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RE: tiredness/ swelling/ walking

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Hi, Cheryl, Yes! It is completely " normal " to sleep a lot right after

this surgery. In fact, if you're not one of those who suffer insomnia

post-op, you are indeed fortunate. The body has its own wisdom and it

knows the trauma it has suffered. Sleep is restorative. Your body needs

that. Just walk enough to keep your muscles connected to your brain! When

you're tired, rest. Go at your own pace. I am now 4 months post-op and I

have just been gradually doing more and more -- and listening to my body.

I was not one of those who jumped on a cycle or began work-outs in the gym

or had some plotted out recovery routine. I just know that I want to be

able to resume the activities that make life meaningful to me: gardening,

working in my shop, training my dogs, walking up to the pond, mowing my own

grass, etc. Dancing!! I have encountered some " blocks " and have been

seeing a chiropractor/kenesiologist to help with that. That is, tight

muscles and mis-alignment of spine, etc., which is about compensating for

the hip pain, both pre & post-op. These compensations show up as lower

back ache and, now, a really " sore " right foot (left hip was resurfed).

Much the way I try to keep the front end of my car in proper alignment, I

want to try to keep my body and my movement in alignment. Who knows but

that a long-standing mis-alignment didn't contribute, if not cause, the

loss of cartiledge in my left hip joint!? My right hip joint is just fine.

Use ice and elevation for the swelling. Use crutches and/or cane to

practice a " normal " walking gait. I have no swelling, have no joint pain,

but still have muscle tightness after hours of activity. I'm working on

stretching those muscles. And it's coming along. All-in-all, I am more

than pleased with my resurf. I just moved my entire household from

Kentucky to Maine and I know I could not have done this if I had not had

this resurf surgery. It's a flippin' miracle. And, in my mind, Dr

Gross (South Carolina) is an artist. And I am more than grateful. Joyce

(Dr Gross, LHR, 2/204)


tiredness/ swelling/ walking

Is it normal to want to sleep for a good part of the day following

surgery. I am 9 days post op and seem o be needing more and more

sleep. I did have two blood transfusions in hospital and am taking

iron tablets so hopefully isnt amaemia any more??? Yesterday i slept

for about sixteen hours ???

Also do any of you experienced hippies have any tips for swelling.

It is improving but I lok like I am growing an alien on one hip?

The other thing is how far should I be walking for each day. The

staff at the hospital are very vague and say listen to your body,

take it easy, don't push it. But lots of posts on message board tell

of people doing lots more than me???

Any tips will be great.

Thank you Cheryl xx

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Hi, Cheryl, Yes! It is completely " normal " to sleep a lot right after

this surgery. In fact, if you're not one of those who suffer insomnia

post-op, you are indeed fortunate. The body has its own wisdom and it

knows the trauma it has suffered. Sleep is restorative. Your body needs

that. Just walk enough to keep your muscles connected to your brain! When

you're tired, rest. Go at your own pace. I am now 4 months post-op and I

have just been gradually doing more and more -- and listening to my body.

I was not one of those who jumped on a cycle or began work-outs in the gym

or had some plotted out recovery routine. I just know that I want to be

able to resume the activities that make life meaningful to me: gardening,

working in my shop, training my dogs, walking up to the pond, mowing my own

grass, etc. Dancing!! I have encountered some " blocks " and have been

seeing a chiropractor/kenesiologist to help with that. That is, tight

muscles and mis-alignment of spine, etc., which is about compensating for

the hip pain, both pre & post-op. These compensations show up as lower

back ache and, now, a really " sore " right foot (left hip was resurfed).

Much the way I try to keep the front end of my car in proper alignment, I

want to try to keep my body and my movement in alignment. Who knows but

that a long-standing mis-alignment didn't contribute, if not cause, the

loss of cartiledge in my left hip joint!? My right hip joint is just fine.

