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Re: Out of Context Misunderstandings – TJ/Carole: All – Please Read

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In a message dated 8/3/2004 10:17:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

mike@... writes:

Once again, we have an opportunity here to talk about what it means

to be part of the EDS FAMILY. And we ARE a family, with everything

that entails.

There is a high probability that most of you reading this will not

have a clue as to what it is about because the involved post was

almost immediately removed from the archives. I would not have

known about it either if Barb had not forwarded it to me off-list

last night. In brief, TJ was writing an off-list, personal email to

her mother. She was using previous posts as examples of her earlier

perceptions of me compared to after I met with her. In her words

via off-list to me last night:

" A letter in the past that had went through the group - had given me

the impression that you were too " into yourself " which was changed

by letters following but the reason is simple- , your letter at that

time was " hurried " due to having to get back on the road.

I was showing her the difference- because of my first opinion and

how that opinion was changed- the group had no idea of what

conversation had been exchanged between my mother or myself .'

In other words, she thought she was off-list when she was in fact

still live on the CEDA list when she hit send.

How many of us have NOT in the past done the " Oooops – hit send too

soon " routine? I vividly remember a couple of instances myself in

recent months where I came very, very close to unsubcribing myself

for the very same reason.

But because of that " finger slip " and TJ's incorrect assumption that

I am going to have hurt feelings over it, she has decided to remove

herself from the list. By this open post and off-list email to her

personally, I am asking (pleading, begging?) that she not take

herself off.

We ARE A FAMILY and the loss of one diminishes us all.

Truth of the matter is that I AM highly opinionated, and for very

good reason. Had this not come up, I would have totally missed

Carole Ehlers' post. And Carole made a statement that cuts to the

heart of everything I am and am trying to do.

" Since there is no doctor in western medicine that specializes in

soft tissue and since our soft tissues are so fragile we need to be

looking for more alternatives for this type of pain relief. "

Not only do western medicine doctors not specialize in soft tissue

issues, they are NOT EVEN TRAINED IN IT in medical school. There is

ZERO meaningful teaching in medical schools in the United States on

Fascia, Lymphatics, or the Cranialsacral system. I know this from

talking to nurses and doctors. And if they don't teach about

something they at least recognize exists, how much less training do

you think they get about aspects of the body which they DENY

exists? Specifically, I refer to the energetic components which are

the foundation of Eastern based medicine. Simply put, they can't

treat what they don't understand. The ONLY things they know how to

do are surgery and drugs.

There ARE alternatives, and some of them are extremely effective.

That has been the underlying purpose of this two and a half month

road trip – to try to get a better grip on those alternatives which

have the most potential for successful results for soft tissue

issues. Not only are these alternatives non-invasive, many of them

can be easily taught for self-use, without having to take drugs or

make expensive trips to see a doctor.

In wrapping this up, I also need to make one other comment. None of

this is about ME. It has never been about ME. It is about US. I

started developing some ideas and theories over a year ago. I

needed people to work on who actually had the various conditions to

test/prove/disprove them. In the last six weeks, I have worked on

in excess of 70 people and put in more than 120 hours of " hands-on "

time, while driving over 9000 miles in 27 states. Some of the

results have simply defied belief and I will be the first to admit

it. Have I " proved " anything yet? Not to the satisfaction

of " western medicine, " although I did get the serious attention of

at least one heavy hitter in the field. Have I " proved " anything to

myself yet? Absolutely. If not an absolute answer, I am now

totally convinced that this is the right approach and that very

serious efforts need to be made in this direction.

Having not even opened my email unitl this evening, unitl after Mike &

Darlene left here, I knew nothing of this. But PLEASE... TJ, we truly are a

family & Mike has been one of the extraordinary assets to our family, as have


in all my 10+ years on the list. We need you, as much as we need everyone.

We all have something to contribute & you are no different. And, having

just spent several days with Mike & Darlene, I can sincerely tell you that they

are 2 of the most generous, " real " , giving & incredible people you will ever

have the opportuntiy to interact with, as are you.

PLEASE, PLEASE stay with us.

I hope to see you for a very long time on the list & learn from & become a

more complete person, for your contributions. Schoenberg.

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