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Re: Conference and Trip Itinerary Update - Long - Please Read

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How interesting Mike.

It sounds like your skills/gifts are getting more and more fine tuned.

Glad it was fruitful for you and everyone who you touched.


Conference and Trip Itinerary Update - Long - Please Read

Well, not technically a " conference " update because I have not

personally attended any of the seminars. I listened to the opening

presentation and have been able to use three of the meal tickets -

missed lunch the first day, breakfast the second and lunch the

third. Friday's lunch and afternoon session, however, more than made

up for some missed meals and a bunch of lost sleeping hours (I did

not get to bed before 2:00-3:00 in the morning any night since we


The conference is officially done. Not counting anyone else I might

end up working on between now and the time we leave Buffalo

tomorrow, I estimate that I had my hands on close to 30 different

people. Some " sessions " have been quick, standing in the hall or

outside on the sidewalk, giving little " demo " sessions. Other

sessions have been hour plus table routines in the room. One

session lasted over three hours and a couple were about two hours


As you know, I generally do not post information on working sessions

with people, leaving to their discretion what they choose to share

or not share. I am going to make an exception to that rule for

Friday's session. Part of my reason is to extend a very sincere,

heartfelt, public " thank you " to Aase Marit . The rest of my reason

is to share with the rest of you just a small part of what turned

out to be probably the second most important treatment session I

have given to anyone in my three and half years of " doing this. "

The most important session in my mind has been, is, and will

probably always remain the night three years ago when Barb showed me

her feet, pointing straight and toes touching the floor, after 15

years of unremitting failures by a wide range of care providers.

Nothing will ever supplant the emotions I felt that night.

But Friday came pretty damn close.

I was standing in the hallway before lunch, working on a couple of

people. While I was talking to one person, I heard " His hands get

really hot. " I then noticed someone come up to me on my left and

just stand there looking at me. I turned to her and said " OK, where

do you hurt? " Her reaction was " I don't. " She then simply held her

name tag up so I could read it: " Dr. Clair Francomano. " If the

name doesn't register with you, she is currently the Senior

Investigator for the National Institute on Aging, Laboratory of

Genetics. From 1994-2201, she was the Clinical Director, National

Human Genome Research Institute. And from 1984-1994, she was on the

full time faculty at s Hopkins. You all have to understand that

the best, the most, I was hoping for before the conference ended was

to get someone to introduce me to her so I could maybe get about 20

minutes of her time to talk to her.

It didn't work that way.

She told me later that I was the first person she saw when she

turned the corner and that she instantly wanted to meet me. When

she first showed me her name tag, I simply said " We need to talk. "

So we did, for about half an hour, standing in the hallway. (And

before a couple of others hanging in the background watching spill

it, I will admit that I lost it a couple of times. I couldn't help

it; some of this stuff still makes me cry). At any rate, she then

shocked the hell out of me by asking if she could join us at our

table for lunch when Darlene came over and said lunch was starting.

We sat next to each other at lunch and talked for a good hour and a

half. I then had to break it off because, as I told her, I had a

1:00 appointment with Aase and was running late. Well, Dr.

Francomano then went and talked to Aase and asked Aase if she would

mind if Dr. Francomano sat in on the session and observed it.

Without going into all of the details, the session included a full

ten step cranialsacral treatment, myofascial release, lymphatic

drainage, visceral manipulation, polarity, Jin Shin Do acupressure a

few standard Swedish techniques, some osteopathic technques, and

just a bit or two of " I don't know what to call it. " I was talking

the whole time and I wasn't pulling punches or being afraid to step

on toes. At times, I was being very clinically precise in describing

the differences in treatment approaches - allopathic medicine versus

osteopathic versus chiropractic versus standard technique bodywork

versus energetic bodywork and even variations within the bodywork

modalities. I was also harping on my pet peeve of treating the

symptom and not the cause. And I gave her example after example

after example after example of how standard approaches that ignore

soft tissue issues utterly fail to address the PROBLEM. One example

was when I started discussing trigger point therapies and

demonstrated direct pressure as an effective alternative to painful,

expensive injections that simply DO NOT WORK.

At the very beginning of the session, I had to adjust 7 or 8 of

Aase's ribs. Not only was Dr. Francomano stunned that they could be

put back in place energetically, she was not even aware that they

sublux as much as they do or cause the kind of pain that they do.

Her comment was " I'm thinking a lot of back pain isn't really back

pain at all- it's ribs out. " My reply? " You got it. " And this is

just one example of many that I talked her through.

But the really fun stuff happened when we got down to doing the

visceral work. I basically did an upper GI demo, explaining how the

work is done " as taught " and then actually doing it energetically.

