for yourself.

> > Counselling

> > > is hard work, and no doubt draining you somewhat....a little


> > > feeling one has been thrown into turmoil. Have patience and the

> > courage

> > > to ride it out.

> >

> > .....................Yes, I'm sure more rest will help! Honestly,

> > even though the company has gone that I had, I've been playing


> > up with grocery shopping, laundry, counseling, etc. I absolutely

> > HAVE to make myself get more sleep...again, TONIGHT! I do have


> > inner turmoil, and even moreso today, as Mike wants to talk about


> > ADD book, and I know he's not happy about it, as it began last

> > evening, but it was already midnight, and I requested we resume


> > talk tonight. If it doesn't go well, I plan to just ask that we

> > leave it and talk about it during the counseling session, where


> > is a 3rd party. I hope it goes better than I'm anticipating.

> >

> > Bernie, thank you so much for YOUR openess and insight, and for

> > taking the time to tell me about Meaghan. What you said regarding

> > the overstretching makes a lot of sense, and the twitching does


> > to be decreasing a little bit. Maybe with the soak and warm


> > it will cease. Again, I truly appreciate this! I promise I will


> > these things for myself TONIGHT!

> >

> > Love Lana

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To learn more about EDS, visit our website:


> >

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Thanks ! Am sending you an email with all my current email

addresses, OK? I appreciate your prayers so much. When I pray for

Mike and me, I include you and Larry, and any other couples or

individuals that suffer from ADD.

Please take good care of YOU! I'll keep you informed!

Love Lana

> > > Lana:....now remember, you're spontaneous....O.K.

> >

> > ....................Got it, Bernie! :) Thanks for the NICE

> > observation!

> >

> > > In the counselling sessions we had, I cried buckets....and


> > so let me assure you, tears can happen lots and often this is

good to

> > release some of the buried pain(emotional), that I wasn't willing


> > experience and live through.

> >

> > .....................Yes, I think that has a LOT to do with it.

> >

> > > Re the knee pain...try Mike's polarity X technique on your

knee. It

> > > really works for knees and many other things. I do it on my own

> > knee. This is taking time for yourself...just do it.

> >

> > .....................I do know I need to do this! Really, I've


> > meaning to, but I tend to get caught up in other things, and right

> > now, the other things just seem more important than a pain in my


> > that I know I can work on later and lessen. I WILL do it, Bernie,

> > TONIGHT! You spurred me on!

> >

> > > Re the twitching in the thumb and index finger. Meaghan has had

> > this

> > > exact same thing in her lower thigh.....and the muscle gets

> > overstretched

> > > and goes into spasm...... Obviously you have overstretched or

> > > dislocated the thumb in your activities. I know the twitching


> > most

> > > annoying and quite uncomfortable.

> >

> > .....................DUH, I guess I never considered that! I


> > thought much about HOW it may have come about!

> >

> > Does soaking it in warm Epsom salt

> > > bath help and using a tensor bandage to provide support? Do you

> > use a

> > > wrist brace, even at night? Mike might have a technique to


> > the

> > > spasming. Like you, Meaghan's twitching occurred when she was at

> > rest

> > > but it stopped after 3 or 4 days. At night try applying a thick

> > moist

> > > face cloth that you warm in the microwave, as warm as you can

> > tolerate.

> > For a hand I suppose putting it in

> > > a plastic bag and then wrapping a second small towel over top


> > > work.

> >

> > .....................GREAT idea, Bernie! In fact, I have a mitten

> > type of thing you place in a microwave that I got from a physical

> > therapist, so I'll give that a try tonight, and soak it in epsom

> > salts before I do it. THANK YOU! I'm just not thinking clearly

> > right now I guess.

> >

> > > No doubt, getting adequate physical rest and enough sleep will


> > > substantially. Meaghan finds a warm Epsom salts bath helps


> > > restless legs and sleep. This is taking time for yourself.

> > Counselling

> > > is hard work, and no doubt draining you somewhat....a little


> > > feeling one has been thrown into turmoil. Have patience and the

> > courage

> > > to ride it out.

> >

> > .....................Yes, I'm sure more rest will help! Honestly,

> > even though the company has gone that I had, I've been playing


> > up with grocery shopping, laundry, counseling, etc. I absolutely

> > HAVE to make myself get more sleep...again, TONIGHT! I do have


> > inner turmoil, and even moreso today, as Mike wants to talk about


> > ADD book, and I know he's not happy about it, as it began last

> > evening, but it was already midnight, and I requested we resume


> > talk tonight. If it doesn't go well, I plan to just ask that we

> > leave it and talk about it during the counseling session, where


> > is a 3rd party. I hope it goes better than I'm anticipating.

> >

> > Bernie, thank you so much for YOUR openess and insight, and for

> > taking the time to tell me about Meaghan. What you said regarding

> > the overstretching makes a lot of sense, and the twitching does


> > to be decreasing a little bit. Maybe with the soak and warm


> > it will cease. Again, I truly appreciate this! I promise I will


> > these things for myself TONIGHT!

> >

> > Love Lana

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To learn more about EDS, visit our website:


> >

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That is so interesting....particularly regarding the decrease in pain

plus improvwement in breathing. Since my dtr finds the baths so helpful

I will consider supplements. What brand and how much do you take?

Bernie, Canada

Re: Lana: a weird thing

Epsom salts are a wonderful item for EDS. It may be, from some studies


seen, that we have a magnesium deficiency anyways....and those salts are

magnesium! Since I've taken extra magensium supplements, I've also had

less pain

and my breathing got a lot better.


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In a message dated 8/19/2004 9:53:52 PM Pacific Standard Time,

bfhalkett@... writes:


That is so interesting....particularly regarding the decrease in pain

plus improvwement in breathing. Since my dtr finds the baths so helpful

I will consider supplements. What brand and how much do you take?

Bernie, Canada

I got the info on taking Magnesium for asthma in a book called REVERSING

ASTHMA off Amazon.com. He has good info on what drugs do what, which are safest

for adults and kids, how to reduce your dosages, figure out what is triggering

your problems...and how to feed your body correctly. Most of my Vitamins I

get off MyVits.com. Any brand they carry is exceptionally effective, and I find

I have to switch brands every bottle or so to keep my system from getting

that dratted " immune " effect from stuff.

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In a message dated 8/19/2004 9:53:52 PM Pacific Standard Time,

bfhalkett@... writes:


That is so interesting....particularly regarding the decrease in pain

plus improvwement in breathing. Since my dtr finds the baths so helpful

I will consider supplements. What brand and how much do you take?

Bernie, Canada

I got the info on taking Magnesium for asthma in a book called REVERSING

ASTHMA off Amazon.com. He has good info on what drugs do what, which are safest

for adults and kids, how to reduce your dosages, figure out what is triggering

your problems...and how to feed your body correctly. Most of my Vitamins I

get off MyVits.com. Any brand they carry is exceptionally effective, and I find

I have to switch brands every bottle or so to keep my system from getting

that dratted " immune " effect from stuff.

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