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Re: [OT] Digital Camera and storage during travel

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> Hi all,


> Some of you have heard me say " when I just get that digital camera

> sorted out " . I got myself one last summer, a HP Photosmart 320,


> a cheap, OK one, I guess - 2.1 mill pixels, I think. I could not


> pictures downloaded

Hi Aase!!

Well, we have a digital camera that we got for our daughter's

wedding. I think you can buy them in different sizes. I think we got

a 64mg for it but I see you can get up to 128 mg. We got ours on

Ebay I think. It held over 200 pictures. I think we could have

gotten more on it too - I think it also depends on what pixel size

you have the camera set for?? I'm sure not a pro at this! I did

find an online place that carries microdrives - maybe that's what

your boss has? I've never seen one or seen one work, so I don't have

a clue, but you can look here:


I don't think you would have to pay too much for a couple memory

cards, Aase, especialy from Ebay, and I think they would hold enough

pictures. Do some investigation on those. I want to take my digital

also - but I think I'll hand carry it, as I sure don't want anything

to happen to it!


Love Lana

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Hi Aase, You can take your camera chip to a drug store and have the pictures

put on CD each time you fill the chip. Then when you get home, you can put your

pics in the PC from the CD. I'm not sure what the cost is, but I can find out if

you what. I'll probably have to do the same thing. I only have one chip that

holds 32 to 64 pictures. We can walk to the store together!


[OT] Digital Camera and storage during travel

But... I got the camera only. I have no memory cards or anything. So

what am I going to do this summer when I go to the US? Aase Marit :)

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[OT] Digital Camera and storage during travel

Hi all,

Some of you have heard me say " when I just get that digital camera

sorted out " . I got myself one last summer, a HP Photosmart 320, just

a cheap, OK one, I guess - 2.1 mill pixels,


2.1 megapixels is not a bad camera, Aase.

I have a 1.3 megapixal Sony camera. You should have at least ONE 128 mg memory

card for your camera. I have several 128 mg memory cards. At highest resolution

on a 128 mg card/stick, I can get about 160 pictures on the card. With your

camera having almost 2x the amount of pixels, you would only get about 70-80

photos on a 128 mg card. I find myself taking tons more photos because I have

the memory cards, which uses up more memory too. I have used the laptop to

download the photos to, then erase the memory card. On a trip a few years ago,

I did that. Then when I got home I had to move the photos BACK to the memory

card to put them on the desktop computer so I could burn CD's. I had over 1000

photos to move from the laptop to the desktop....

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> Hi Aase, You can take your camera chip to a drug store and have

the pictures put on CD each time you fill the chip. Then when you get

home, you can put your pics in the PC from the CD. I'm not sure what

the cost is, but I can find out if you what. I'll probably have to do

the same thing. I only have one chip that holds 32 to 64 pictures. We

can walk to the store together!

Cindy, I would like to know more about this too. I may walk to the

store with you! :) So when the drug store moves the pictures to the

CD, the card is blank again then and ready to fill up again??

Love Lana

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Hi Lana, I haven't done this yet so don't hold me to it. But I think the way it

works is, you can put the chip in the machine at the store, it copies everything

to disk and empties your chip ( I believe there is an option to tell it to empty

the chip). Walgreen's has these machines, but I think CVS pharmacies do to. Next

time I go to Walgreens, I'll look at the machine and the pamphlets about it.

Then I'll know the price and what it can accually do. The only thing I have done

there so far, was to put some pics on CD to have the machine make prints. And of

course you can walk to the store with me! We should be able to find

out on-line if there is a Walgreens near the hotel.


From: buckysmom2000 To: ceda

Cindy, I would like to know more about this too. I may walk to the

store with you! :) So when the drug store moves the pictures to the

CD, the card is blank again then and ready to fill up again??

Love Lana

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Hi all,

Thanks for all your input!!! I found something called a X's drive

too, it is like a neat little HD that you put the card into and it

downloads automatically. These can hold anything from 20 GB and up.

Many seem to hold 40 GB of data. Seems like people also use these for

MP3's. Some has a MP3 player included. I did find one that sounds

great on eBay, and I will follow that auction to see how it ends out.

It may be an OK alternative instead of getting several cards or

having to go somewhere to get the card emptied and burned onto a

CD... But I will also have to get one memory card. 128 MB seems to be

max. for my camera, so I guess that is an OK option. One auction for

a 128 MB one ended at $32 a little while ago. Seems like lots of

people offer them. Haven't checked the eBay stores yet either.

It would be really nice to hear more about the drugstore option too

though, because if it is really cheap, it may just be a real nice


Thanks again, it is so great being able to ask you guys when you

wonder about something...

BTW, I just posted a pic of a new wheelchair I might be getting

before the trip, instead of the E-Motion motor wheels... Take a look,

it is so great. It is a new Manual Assist chair with the helper motor

integrated... And it even looks neat, right? :) I sure hope it works

out... :) It is called iGlide...