We also talked about how " as taught " posed an excessive risk where

vascular was concerned, while " energetic " would be virtually no risk

at all. I had also already told her about some of the experiences I

had had when taking the class. So about half way into it, I decided

to do a Gall Bladder flush. I had Clair put her fingers on the ends

of Aase's gall bladder and I put my fingers on Clair's and then

simply said " Now we ask it to flush itself. " Where upon it did. I

could feel it, Clair could feel it and Aase could feel it. Clair

asked me how I was pumping it with my fingers and I said " I'm not.

It's doing it on its own. I simply asked it to do it mentally and

it did. " Her first comment was `It was already doing it. " I

said, " No, it wasn't. Was it pumping when you first put your hands

on it? It didn't start until I asked it to. " ' Long pause followed

by " You're right - it wasn't moving before. "

Then we got to the two more serious complaints- prolapsed bladder

and painful menstruation. I will leave it to Aase to post her

comments about the session. All I will say here is that Aase's

abdomen was severely distended. I had Clair put her fingers on

Aase's abdomen over the bladder, placed my hand on top of Clair's,

and then energetically shifted Aase's bladder back where it


When we were done, I said " That was done externally using energy.

The Osteopathic approach is manual manipulation, done internally by

inserting fingers into the vagina to access the ligaments. Which

technique is less invasive? But the only thing your side of the

house uses is surgery. " She replied " That's all we know how to do, "

whereupon I said " And every time you cut them open, there is more

scar tissue, more adhesions and more problems. "

On a side note, when we started and I had Clair put her hand on

Aase's bladder, Clair said " That's the pubic bone. " I said, " No, it

is not. The pubic bone is two inches lower. " I then had her palpate

both the pubic bone and the bladder. I said I didn't pull any

punches and I was not kidding, because I followed that up with " I'm

not throwing rocks, but your side of the fence simply isn't trained

in soft tissue work. I was told my first term in massage school

that by the time we finished, we would know more about soft tissue

than at least 80 percent of all allopathic doctors currently

practicing in the United States. And I have found that to be

absolutely true. " Her response was " You're right. We simply aren't

taught that in medical school. "

We then moved up to the area of the uterus. I told Clair " OK, you

know where it is. Put your hand over it. " I then again put my hand

on top of hers and talked her through what I was feeling in my hand

(the energy patterns I was picking up). She was able to feel them,

including the shift to balance and calming. When we were done,

Clair asked Aase " How does it feel? " Aase replied " It's gone. "

When Clair asked for a clarification, Aase said " The pain - it's

gone. It has hurt for months. Now it's gone. It doesn't hurt any

more. " Whatever the pain was, it involved her left ovary.

At the very end of the session I asked Clair " Have you ever felt the

cranial rhythm? The lymphatic rhythm? Chi? " She said " No " so I

asked her " Would you like to? " When she said " Yes " I had her put

her hand on Aase's leg with my hand on top of hers and simply called

up the rhythms, one by one, including pulse and respiration - all

through one spot on Aase's leg.

Clair then proceeded to shock my socks off by saying " Will you be

going through the Washington D.C. area this summer? I have a

colleague who is in really bad shape and there is nothing we can do

for her. I would like to see if there is something you can do to

help her. " She followed that up by telling me there will be a small

group meeting in Baltimore at the end of August to discuss research

issues involving energy medicine . and asked me if my schedule would

enable me to attend. Specifically, she said " If there is any way

you can do it, I would like you at that meeting. " It's gonna mess

with my itinerary, but care to guess where I plan to be the end of


And she had one extra shock/surprise for me that I got this


Her lecture presentation was yesterday afternoon (which I could not

attend because I was in my room working on someone.) This morning

after breakfast, I was standing by one of the tables when someone

came over to me and asked if I could work on her back, specifically,

if I could do anything for really bad SI joints. I said " No

problem " and then proceeded to work her SI ligaments, first using

standard massage techniques (only so I could give her a tool she

could take home to use for herself), and then switched to energy to

do the actual treatment. During the treatment she told me that she

had attended Clair's lecture and was talking to her afterwards.

Clair told her " Go find Mike Uggen. I think he can help you. What

he is doing is the wave of the future. " And yes, I did take care of

her SI problem, along with her hyperlordosis (swayback.)

