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Re: feeling awful... failing BHR or not???

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Its still early days for you to be too concerned Sunita.

Those muscles can take a long time to recover. Some take longer

than others. I would'nt worry too much just yet.

Take thing at your own pace, and don't compare other peoples

recovery times to your own.

Keep you chip up, and take things slowly.

Time is a great healer.

Take care, gaz.

> This will mean even more to and Lari and Elenore who have had

problems recovering and maybe some others out there but I need to

talk about it!

> As some of you know I have had pain and " slow " recovery from the

start (R BHR January 6, 2004 with De Smet); lately though it seemed

like I was going slowly uphill and I was hopeful and then two weeks

ago after a slightly longer walk than usual I started to have more

pain and since then it has even increased and I cannot do my daily

walks (which were about 20 minutes); if I want to walk more than one

or two blocks I have to go back to the cane.

> Yesterday I saw a surgeon here in Vancouver who dismissed my

concerns saying that healing can take up to 9 months to a year.

Never heard of such thing on this board though! then I sent an email

to De Smet to tell him what was happening and he responded right

away saying I should have a bonescan and blood test to check if I

don't have AVN or infection. So now I am scared and so so so

disapointed about the whole thing! On top of this, I will have to

fight to get these tests done here and even probably will have to

pay myself to have it done in a timely manner.


> Here it is in writing how awful I feel and the future looks blink

at this point. However who knows?


> thanks for listening

> Sunita




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Dear Sunita,

First of all, I'm glad you consulted with Dr. DeSmet. I would get

the tests even if I had to pay for them so you can " know " what the

problem is. And now, even though I know it's tons easier to say

than do, try to not worry until you get the test results. And then,

if there is a problem, you can get it treated.

I would keep closely in touch with Dr. DeSmet and do whatever he

recommends. He is just so so experienced.

Would it make you feel any better to ask Dr. DeSmet what treatment

there is if you should have either of those problems? Then maybe he

can reassure you that there is a treatment that will be ok and not

as bad as you imagine.

Good luck to you and let us know what happens!


> This will mean even more to and Lari and Elenore who have had

problems recovering and maybe some others out there but I need to

talk about it!

> As some of you know I have had pain and " slow " recovery from the

start (R BHR January 6, 2004 with De Smet); lately though it seemed

like I was going slowly uphill and I was hopeful and then two weeks

ago after a slightly longer walk than usual I started to have more

pain and since then it has even increased and I cannot do my daily

walks (which were about 20 minutes); if I want to walk more than one

or two blocks I have to go back to the cane.

> Yesterday I saw a surgeon here in Vancouver who dismissed my

concerns saying that healing can take up to 9 months to a year.

Never heard of such thing on this board though! then I sent an email

to De Smet to tell him what was happening and he responded right

away saying I should have a bonescan and blood test to check if I

don't have AVN or infection. So now I am scared and so so so

disapointed about the whole thing! On top of this, I will have to

fight to get these tests done here and even probably will have to

pay myself to have it done in a timely manner.


> Here it is in writing how awful I feel and the future looks blink

at this point. However who knows?


> thanks for listening

> Sunita




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I agree with Gaz - thoughts are things - be smart and do what your

gut and docs are telling you to do - get peace of mind - but it can

simply be STUBBORN muscles!!

Best to you, Sunita - keep you chin up HIGH girlfriend!

In surfacehippy , " GAZ " wrote:

> Its still early days for you to be too concerned Sunita.

> Those muscles can take a long time to recover. Some take longer

> than others. I would'nt worry too much just yet.

> Take thing at your own pace, and don't compare other peoples

> recovery times to your own.

> Keep you chip up, and take things slowly.

> Time is a great healer.

> Take care, gaz.

