Guest guest Posted July 27, 2004 Report Share Posted July 27, 2004 > , > > Great to see you join , Eurico, & Amy, in also becoming a ceda > member. Wow - I know I'm in good company with all of you helping pave the way for me as dual dx'ed . Thanks soo much Gail for shepard ing me here . I appreciated all the welcome posts too - Several of you wrote offlist , and each was kind and welcoming :-) I thought I'd add a bit to what you wrote below Gail - I think your very right to be working on spreading the word here that ACM may well have been missed by good neurologists /neurosurgeons evaluations for many foks - in part because the understanding of science and acm changed drastically in just the last few years / and unless we who DO have it GET to true specialists in acm , the diagnosis is often missed or blown off as " insignifigant " . I noticed the post here on Ceda's list about sleep apnea impacts /stroke risks - and in one acm /sm study published a couple years back -- 85% with acm had major sleep disturbance found / most having either central or perifieral caused apnea . > > There are many people on the Chiari list (i.e. wacma...World Arnold Chiari > Malformation Association: See ), that have learnt > about an association between Chiari 1 malformation & EDS from the Drs. at > the Chiari Institute (TCI) in NY; some of whom have found they have EDS > too/wonder if they have EDS. IN a given year -- TCI currently see's around 450 acm /sm patients if I recall the lecture figure right from last summer's lecture . In just THIS year alone - since they started screening for EDS in most patients seen -- over 100 have been found /and the year isn't FINNISHED yet . They are currently finding an incidence of about one in three folks screened who've got acm /sm . It's QUITE clear now that there is an association in those with acm /sm . What they are finding is - there are MIXED features of more than one type of EDS - and they arn't at a point yet that they are refering the folks identified to a specific doctor for testing to confirm which type of EDS they actually have . They discussed with me that since I live 3000 plus miles from TCI . They felt it would be best to come home /and work through with my local very good physicians if a more specific diagnosis through an EDS specialist here would be needed to confirm or rule out the vasular form since my health history does have incident's /problems in the past that fit vascular form EDS - but they've also NOT been the VERY distructive joint dislocations and bleeding issues - they've mostly been on the more minor bleeding end of the spectrum EXCEPT during pregnancy's /delivery's ect like uterine rupture during full term delivery. I'm in the midst of a new to the area /new grad rhemutologist searching for whom he feels I should see for testing /typing now - and havn't had skin biopsy confirmation of typing ect tried yet . I AM hoping some here may have ideas /sugestions whom I should consider seeing - I do have free flights available to me to travel distances - and living in rural Northern CA expect I'll need to go some distance . The rhemalogist felt surly someone in CA is studing this - so felt heading to Seatle next may not be the best option . He's doing research to try and find someone now - I told him I'd do the same ( turning to you all - and a local chapter of EDS members I THINK I've found info on - still got some work to do to find if it's still around /active too ) . If anyone has further sugestions( I did hear from one member about a connective tissue clinic at Ceder's Sinai hospital in LA - thanks :-) My full medical insurance coverage is good in CA only -- but I do have Medicare coverage as well . ( I can handle copays to medicare ONLY if the hospital or doctor is willing to accept VERY small payments for consultations - and testing copay's ) = my income is very limmited being on Soc Sec disablity /SSI . Aso Gail wrote - > > also mentions the Amercian Syringomyelia Alliance Project ( ASAP ). > See: , & please look around this site, if > interested in finding out more about Chiari & syringomyelia, which is often > abbreviated to just " sm " as has written. Sorry about that abbreviation use folks -- I can be slow to remember that those abbreviations /AND " meds speak " I know from my years nurse both can be gobblty goop to most folks . When I do slip into medical lingo or use abbreviations you may not know PLEASE ask me to restate /rephrase things - I'm glad to try and do so -and I know it can make a big differance in learning well /being empowered as a health consumer ! Anyone who does have an intrest in learning more about acm /sm is welcome to write to ASAP above -and ask they send a free new member welcome packet of info . It includes articles - and info written at a general health consumer level that does help us grasp the conditions better . They will gladly send a doctor's packet of info to ANY physican at our request - keeping our names out of the loup as requesting individuals if we'd like that too . It's more technical in article content ect - and does help inform physicians on the changes in diagnostic standards ect that evolved in the last few years - OFTEN this can make a big differance in their knowledge basis since unless they went through residency RECENTLY /and AT one of the few acm specialist teaching hospital