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Re: Re: Metal on Metal

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Glad to hear you are now doing so well. I also am allergic to sulfa based

drugs. Took a sulfa based antibiotic once and experienced the same nasty thing.

Now I always remind my docs no sulfa based drugs go in this body. MSM which is

also derived from sulfa is OK though. Continued success to you.


> More real life experiences with M-o-M resurfacing:


> My surgery was 3/24/04 (Dr. Gross at Lexington Medical Center in West

> Columbia, SC). I had Legg-Calve-Perthes at age 11. I am 47 and my

> hip had been deteriorating and getting more painful since about age

> 42. I was down to being able to walk 1 block from the garage to my

> office in the morning and one block in the evening. I would then come

> home and go to bed - hoping I could get some sleep if the aching would

> subside.


> I had an epidural and something else that pretty much knocked me out.

> Surgery was a little less than 2 hours. Arrived in my hospital room,

> epidural was left in for a day after surgery so I had no pain. I had

> the compression booties on both legs, periodically inflating to keep

> the blood circulating. These were kept on (or put back on) until my

> release. I also had a cold pack ( " Polar Care " ) circulating ice cold

> water over the incision are. This was also kept on until my release.

> I had an IV to rehydrate me and was periodically given an IV

> antibiotic.


> They got me out of bed with the assistance of a walker on day 2 - I

> still had the epidural in so I was still pretty numb and could not

> move very far - I got into a reclining chair for a few hours. Later

> that day the epidural was taken out (actually by accident while I was

> getting back into bed). I was given the option of a self-dosing pump

> or just switching to the oral medication (Vicodin). As the oral

> medication is what they would give me upon release, I opted for that

> route. By that evening, all feeling had returned to both legs and I

> felt I had pretty good muscle control of both legs.


> Day 3: They took the cather out (yuck). That didn't really hurt but

> it's a sensation I will not soon forget. Gave me the last antibiotic

> and took the IV out. I was able to walk using 2 crutches in the hall.

> Also took a shower after putting Tegaderm Plus (waterproof) bandage

> on. Physical Therapy came by to show me leg exercises to do.


> Day 4 PT came by early to make sure I was OK with using crutches on

> stairs (which I was). I was released about 9:30 AM (I could have been

> released the evening before but my wife had an 8 hour drive ahead and

> we didn't want to start out in the evening). I took a Vicodin for the

> road. Sitting in the van was a bit uncomfortable - we stopped twice

> on the way back to Virginia. That night I took another Vicodin and

> stayed up all night obsessing. That was the last Vicodin.


> Week 1 at home: Used 2 crutches to get around. Took a couple of walks

> up and down the street (a block or two) when it wasn't raining. Used

> OTC Tylenol for pain (very little pain). Broke out in a rash/hives

> which turned out to be an allergic reaction to Celebrex. Stopped

> Celebrex after consultation with my family doctor and Lee Webb. Self

> injecting Fragmin (blood thinner) for first 10 days after release.

> Very uncomfortable sleeping - mostly napped in reclining chair.

> Showered every day using Tegaderm Plus bandages over incision. After

> showering, painted with Betadine and put a fresh bandage on.


> Week 2 at home: Switched to just using 1 crutch. Was able to walk

> around the block several times this week after the monsoon rains

> ended. Finished up the Fragmin started using low dose (81 mg)

> aspirin. Using OTC Tylenol or OTC Motrin for pain. Sleeping a little

> better but still frustrated by only being able to sleep on back or

> unoperated side. By end of week I switch to using cane instead of

> crutch. By end of week was able to shower without Tegaderm Plus

> bandage - still supposed to avoid soaking (baths).


> Week 3 at home: Taking progressively longer walks using just the cane.

> Tape strips have mostly fallen off the incision. Incision looks to

> be almost healed - very little redness. No longer putting bandages on

> it - the bandages are proving more uncomfortable than the incision.

> Towards the end of this week I was finally able to roll over onto the

> operated side. I couldn't sleep on that side but it gave me an option

> for shifting my weight. Took one walk of 2 miles length. Hives have

> pretty much gone away but skin still itches where the worst of it was.


> Week 4: Trying to walk at least 2 miles every day. Now walking

> around the house without the cane - still taking cane on longer walks

> for when I get a little tired. Not leaning on it very much. I can

> feel the calouses on my palm starting to go away. Took subway

> downtown and went to office - about 3 miles walking round-trip. Tired

> but no serious pain. Taking a Motrin before my long walks. Able to

> roll onto the operated side and sleep on it for short periods (Yes!).

> Finally starting to sleep through the whole night (my wife is

> rejoicing). Rubbing the scar regularly - the ridge seems to be

> receeding. Drove the car for the first time since surgery - OUCH!

> Both sides of my right knee hurt driving - I guess my knee is not used

> to the twisting action. Also found certain sitting positions in the

> car I was sitting on a nerve (that's my diagnoses, haven't talked to

> Lee or Dr. Gross about it yet) - that caused shooting pain down to my

> ankle. Was able to move seat and my position to relieve that pain.

> Also found out I didn't want to carry my wallet in the right rear

> pocket as I had done before - it rides right over the incision and

> hurts when I sit.


> Week 5: I am trying to walk more without the cane but I find I tire

> easily and start limping. I don't want to get back into the habit of

> limping so I go back to the can as soon as I notice the limp. Not

> using the cane at all around the house. Sleeping very well. Walked

> to a nearby shopping center that required negotiating a steep, long

> hill. Tiring but no pain. About 2.5 miles round-trip.


> Going back to see Lee and Dr. Gross next week - that will be week 6.


> My overall impressions - I have been amazed at how little pain there

> has been (other than the pain in my knee when driving). In the

> hospital they used the epidural, a pain pump that pumped a local right

> into the incision area, and a cold pack ( " Polar Pack " ), and I could

> get oral pain medication on request. This combination kept the pain

> and swelling to a minimum.


> I have been pleasantly surprised at how fast I could get back to basic

> activities - walking around, doing things around the house. I have

> not rushed to get back to work because I have the leave and I can do a

> lot of work from home on my laptop (which I have been doing since

> getting back from the hospital).


> I still feel like I am a bit weak - in terms of leg muscle strength.

> I can't wait for Dr. Gross to give me the OK to go back to the gym.


> At just over 5 weeks since surgery, I am now more mobile and in less

> pain than I was prior to surgery. So far I am very happy with the

> procedure, my progress and the doctors. I liked the fact that Dr.

> Gross allowed me to determine how much weight to bear on the new joint

> - just telling me to listen to my body. I didn't have any staples -

> the tape strips fall off on their own. I was able to shower every day

> thanks to the supply of Tegaderm Plus bandages the hospital gave me.

> And I didn't have to wear any TEDS up and down the street in front of

> my neighbors (who already think I'm pretty strange).


> The only real negative side of the experience was breaking out in

> hives. Celebrex is Sulfa based and apparently I am allergic to Sulfa

> compounds. I didn't know that so I can't fault anyone. After the

> fact I found out my nephew had also had a similar reaction to a Sulfa

> compound.






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