...... Never heard of such thing on this board though! then I sent an


> to De Smet to tell him what was happening and he responded right

> away saying I should have a bonescan and blood test to check if I

> don't have AVN or infection. So now I am scared and so so so

> disapointed about the whole thing! On top of this, I will have to

> fight to get these tests done here and even probably will have to

> pay myself to have it done in a timely manner.

> >

> > Here it is in writing how awful I feel and the future looks blink

> at this point. However who knows?

> >

> > thanks for listening

> > Sunita

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Hi Sunita

> if I want to walk more than one or two blocks I have to go back to

the cane.

I'm really sorry to hear you've had another setback. I think the

best thing to do is to use your cane all the time for a week or so and

see if that helps, while you're waiting for your tests, etc. I had a

couple of " setbacks " myself, though not as bad as yours, and had to go

back to crutches from the cane, or to the cane from no aids, for

example. That took some of the stress off the joint and let it recover

more easily.

> Yesterday I saw a surgeon here in Vancouver who dismissed my

concerns saying that healing can take up to 9 months to a year.

He told me that, too. Also, he says I am still limping a little

(although I almost never do anymore, but I didn't make a big effort

because I wanted him to see my walking at it's worst), but it should

get better with time. He doesn't have the number of patients under his

belt that Dr.DeSmet has, and most of his were " high quality "

candidates, so he may not have experienced any infections or some

other complications with his patients yet.

>Never heard of such thing on this board though!

Cindy was on two crutches for 7 months, I think... Also, you are

a bit older than the average hippy on this board, and your bones are

small, plus you lost so much blood during the op, which isn't usual. So

a slower recovery is not unexpected; if you'd had a THR, you'd only

have been off the 90 degree restrictions sometime in April, for

example, so you'd still be working on your walking distances. I know

it's hard, but do try not to worry too much about possible

complications until you have some actual results one way or the other.

The stress will just make the pain feel worse.

Get your GP to order the blood tests right away. Usually they can be

done at any lab, immediately. The bone scan takes longer, but I only

had to wait about three weeks for mine last summer, especially if you

get the doctor's assistant to stress to the hospital that you will

take any cancellations that come up at short notice.

Hang in there Sunita, we're all rooting for you... I'm glad that

Dr. DeSmet replies promptly to you; at least you don't have to wait

for him. You might try sending him your latest X-rays as well, for a

second opinion on your other hip.

All the best,


rBHR Oct.17/03 McMinn

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Hi Sunita

> if I want to walk more than one or two blocks I have to go back to

the cane.

I'm really sorry to hear you've had another setback. I think the

best thing to do is to use your cane all the time for a week or so and

see if that helps, while you're waiting for your tests, etc. I had a

couple of " setbacks " myself, though not as bad as yours, and had to go

back to crutches from the cane, or to the cane from no aids, for

example. That took some of the stress off the joint and let it recover

more easily.

> Yesterday I saw a surgeon here in Vancouver who dismissed my

concerns saying that healing can take up to 9 months to a year.

He told me that, too. Also, he says I am still limping a little

(although I almost never do anymore, but I didn't make a big effort

because I wanted him to see my walking at it's worst), but it should

get better with time. He doesn't have the number of patients under his

belt that Dr.DeSmet has, and most of his were " high quality "

candidates, so he may not have experienced any infections or some

other complications with his patients yet.

>Never heard of such thing on this board though!

Cindy was on two crutches for 7 months, I think... Also, you are

a bit older than the average hippy on this board, and your bones are

small, plus you lost so much blood during the op, which isn't usual. So

a slower recovery is not unexpected; if you'd had a THR, you'd only

have been off the 90 degree restrictions sometime in April, for

example, so you'd still be working on your walking distances. I know

it's hard, but do try not to worry too much about possible

complications until you have some actual results one way or the other.

The stress will just make the pain feel worse.

Get your GP to order the blood tests right away. Usually they can be

done at any lab, immediately. The bone scan takes longer, but I only

had to wait about three weeks for mine last summer, especially if you

get the doctor's assistant to stress to the hospital that you will

take any cancellations that come up at short notice.

