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Hi All, wrist update and more

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Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well :)

I went to my family doctor yesterday to get a perscription changed

and found out the results of my xrays. Good thing is that there is

no fracture in the wrist or scaphoid. He thinks its just a bad

sprain. He actually told me to take the brace and everything off

and just use it as normal and it will be fine. I mentioned this to

my ptist and she was like 'what??', she told me to wait to see the

OS before making any judgements on what to do. He did however give

me a perscription for amtriptyline (to take as well as the celexa)

because some of you know I have been having a really tough few weeks

around here and wasnt sleeping at night, sleeping most of the day

and not eating much. I just started these yesterday so I dont know

if they are going to help or not yet.

I also went to the eye doctor today and for once in my life i was

told i was normal!! She could have given me perscription sunglasses

(as she thinks i would have needed them more than normal???) but the

amount of perscription probably woulndt have even been covered by

our health insurance it was so low. I do have to go and get a field

of vision test done though. She had read up on EDS (I had lent her

the Management of EDS book *Thanks Jo*) and she was prepared. She

did a thourough exam looked at everything and was really good. She

didnt want to miss anything. She did give me some eye drops to use

if the computer started to make my eyes dry from being on it so much

so that may help a bit. She also said with the new OHIP legislation

that my age group is no longer going to be covered for eye exams but

because I have a medical condition I may still be under OHIP's


Other than that nothing else is really new. I am still not working

because of the wrist but am babysitting r once a week and doing

housework for my mom for $50 a week, so thats at least spending

money. I still feel quite depressed at times (mainly night) but

thankfully generally at least one of my friends is on. I also have

started a live journal on the internet so I can post and let people

know how things are going. I can also make private posts for only

me to read. If your interested in reading any of it the address is:


I try to update it publically everyday (I post about 2 privates a

day as well!)


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Hi Stacey,

Thanks for the update. I really hope that the doctor is right about

you not having any fractures, but I agree completely with your PTist

about waiting until you've seen the OS for the full picture and

information on what to do. The idea of you chucking away the brace

and using that arm as normal has me cringing just thinking about it!

Please just trust what you feel is right for your body and take

care. I'm glad that your doctor gave you the amytripltilline to help

with the sleeping problems, I know how much not sleeping properly

can make your problems even harder to face and cope with so fingers

crossed you can at least get some rest now. Hang in there Sweetie

and I really hope things start improving for you soon, I know it's

very hard to do but stay strong and remember there are lots of

people caring about you.

It's great to hear that your eyes are normal - it's so cool to

finally hear that word isn't it!? I'm really glad that the book is

being such a help to you Darl, that's made my day! Good luck with

the field of vision test and I hope that the drops help with the

computer work, I've found they've helped mine....although I do have

a small prescription lenses now too to avoid eye strain as well.

I'm sorry I haven't been around much on yahoo lately, hopefully now

that things are starting to settle down again here I will be able to

catch you for a chat soon. Please take care and know that I'm

thinking of you.

Love and hugs......Jo


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