The main website for the company: http://www.independencenow.com/index.html

Video's http://www.independencenow.com/iglide/see_iglide.html


Aase Marit :)

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Is there a local camera/computer store that you can take the camera

to to have a look at memory cards and see if you can change the size

of the pictures thus saving more on the memory card. I use a Olympus

camera and have 2 memory cards one holds about 200 - 400 phtotos and

the other about 100-200 phtoto's.


> Hi all,


> Some of you have heard me say " when I just get that digital camera

> sorted out " . I got myself one last summer, a HP Photosmart 320,


> a cheap, OK one, I guess - 2.1 mill pixels, I think. I could not


> pictures downloaded, and it has been sitting here for months, but

> yesterday I finally found out what was the problem, and now it

> downloads without any problems. It was a problem that was quite


> to solve, but the manual did not mention this, so that was why it


> so difficult.


> But... I got the camera only. I have no memory cards or anything.


> what am I going to do this summer when I go to the US? I wouldn't

> like having to drag the computer with me, and I would like to be


> to take as many pictures as I would like, without having problems.


> could get a memory card for it, but how far does that really get


> Would I need lots of them? The picture files are huge...


> I know my boss got a little " box " which he downloads to. It


> as a HD, I guess, but you can download directly to it without


> to have a computer with you. It is small and easy to take with you

> everywhere and just connect it with the USB cable. I have no idea

> what this thing is called.


> I would like to find a nice solution, without it costing much at

all... :)


> What do you guys use, and how much did it cost? Such things are


> expensive here, I am sure I could get it cheaper in the US. Maybe I

> could even find it on eBay and have it shipped e.g. to Sue Ginley,


> it is there for me when I get to the US (I'm visiting her before


> conference)...


> Thankful for any input... :)


> I am so happy that it works now, finally I can get some pictures of

> Peanut taken to share... :) Tried it out last night outside... :)



> Aase Marit :)

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you can switch the images straight fromt he laptop to the PC using

something called laplink (I think that is the name) this is a cable

and system (software I think) that allows you to transfere data

straight from PC to laptop or laptop to PC.

You can also simply have a network card and cable and network the

laptop to the PC sot hat you can simply transfer the data across

saving all of the hassle.

Hope this helps



> [OT] Digital Camera and storage during travel



> Hi all,


> Some of you have heard me say " when I just get that digital


> sorted out " . I got myself one last summer, a HP Photosmart 320,


> a cheap, OK one, I guess - 2.1 mill pixels,


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

> 2.1 megapixels is not a bad camera, Aase.


> I have a 1.3 megapixal Sony camera. You should have at least ONE

128 mg memory card for your camera. I have several 128 mg memory

cards. At highest resolution on a 128 mg card/stick, I can get about

160 pictures on the card. With your camera having almost 2x the

amount of pixels, you would only get about 70-80 photos on a 128 mg

card. I find myself taking tons more photos because I have the

memory cards, which uses up more memory too. I have used the laptop

to download the photos to, then erase the memory card. On a trip a

few years ago, I did that. Then when I got home I had to move the

photos BACK to the memory card to put them on the desktop computer so

I could burn CD's. I had over 1000 photos to move from the laptop to

the desktop....





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Re: [OT] Digital Camera and storage during travel


you can switch the images straight fromt he laptop to the PC using

something called laplink (I think that is the name) this is a cable

and system (software I think) that allows you to transfere data

straight from PC to laptop or laptop to PC.

Thanks Sharon. My computers are supposed to be networked but even with the

cable LAN it never worked. Now I have wireless and it STILL doesn't work! I'm

such a dummy when it comes to networing computers...

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> I am so happy that it works now, finally I can get some pictures of

> Peanut taken to share... :) Tried it out last night outside... :)

She's such a sweetie, Aase!!! :) She reminds me so much of the

Yorkie I had - Sasha. I had to have her put to sleep before Shanna

was born. It tore me apart! That's when I decided I couldn't have

any more dogs, it was just too hard to watch them pass! :( But then

both the kids left home years later, and I was so LONELY! Thus, I

got Bucky, my white cock-a-poo that I love dearly! I love ALL dogs -

all pets, really!

Love Lana

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I use a wirless LAN and LOVE it. My laptop is networked into the

server etc and printer and such



> Re: [OT] Digital Camera and storage during travel



> Bonnie,

> you can switch the images straight fromt he laptop to the PC


> something called laplink (I think that is the name) this is a


> and system (software I think) that allows you to transfere data

> straight from PC to laptop or laptop to PC.


> Thanks Sharon. My computers are supposed to be networked but even

with the cable LAN it never worked. Now I have wireless and it STILL

doesn't work! I'm such a dummy when it comes to networing computers...





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