Hang in there Sunita, we're all rooting for you... I'm glad that

Dr. DeSmet replies promptly to you; at least you don't have to wait

for him. You might try sending him your latest X-rays as well, for a

second opinion on your other hip.

All the best,


rBHR Oct.17/03 McMinn

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Hi Sunita

> if I want to walk more than one or two blocks I have to go back to

the cane.

I'm really sorry to hear you've had another setback. I think the

best thing to do is to use your cane all the time for a week or so and

see if that helps, while you're waiting for your tests, etc. I had a

couple of " setbacks " myself, though not as bad as yours, and had to go

back to crutches from the cane, or to the cane from no aids, for

example. That took some of the stress off the joint and let it recover

more easily.

> Yesterday I saw a surgeon here in Vancouver who dismissed my

concerns saying that healing can take up to 9 months to a year.

He told me that, too. Also, he says I am still limping a little

(although I almost never do anymore, but I didn't make a big effort

because I wanted him to see my walking at it's worst), but it should

get better with time. He doesn't have the number of patients under his

belt that Dr.DeSmet has, and most of his were " high quality "

candidates, so he may not have experienced any infections or some

other complications with his patients yet.

>Never heard of such thing on this board though!

Cindy was on two crutches for 7 months, I think... Also, you are

a bit older than the average hippy on this board, and your bones are

small, plus you lost so much blood during the op, which isn't usual. So

a slower recovery is not unexpected; if you'd had a THR, you'd only

have been off the 90 degree restrictions sometime in April, for

example, so you'd still be working on your walking distances. I know

it's hard, but do try not to worry too much about possible

complications until you have some actual results one way or the other.

The stress will just make the pain feel worse.

Get your GP to order the blood tests right away. Usually they can be

done at any lab, immediately. The bone scan takes longer, but I only

had to wait about three weeks for mine last summer, especially if you

get the doctor's assistant to stress to the hospital that you will

take any cancellations that come up at short notice.

Hang in there Sunita, we're all rooting for you... I'm glad that

Dr. DeSmet replies promptly to you; at least you don't have to wait

for him. You might try sending him your latest X-rays as well, for a

second opinion on your other hip.

All the best,


rBHR Oct.17/03 McMinn

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Hi Sunita,

Sorry to hear about your continued bother................ I have had a long

recovery - it now being almost 2 years and me being excited I can swim 600

mtrs etc. But I did have difficult circumstances from the start.............

I scare myself silly from time to time fretting about particular pain

happening......... but end up reassuring myself that mine isn't bone

pain..........just surprised and startled muscles cells asked to start life

again after such a long time.......... But surely someone can give you some

idea what bone pain feels like as opposed to muscle and joint tissue

pain......... My pain is when pushing on the edges of movement and around

the joint and has been with me from the start as I tried to extend the hip

from zero flexibility to something approaching normal range.......... I get

the occasionally twinge too as I walk over to the next step as it touches

the range it is currently at and tries to move on from there..........but

again it is distinctly muscle.

What I don't get is weight bearing pain that feels deep into the

bone........... The day I feel that I will probably take leave of my

senses............ I can also imagine that if the femur head is loose one

would get deep inside pains as one shifted positions sitting or in bed where

the natural tension would be off that held the prothesis steady........

I can get pain sitting but it is distinctly within the outter muscle/tissue

body..........again to do with it grizzling about movement......... and

remains isolated to that area rather than tearing off down inside the leg -

which I would imagine bone pain would do....... bringing about the situation

described here when Alan described his leg collapsing from the pain in his


My personal memory of bone

pain too is that they just like to ache if not feeling happy........... but

there could be distinct differences between say an infection pain - which I

had - and AVN pain where the bone is dying and letting rubbing


Then again all you bone on bone arthritis etc people should be able to

describe that pain pretty well.........come to think of it.............