locations --they are APT to be out of date /and miss the true signigance of how severe someone with acm's problems may actually BE . Gail wrote - > > Eurico has a great web site too...see: > You know how many of us had > great difficulty in getting an EDS diagnosis; unfortunately the same can be > true with Chiari. Some of you with EDS might have wondered about Chiari, but > been reassured you, or a family member, doesn't have this. Unfortunately, > this all depends upon your Drs " understanding " of what defines Chiari 1 > malformation. The text books define Chiari by so many mms. of cerebellar > tonsillar herniation, which many Drs. still adhere to. Eurico's web site > gives great info. on Chiari 0/borderline Chiari 1 malformation. His web site > shows links that you may show no cerebellar tonsillar herniation i.e. Chiari > 0, yet have Chiari. Well worth a look at. I fully agree Gail -- Eurico has done a GREAT job of finding articles - gathering up more recent research ect , and making this available to others . I've done some similar research / case law - and court rulings at an appeals court level ect . that I'm glad to send to anyone fighting insurance issues over exacerbation of preexisting acm as well . All to often minor fender benders /whiplash causes HUGE problems for those with acm - quite often sending a previously asymtpomtic person OVER the edge physically to the point of progression that may require surgery . I think the recent association with EDS found may HELP EXPLAIN even better why -- my 3d ct scans showed hugly enlarged ligaments between the head and neck for example - that developed in response to too much strain -- a very BAD whiplash /head blow accident about a year before my surgery caused a VERY long slow recovery of ANY signfigant neck mobility that I think may well be reflected in seeing those ligagments grosly enlarged ! If any of you are currently caught in legal battles - I'd love any articles /abstracts you know off that reflect this sort of injury to someone with EDS - I'll add a seperate section to my " legal " file for those who've got BOTH -- and be glad to share the file ANYTIME . I'll add too - that my attorney during my five year court battle over my wreck / injuries / ect advised me NOT to post publically in this sort of list about legal implications /aspects beyond seeking info posts - instead he sugested " offlist " discussion /and using phones when possible - since public posts can be draged into court . If anyone want's my phone number please do write to ask too - I'm glad to try and help with the legal issues /but will NEED to get fuller up to speed on EDS - it's the acm /sm impacts I know and have documented now . I have had the help of a couple attorney's in reviewing the articles /abstracts - and guidance on how to best use these resources in legal battles - I'd welcome more too - if anyone here has EDS experience in this area . MY aim was to help PUT together resources others could use in the long run . MY accident came during a phase of ACM research when most " evidence " of harm was still theoretical ALTHOUGH my own MRI's clearly documented 10 years of a stable degree of chiari CAUSED by the accident to worsen in dramatic ways . I was the FIRST case that NIH ( national instute for health ) acm neurosurgeon specialists FOUND that showed that theortical progression was REAL -- my and a few other cases found a bit later HELPED PROVE this can happen . Dr Milhorat's acm 1 redefined article was the first study to include trama impacts -and the court victory's happening now were a true turn around . Those injured are winning settlements now . What will help MORE now - is the knowledge that many of us DO have EDS as well --it helps explain BETTER why we may progress /and why the actual injury's are soo much worse than they'd have thought someone will experience -- in short it's BIG Progress in understanding what can happen and why --that I think will FURTHER help anyone prove exacerbation /progression too . So -- again I'm soo impressed with your members kindness here --and glad to be welcomed by so many of you too . I'm EXCITED to find an opertunity to learn from all of you now . Thanks again for those welcomes ( and steering me here too Gail ) -- in Paradise ( EDS - type uncertian currently ) Chiari malformation ( partly decompressed ) Three lumbar /sacral repairs of bifida type problems Multiple Sclerosis Bits more currently being " worked on " include - Probable bifida repair pending outcome /results of warm water therapy in hopes it can be avoided :-) Probable shunting pending since full chiari decompresion CAN " T be well done given the EDS - (the plate used for full decompresion to reshape the skull in those with a very shallow posterior fossa shape will just shred dura further /causing BIGGER problems when someone has EDS )- so shunting the ventricle drainage is a better soution . Trial of Dimox now starting to determine /confirm need for shunting - opening presure with lumbar tap pending the diamox results . IN ANYONE With possible chiari /confirmed chiari -- lumbar taps need to be done by an acm specialist physician - OR approached with a big list of precautions agreed on ahead of time if done by non acm specialists . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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