For the rest of the 30 some folks I worked on, treatments included

the following litany of aches and pains (and this is just a partial

list because I was going so non-stop that I didn't have even a

chance of taking down the kind of notes I would have liked to

take). I took out more headaches than I can remember, treated two

cases of TMJ, gave several demos on how to self-treat for trigger

points using either direct pressure by itself or combining it with

acupressure (BIG, BIG thank you to Mark on this one - the first time

I ever did the combination was on Mark in Houston - makes a huge

difference in speed and effectiveness), half a dozen energetic PSOAS

releases to take care of the " one leg is shorter than the other

crap, " a handful of rotator cuff problems like tendinitis or frozen

shoulder, as many cases of neck tension as headaches, took out a

fever of about 104-105 degrees using lymphatic drainage, at least

four cranialsacral adjustment sessions, energetically realigned at

least four tail bones, put a whole bunch of ribs back in place

(including on at least one chiropractor), can't tell you how many

cases of using the X technique for joint issues, a couple of cases

of full body Jin Shin Do releases to treat fibromyalgia, gave a

bunch of demos for the points for nausea and constipation (seems to

be a lot of interest in that one), and treated three people for Acid

Reflux, And standing on the sidewalk last night about 1:00 in the

morning chatting with a few folks, I treated one person for a

headache, followed by sinus congestion, trigger points, and TMJ .

and wrapped the session with her by taking out her scoliosis. As

info, Cindy was not only observing, I had her assess the

changes, before and after. I had someone else assess it again this

morning. I couldn't get everything done that needed to be done in

an hour on the sidewalk in front of the hotel, but it seemed to be

enough. She flat told me last night and again this morning that if

she was unable to kidnap me and smuggle me back to Alabama, she was

going to stowaway in the RV and go home with us.

Along with all of the above, there were also several

very " interesting " developments for me personally. If you have been

reading my posts for the last few months, you already know that what

I refer to as my " power level " has been on a steady climb. Seems

that every time I turn around, there is something new that I am

suddenly able to do that I could not do before, or could not do

routinely. I used to say " Considering where I was at a year ago, I

wonder where I will be a year from now. " My time line is now much,

much shorter. Comparing what I could do when I left home in June

against what I could do when I arrived in Buffalo after the

experiences in Texas and then against what I can do now after four

extremely intense days at the conference makes me wonder what I will

be able to do by the time I get home in September.

My hands have always " gotten hot " when I was working on someone.

Today? I don't even need to be working on someone. They not only

get hot the instant I touch someone - they are hot almost all the

time. I started doing " parlor tricks " about three days ago. I have

someone hold their right hand out at waist level, palm up. I then

bring my right hand, palm down, over theirs starting at my shoulder

height and ask them to tell me when they feel a tingle or pressure.

They usually sense it when my hand is between 12-18 inches above

theirs. When it is down to about 3-6 inches above theirs, they feel

the heat. I usually then have someone else pass their hand between

ours. Some of the reactions are quite funny. I call it a parlor

trick but it sure works to convince someone of the reality of energy

in a hurry. A more useful skill that just cropped up this week is

the ability to either put my hand on theirs or have them put their

hand on mine and to then " call up " the various rhythms and waves and

have them be able to feel it. A nice little benefit of this is that

once I get them to feel it through my hand, they seem to then be

able to start working with the energy themselves. Seems to be like

throwing a switch for them. My ability to work off-body has also

jumped dramatically, both in terms of scanning and treating.

Strange enough for you? I didn't mention doing some energy work on

Sue last night while Lana just happened to be on the phone with

Lonestar. The next thing I know, Lana is saying " Mike, Mike - Sis

takes to take your hand out to an inch off-body. I did. A few

seconds later, " Sis says take it out to three inches. " After that,

I said, " OK - what now? " Lana comes back with " She says work the

feet - you know what to do. " What occurred to me was lymphatic

drainage so I started doing a standard lymphatic protocol for

swollen ankles and hear " No, no, no. Off-body! You've already done

everything you need to do physically. " At that point, I realized

she was telling me that the physical work was done and it was time

to repair/work on the energetic body. So we did. I worked on Sue

downstairs at the hotel, while getting instructions by phone from

Lonestar in Sulphur Springs Texas.

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Mike ,this is just beautiful! You've helped so many of us, I am just

shell shocked each time I read another post!!! WOW! The results you

are getting are just miraculous! Keep it up!


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It all sounds WAY COOL - looking forward to meeting Mike myself and

learning a thing or two (or three ......)

-- In ceda , " mikeuggen " wrote:

> Well, not technically a " conference " update because I have not

> personally attended any of the seminars. I listened to the opening

> presentation and have been able to use three of the meal tickets –

> missed lunch the first day, breakfast the second and lunch the

> third. Friday's lunch and afternoon session, however, more than

made ...............


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Guest guest

It all sounds WAY COOL - looking forward to meeting Mike myself and

learning a thing or two (or three ......)

-- In ceda , " mikeuggen " wrote:

> Well, not technically a " conference " update because I have not

> personally attended any of the seminars. I listened to the opening

> presentation and have been able to use three of the meal tickets –

> missed lunch the first day, breakfast the second and lunch the

> third. Friday's lunch and afternoon session, however, more than

made ...............


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