Funny I tend to forget most of you had a heap of pain preop...........having

had zilch hip pain preop...........smile. BTW It always goes down a treat

when people tell me I obviously look so well because I am no longer in

pain........... I've had more need of pain killers since the op than preop

actually........ but that is 'okay - getting better; pain.

I also knew someone else who had hassles with the top cup area.........it

didn't fix in........ That gave him a lot of pain, swelling and buritis

until they finally figured out what was happening......... apparently it


to easy to pick that up either........... Again the pain was deep inside


the cup was doing a slight movement at points...........

And for someone else who is worrying about infections......... My personal,

but faded memory of bone infections, is that they are very very painful and

you quickly get a raised temp late in the afternoon............It also

didn't take long from when there was slight pain walking until it was well

out of hand............. wanting to go nowhere pain.........My infection was

just in beside the hip joint but the inflammation quickly locked the hip


up.... if that is any help...............

All the best in your endeavours to have it sorted however............a

friendly GP sounds like a good place to start for blood tests.......... Bone

scans may be different and not sure how they work looking under the


Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02

> This will mean even more to and Lari and Elenore who have had

problems recovering and maybe some others out there but I need to talk about


> As some of you know I have had pain and " slow " recovery from the start (R

BHR January 6, 2004 with De Smet); lately though it seemed like I was going

slowly uphill and I was hopeful and then two weeks ago after a slightly

longer walk than usual I started to have more pain and since then it has

even increased and I cannot do my daily walks (which were about 20 minutes);

if I want to walk more than one or two blocks I have to go back to the cane.

> Yesterday I saw a surgeon here in Vancouver who dismissed my concerns

saying that healing can take up to 9 months to a year. Never heard of such

thing on this board though! then I sent an email to De Smet to tell him what

was happening and he responded right away saying I should have a bonescan

and blood test to check if I don't have AVN or infection. So now I am scared

and so so so disapointed about the whole thing! On top of this, I will have

to fight to get these tests done here and even probably will have to pay

myself to have it done in a timely manner.


> Here it is in writing how awful I feel and the future looks blink at this

point. However who knows?


> thanks for listening

> Sunita

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Hi Sunita,

Sorry to hear about your continued bother................ I have had a long

recovery - it now being almost 2 years and me being excited I can swim 600

mtrs etc. But I did have difficult circumstances from the start.............

I scare myself silly from time to time fretting about particular pain

happening......... but end up reassuring myself that mine isn't bone

pain..........just surprised and startled muscles cells asked to start life

again after such a long time.......... But surely someone can give you some

idea what bone pain feels like as opposed to muscle and joint tissue

pain......... My pain is when pushing on the edges of movement and around

the joint and has been with me from the start as I tried to extend the hip

from zero flexibility to something approaching normal range.......... I get

the occasionally twinge too as I walk over to the next step as it touches

the range it is currently at and tries to move on from there..........but

again it is distinctly muscle.

What I don't get is weight bearing pain that feels deep into the

bone........... The day I feel that I will probably take leave of my

senses............ I can also imagine that if the femur head is loose one

would get deep inside pains as one shifted positions sitting or in bed where

the natural tension would be off that held the prothesis steady........

I can get pain sitting but it is distinctly within the outter muscle/tissue

body..........again to do with it grizzling about movement......... and

remains isolated to that area rather than tearing off down inside the leg -

which I would imagine bone pain would do....... bringing about the situation

described here when Alan described his leg collapsing from the pain in his


My personal memory of bone

pain too is that they just like to ache if not feeling happy........... but

there could be distinct differences between say an infection pain - which I

had - and AVN pain where the bone is dying and letting rubbing


Then again all you bone on bone arthritis etc people should be able to

describe that pain pretty well.........come to think of it.............

