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Re: Bone denisty/chemistry issue

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Jo, I'm glad to hear that it wasn't anything life-threatening for

you. I'm sure your doctor will have you take one of the medicines for

osteopenia/osteoporosis - when you find out which, just do some

research to see what side effects could occur so that you won't be

surprised with yet another health issue.

So what kind of PR work are you doing for your friends? Sounds

interesting, tell us more.

Love Lana

> Had a phone call form my GP this morning about the blood test

> situation and he finally explained things to me. Seems it has been

> arranged as a result of my DEXA scan results, as they have shown I

> do have Osteopenia. So they wanted to check out my bone chemistry

> before deciding on a plan of action with treatments etc. I can't


> I'm overly surprised that my bone density is down to be honest, as


> was expecting it with my high health, history and hereditary risk

> factors. I think I'd have been more shocked if they'd said it was

> normal, especially with the amount of cracks/chips I've had during

> dislocations and the fact my x-ray pics have been rather " cloudy "

> instead of crisp white.


> I don't have my exact numbers yet, will get the full report soon

> though which will carry my stats. Hope it's not too far down


> Will let you know when I find out and hopefully what treatment


> going to use. I'm looking at increasing the calcium in my diet, but

> as I have an almost phobic reaction to milk and diary produce that

> is going to be pretty tough!


> So I'm feeling a little more at east about the tests at least, but

> also a little saddened at having the inevitable bone density issue

> confirmed too. Was able to talk about some other important stuff

> with my GP which I'll post more about when the results of our

> discussion (I.e. chased up results and some reports) come through

> hopefully some time this week. Gosh, there is so much going on


> now I don't know whether I'm Arthur or Martha!!


> Need to go get on with some work as in the middle of all this

> overwhelming medical stuff, I have also been dragged into some

> pretty heavy PR work for some friends too, which is reaching a

> critical point. Yikes, if there's no rest for the wicked I must be

> the devil incarnate today!!


> Love and hugs.....Jo

> xx

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In a message dated 8/24/2004 6:32:20 AM Pacific Standard Time,

sicklizard@... writes:

I'm looking at increasing the calcium in my diet, but

as I have an almost phobic reaction to milk and diary produce that

is going to be pretty tough!

OK, don't believe the popular myth that dairy is good calcium....most humans

can't digest and absorb enough from it cause we lack the enzymes to do so.

Green beans & dark veggies have better forms of calcium than any dairy....PLUS

they have more magnesium & other mineral content which makes them absorb

better. A supplement that has at least 1/2 as much magnesium as calcium and


items as zinc, boron, Vitamin D will do very well also. If dairy was so good

for us, I'd have NO hip damage like I do...I drank milk by the quart till I was

in my 30s....while my hip bones got weaker & weaker. I've actually regrown

bone, tho not enough, using calcium/magnesium products from MyVits.com (Biotics

Research brand right now). Also, even my new hip doctor tells me to NOT use

grocery store/drug store supplements like Oscal, etc....they are junk, don't

absorb. He also isn't in favor of the new prescription drugs and shots, as

though they do regrow bone, he's seeing the replacement bone being too brittle


prone to breakage later in life. He's more in favor of some weight-bearing

exercise, proper foods, supplements and NO stuff like steroid drugs, sodas,

alcohol & coffee....all those items leach calcium from our systems.

I think one of my favorite websites....thedoctorwithin.com.....also addresses

calcium and related issues such as flouridated water, female hormonal bone

loss, etc. There's a HUGE amount of info on the Internet about rebuilding bone

strength, and a ton of products that are better than what most people reach

for in the grocery store!


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