Use ice and elevation for the swelling. Use crutches and/or cane to

practice a " normal " walking gait. I have no swelling, have no joint pain,

but still have muscle tightness after hours of activity. I'm working on

stretching those muscles. And it's coming along. All-in-all, I am more

than pleased with my resurf. I just moved my entire household from

Kentucky to Maine and I know I could not have done this if I had not had

this resurf surgery. It's a flippin' miracle. And, in my mind, Dr

Gross (South Carolina) is an artist. And I am more than grateful. Joyce

(Dr Gross, LHR, 2/204)


tiredness/ swelling/ walking

Is it normal to want to sleep for a good part of the day following

surgery. I am 9 days post op and seem o be needing more and more

sleep. I did have two blood transfusions in hospital and am taking

iron tablets so hopefully isnt amaemia any more??? Yesterday i slept

for about sixteen hours ???

Also do any of you experienced hippies have any tips for swelling.

It is improving but I lok like I am growing an alien on one hip?

The other thing is how far should I be walking for each day. The

staff at the hospital are very vague and say listen to your body,

take it easy, don't push it. But lots of posts on message board tell

of people doing lots more than me???

Any tips will be great.

Thank you Cheryl xx

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Hi Cheryl

You sound pretty normal to me.

I am one of the slow-to-heal 'turtles':

- Wanting to sleep for at least a couple of hours each afternoon was

normal for me from day 1 to 6 weeks. I was very tired, though I was

back to running a company from week three, until week 10. I am now 13

weeks post op and still sleep for a couple of hours each weekend day

if I can. I tell myself it is all about listening to the body and

responding (and it is very enjoyable to give in to the need to sleep

on a warm Saturday afternoon!!).

- With regards to swelling, as Mr Treacy did not use drains after the

op, we were warned that swelling could continue for at least six

weeks. My knees still swell if I overdo it...again lying flat on my

back with feet on a pillow for half an hour brings relief.

Take it easy....it seems a long haul at the moment but six weeks (or

even 12 weeks) is a very short time in the overall scheme of the

major improvement you are working towards.


RHS 04/2003

RHS 03/2004

> Is it normal to want to sleep for a good part of the day following

> surgery. I am 9 days post op and seem o be needing more and more

> sleep. I did have two blood transfusions in hospital and am taking

> iron tablets so hopefully isnt amaemia any more??? Yesterday i


> for about sixteen hours ???

> Also do any of you experienced hippies have any tips for swelling.

> It is improving but I lok like I am growing an alien on one hip?

> The other thing is how far should I be walking for each day. The

> staff at the hospital are very vague and say listen to your body,

> take it easy, don't push it. But lots of posts on message board


> of people doing lots more than me???

> Any tips will be great.

> Thank you Cheryl xx

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Hy Cheryl,

Were you also in Gent the second of June, or did you had your surface done

somewhere else?

Glad to hear (from more people too) that the energy issue is such a common


However I will start with Iron pills, Vitamine C and change my diet.

Untill yesterday I was also hounted by a very awful pain in my back only

when I was trying to get some sleep. Aparantly this is caused by the years I

have been walking around with a stiff hip. It'll take at least a couple of

months to get my back flexible again, does anyone had to deal with the same

problem. I said untill yesterday because it seems to be better allready.

Also, I think it will be a good idea to start exercising in a swimming pool.

After how many weeks (With attention to the healing of the stitches) should

it be possible to start in the pool?

With regards, Mijke

Mijke de Schutter

----Original Message Follows----

Is it normal to want to sleep for a good part of the day following

surgery. I am 9 days post op and seem o be needing more and more

sleep. I did have two blood transfusions in hospital and am taking

iron tablets so hopefully isnt amaemia any more??? Yesterday i slept

for about sixteen hours ???

Also do any of you experienced hippies have any tips for swelling.

It is improving but I lok like I am growing an alien on one hip?

The other thing is how far should I be walking for each day. The

staff at the hospital are very vague and say listen to your body,

take it easy, don't push it. But lots of posts on message board tell

of people doing lots more than me???

Any tips will be great.

Thank you Cheryl xx


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