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Re: Tachycardia

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Stacey - I think you should speak with the dr about it, too.

You should also educate yourself as much as possible. Go to

POTSplace. Also check out Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome.

My daughter shows many symptoms of POTS - so I had her checked out -

no heart murmer and the echo showed no mitral valve prolapse.

However the doctor recommended that she eat more salt - she has low

blood pressure and near fainting spells. And also to top off the

tank - with water and more fluids in general.

So you can ask your doctor about what to do even if you don't turn

out to have all the symptoms required to actually have the syndrome.

Keep us posted.


> >

> > So should I get this checked out sooner or later? I will be at


> > GP's with my mom (he seems to take me more seriously if I am with

> a

> > parent even though I am 22!) sometime next week to get my wrist


> > results so should I bring it up then? What do I do if he thinks

> it

> > isnt a problem? I am worried about it and would like to get it

> > looked at but neither of my parents view it as anything abnormal

> > either! So I just dont know what I will do if I dont get him to

> > persue it :(

> >

> > Stacey

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Your case sounds so much like mine it's crazy! I started having the

symptoms you describe when I was 16. You should definitely have your

doctor at least do an EKG and try to push for an echocardiogram.

Never let them tell you it's " nothing " . I was lucky, mine is benign,

but I still take a beta blocker to keep my heart rate down. It also

keeps away those horrible palpitation episodes that make you feel

like you're going to die.

My resting pulse rate was over 100, which is not good for anyone.

Make sure you let your doctor know that your pulse is always high,

or they'll try to tell you it's higher because " you're nervous to be

at a doctor's " (believe me, they tried that with me until I was on a

halter monitor for 24 hours and they saw differently).

Good luck!!!



> Well I have finally started to do some research on this subject


> as it is starting to scare me and I am wondering if it has


> to do with the little 'spells' or whatever it is that I am


> Just a reminder lately I have been getting these little spells


> it is hard to breathe, really shallow breathing, i get really hot

> and sweaty, lightheaded and really tired.


> Well ever since the first one I have been watching my blood


> and pulse rate. My mom owns a blood pressure reader that does


> as well. Well I have been checking it almost daily and the lowest

> it has been is 110 and the highest it has been is 138. Even if I

> have been doing absolutely nothing and lying down with the cuff on

> for like half an hour then check it, it is still well above 100.


> have done reading and found out that the normal range is 80 - 100

> and anything above is considered tachycardia. These are the

> symptoms I have gotten off of webmd.


> * A racing or fluttering feeling in the chest (palpitations).


> I dont know if I have experienced palpitations but there are a few

> times when I can really feel my pulse and it feels like my whole

> body is beating. Or a headache where I can kind of count my heart

> beats.


> * Chest discomfort (pressure, tightness, pain).


> I do get chest pains quite often but they are always on the right

> side of my chest, not the heart side. It feels almost like a

> stabbing pain and I cant take a deep breathe for a while. They do

> settle down and go away within 5 minutes though.


> * Lightheadedness/dizziness.

> * Fainting (syncope).

> * Shortness of breath.

> * Sweating.

> * Tiredness (fatigue).


> Defiatley have all of these lately except the actual fainting.

> Especially when it feels like a 'spell' is happening but they do

> happen at other times and I am ALWAYS tired lately!


> * Tightness in the throat.


> Dont think I have had this except I have noticed at some points if


> really feel 'yucky' (Dont know how else to describe it) it is


> to swallow pills. Dont know if that counts or even desribes

> tightness in throat or not but just thought I would mention it.


> Right now the thought of yet another specialist (still trying to

> figure out my wrist problems, have to go to the dentist tomorrow


> a referal to a specialist plus my GP appointments) definitly


> sound to fun. But it is really scareing me that I could now have

> heart issues on top of all this!! My grandma died from a heart

> attack / cardiac arrest, and my dad has had a heard attack and has

> angina. I just dont know if my pulse rate isnt high in the dr's

> office or if the new nurse (who I think must be someone on co-op

> from the local college) is only looking at blood pressure and not

> pulse rate.


> So should I get this checked out sooner or later? I will be at my

> GP's with my mom (he seems to take me more seriously if I am with


> parent even though I am 22!) sometime next week to get my wrist


> results so should I bring it up then? What do I do if he thinks


> isnt a problem? I am worried about it and would like to get it

> looked at but neither of my parents view it as anything abnormal

> either! So I just dont know what I will do if I dont get him to

> persue it :(


> Stacey

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Hey Stacey, sorry I couldn't reply last to this last night, was so

zonked I'd probably have told you something along the lines of

letting the little green men take you away....

Anyway, I agree with everyone else in saying you need to get things

checked over Darl. I know the feeling of hating yet more doctors and

appointments, and I am right with you on becoming a cardiolgy

patient so young! But it worth getting an ECG, Echo and a tilt test

as they may be able to pin point the problem very easily and better

still control as with some of the cases mentioned. I knw this is no

fun Sweetie, but it's a hell of a lot better than suffering and

coping with the episodes your having.

Hang in there and know I'm here for you.

Love and hugs....Jo


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Hey Stacey, sorry I couldn't reply last to this last night, was so

zonked I'd probably have told you something along the lines of

letting the little green men take you away....

Anyway, I agree with everyone else in saying you need to get things

checked over Darl. I know the feeling of hating yet more doctors and

appointments, and I am right with you on becoming a cardiolgy

patient so young! But it worth getting an ECG, Echo and a tilt test

as they may be able to pin point the problem very easily and better

still control as with some of the cases mentioned. I knw this is no

fun Sweetie, but it's a hell of a lot better than suffering and

coping with the episodes your having.

Hang in there and know I'm here for you.

Love and hugs....Jo


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