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> Disabled actress helps create role of " freak " to celebrate differences

> Full story:




> By Greg Braxton

> Los Angeles Times






> HOLLYWOOD As Bree sat alone and stranded in the middle of

nowhere inside a large weather-beaten vehicle, the childhood taunt of her

older brother returned to haunt her.


> The two were teasing each other, trading insults the way siblings do,

when brother Eryk spat out, " The only way you'll ever be able to make a

living is as a freak in a carnival. "


> He meant no real harm with the remark, but it stung just enough for

to recall it decades later. She has ectrodactylism, a rare genetic

disorder that results in fused fingers and toes. Many call it " lobster claw

syndrome. "


> Now, while gazing into the harsh sunlight, her arm dangling out the

window, wondered what her brother would think if he could see her at

that moment. Wearing a long blond wig and an ankle-length dress that looked

and fit like an ornate orange snakeskin, had transformed herself into

Sabina the Scorpion Queen, a " freak " attraction in a traveling carnival that

has seen better days. In a strange way, his words had come true.


> For , it couldn't have been more perfect.


> Slightly more than a decade after leaving Los Angeles following a stint

from 1988 to 1994 at KCBS-TV as one of the highest-profile and most

controversial anchors in local news, has gone from delivering

news to delivering lines.



Bree on the set of HBO's " Carnivale " with series regular J.

. She is taking on the role of the mysterious, sultry Sa

bina in " Carnivale, " HBO's eerie drama about a struggling carnival traveling

in the Dust Bowl during the Depression. is slated to appear in at

least two episodes when the series returns in January for its second season.


> , a fan of " Carnivale " and its complex treatment of sideshow

performers, has spent the past several years running her own production

company and as an advocate for disabled people. She helped develop the

character of Sabina with her friend Torme, a consulting producer on

the show.


> " It had occurred to me that if they had people on the show that actually

had physical differences, it would add to the authenticity, " said

during a break in filming in a remote mountainous region of Simi Valley.


> Before the series, her acting was mostly limited to playing reporters or

journalists in film cameos. Still, portraying a sideshow freak represents

more than just a return to the spotlight for , whose personal dramas

often brought as much if not more attention as the news she



> " I feel like I've been Sabina all my life, " said . " I've never felt

like I've been anything but a misfit. I've spent my whole life trying to fit

in and be normal, but inside, I know I'm not. So to be able to use this role

as a way to celebrate my differences, and the differences in her, is just a

great opportunity for me. It feels like I'm coming full circle with the

person in the mirror. "


> Knauf, creator and executive producer of " Carnivale, " said

had no trouble holding her own with more experienced " Carnivale " cast

members, including J. , Clea Duvall and Nick Stahl: " We

auditioned her, and she was splendid. It was very easy to make the decision

to cast her. She has an extraordinary look. "


> For someone used to the fast-paced world of television news,

demonstrated surprising patience during last week's shoot, even as the

filming of one scene stretched on for hours in the grueling heat. It

involved the breakdown on the road of Sabina's carnival company, which is a

rival to the " Carnivale. " Sabina repeated her one line to 's Samson

character ( " Hey Stitch. You're not going to just leave us here, are you,

sugar? " ) dozens of times while smoking a filtered cigarette. Her expression

and his less-than-pleased response made it clear that the two characters are

not exactly strangers to each other.


> " She's tough, smart, a veteran carny, " says of Sabina. " Not much

gets past her. "


> , who quips that she " is about as close to 50 as anyone can get, "

is more than familiar with the double-edged sword of celebrity.


> Physical limitations and deformed hands did not prevent from

becoming one of the most visible and respected anchors in L.A. during her

years at KCBS. She was nationally recognized for her contributions to

disability awareness and was on the President's Committee on the Employment

of the Handicapped. She reportedly made about $800,000 a year. Even shock

jock Stern made crude but admiring jokes about her, commenting on her



> Asked if her photogenic presentation helped take focus off her hands, she

replied, " I've always tried not to have my hands noticed. I had to make

concessions for the world that made it less convenient for me. And all news

anchors are attractive people. I practiced as carefully as I could as a

teenager to learn how to apply my makeup so that people would pay attention

to my face and not my hands. "


> But there was a darker side to her high-profile job. got caught up

in an on-air scandal in 1990 when she became romantically involved with her

co-anchor, Jim Lampley, while they were still married to other people.


> When the anchors finally had their respective divorces and married each

other, another firestorm erupted when became pregnant. Jane Norris, a

KFI-AM fill-in talk show host, blasted for conceiving a child, given

that there was a 50-50 chance that the child would inherit her condition.

Norris then opened the phone lines for listeners to discuss whether they

felt the couple had been irresponsible.


> " Jim and I were on the set for the 11 p.m. news when I first heard about

it, " said . " That evening I cried and cried. I was in disbelief. I

went catatonic for a few days. Then I vowed to fight. "


> The couple filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission

against the station in an effort to get its license revoked, maintaining

that the station violated the FCC's Personal Attack Rule by airing factual

inaccuracies and impugning her character. The FCC ultimately rejected the



> Lampley, afflicted with ectrodactylism, was born in August



> resides in a gated community in Del Mar near San Diego with her

children (16-year-old also has ectrodactylism). She and Lampley, who

will anchor daytime coverage of NBC's broadcast of the Olympics in Athens,

Greece, divorced in 2000 but remain a couple. at times refers to

herself as " Bree Lampley. "


> Although Lampley, who also is a sportscaster for HBO, recently declared

on CNN's " Larry King Live " that he and would soon remarry,

expressed a little more caution about the future.


> " There were lots of strains with a traveling spouse, " said when

questioned about the split. " We were juggling our careers, and we both had

some growing up and childhood issues to deal with. There was a lot of

therapy, " she said with a chuckle.


> " We've talked about getting married again, " she added quietly. " We're

still working through our issues. "


> The two are still partners in their production company, Crystal Springs

Productions, and its slate of documentaries, reality programs and movies.

She said the company has about 14 projects in various stages of development.

Among their projects was the critically acclaimed TV documentary " The Last

Game, " about high school football, and the 2000 film comedy " Welcome to

Hollywood. "


> And although she is enjoying her new challenge in front of the camera,

insisted she has not caught the acting bug.


> " This is a unique role, " said. " I can't imagine there would be

that many roles for someone like me. "


> However, she is looking forward to one aspect of her new gig: " I can't

wait for my brother to see me on the show! "




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