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RE: Re: WEIRD------- Mikes Visit------From TJ

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Hi TJ: It makes lots of sense to me that you could have pent up anger

at your knee for the severe, severe pain it caused you. I am certain I

have lots of pent up anger and at HEDS and dysautonomia for the

restricting and painful effects it has on my 17 yr. old, but

particularly, that so very few doctors and regular people as well can or

will acknowledge the systemic effects created. I think it stems from

being unable to find ways to remedy or alleviate the very painful

experiences. In fact, sometimes I think I could grab these folks by the

throat and gleefully rip out their tracheas. How's that for a hostile

fantasy......not tooo much anger their huh!

It seems ridiculously funny writing it now, but it sure doesn't feel

funny at the time. In fact, it seems like a pretty normal straight

forward coping mechanism.....maybe not the best one, but certainly an

instinctive one to pain.........emotional or physical.


Re: WEIRD------- Mikes Visit------From TJ

I am not sure how Mike and Darlene felt here in the house- ...

When he told me to forgive my left knee- ' I lost it' ...how weird

to have pent up anger at a symptom --- but I did and didn't realize

it------ until he said " Its not your knee's fault that this

happened " - ... so there is where that hatred for that knee came

from- only I didn't realize it until Mike said to Forgive

it............. And how did you know Mike? When I did not- how did

you? ...

As for the other things Mike did, he's going to have to input here-

and then it might help me to remember more of it...

I also must admit that after you two left- I felt the urge to try

some steps---


(1) Very comfortable and welcome, thank you.

(2) It told me. I sensed an energetic separation from the rest of

your body when I had my hand on your knee.

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It could be due to having the pain all my life, that helps in me being more

sensitive-I don't know.

When working(nurse), I recall sensing things about some patients without

touching them. Sometimes I'd scare myself with the accuracy. It would have a

sort of physical sensation to it, and emanate off some of them--it was more than

just intuition.

There's a 'difference' when sensing the heat in an area that needs treatment,

and heat from energy during a session. One I sense as being " muddied up " -from an

area needing treatment.

The one I sense as " clean " - is energy, like after an area is at the end of

treatment, and is now OK.

But having a lot of pain could play a part in all this....

I still am wondering how this is possible.

Wasn't too long ago, I didn't believe this was even possible-even though having

the experiences I did. I thought it merely co-incidence. Boy have I turned

completely around on this subject.



Re: Re: WEIRD------- Mikes Visit------From TJ

Years ago I'd consciously **divorced** my shoulder from the rest of me

in order to deal with pain, and even caught myself referring to it as

" the " shoulder not " MY " shoulder. How strange it that? -to tell a part

of the body part I don't want it anymore. No wonder it stayed " out "

nearly all the time.

Note: It still wants to leave...so I've been telling it I really do want

it back and won't divorce it again. So far so good-it's still in

place--as are the rest of the treated joints....a week tomorrow.

How Mike knew to suggest placing my hand on my heart and ask (welcome)

my shoulder back and let it know I'm sorry,(not sure of the wording) is

beyond me. Then

suggests putting my hand on my heart when doing so.

I felt so stupid doing it, but hey---when it needed as much help as it

did, I was willing to do most anything....so toss pride out the window

and so what if I'm feeling foolish ..IT WORKED!!! .

Felt that way a whole lot that day and the next morning.

It's surprising my neighbor & friend still speaks to me after my hand

reached out--on it's own---and scanned her to find where her problems

are located!! Now I learn she didn't think a thing of it!! And

says a huge thank you to Mike! :) What boggles my mind is, I did that

without doing it intentionally!! It's like my hand was drawn to her all

on it's own. Subconscious mind doing it?

To have Mike help me is so awesome. Then on top of that to be able to

help my neighbor out of TOS and ulnar nerve pain is something else. I

choke up thinking about it.

Last evening's session was soooo cool- to have her describe the




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