Funny I tend to forget most of you had a heap of pain preop...........having

had zilch hip pain preop...........smile. BTW It always goes down a treat

when people tell me I obviously look so well because I am no longer in

pain........... I've had more need of pain killers since the op than preop

actually........ but that is 'okay - getting better; pain.

I also knew someone else who had hassles with the top cup area.........it

didn't fix in........ That gave him a lot of pain, swelling and buritis

until they finally figured out what was happening......... apparently it


to easy to pick that up either........... Again the pain was deep inside


the cup was doing a slight movement at points...........

And for someone else who is worrying about infections......... My personal,

but faded memory of bone infections, is that they are very very painful and

you quickly get a raised temp late in the afternoon............It also

didn't take long from when there was slight pain walking until it was well

out of hand............. wanting to go nowhere pain.........My infection was

just in beside the hip joint but the inflammation quickly locked the hip


up.... if that is any help...............

All the best in your endeavours to have it sorted however............a

friendly GP sounds like a good place to start for blood tests.......... Bone

scans may be different and not sure how they work looking under the


Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02

> This will mean even more to and Lari and Elenore who have had

problems recovering and maybe some others out there but I need to talk about


> As some of you know I have had pain and " slow " recovery from the start (R

BHR January 6, 2004 with De Smet); lately though it seemed like I was going

slowly uphill and I was hopeful and then two weeks ago after a slightly

longer walk than usual I started to have more pain and since then it has

even increased and I cannot do my daily walks (which were about 20 minutes);

if I want to walk more than one or two blocks I have to go back to the cane.

> Yesterday I saw a surgeon here in Vancouver who dismissed my concerns

saying that healing can take up to 9 months to a year. Never heard of such

thing on this board though! then I sent an email to De Smet to tell him what

was happening and he responded right away saying I should have a bonescan

and blood test to check if I don't have AVN or infection. So now I am scared

and so so so disapointed about the whole thing! On top of this, I will have

to fight to get these tests done here and even probably will have to pay

myself to have it done in a timely manner.


> Here it is in writing how awful I feel and the future looks blink at this

point. However who knows?


> thanks for listening

> Sunita

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Guest guest

Hi Sunita,

Sorry to hear about your continued bother................ I have had a long

recovery - it now being almost 2 years and me being excited I can swim 600

mtrs etc. But I did have difficult circumstances from the start.............

I scare myself silly from time to time fretting about particular pain

happening......... but end up reassuring myself that mine isn't bone

pain..........just surprised and startled muscles cells asked to start life

again after such a long time.......... But surely someone can give you some

idea what bone pain feels like as opposed to muscle and joint tissue

pain......... My pain is when pushing on the edges of movement and around

the joint and has been with me from the start as I tried to extend the hip

from zero flexibility to something approaching normal range.......... I get

the occasionally twinge too as I walk over to the next step as it touches

the range it is currently at and tries to move on from there..........but

again it is distinctly muscle.

What I don't get is weight bearing pain that feels deep into the

bone........... The day I feel that I will probably take leave of my

senses............ I can also imagine that if the femur head is loose one

would get deep inside pains as one shifted positions sitting or in bed where

the natural tension would be off that held the prothesis steady........

I can get pain sitting but it is distinctly within the outter muscle/tissue

body..........again to do with it grizzling about movement......... and

remains isolated to that area rather than tearing off down inside the leg -

which I would imagine bone pain would do....... bringing about the situation

described here when Alan described his leg collapsing from the pain in his


My personal memory of bone

pain too is that they just like to ache if not feeling happy........... but

there could be distinct differences between say an infection pain - which I

had - and AVN pain where the bone is dying and letting rubbing


Then again all you bone on bone arthritis etc people should be able to

describe that pain pretty well.........come to think of it.............

Funny I tend to forget most of you had a heap of pain preop...........having

had zilch hip pain preop...........smile. BTW It always goes down a treat

when people tell me I obviously look so well because I am no longer in

pain........... I've had more need of pain killers since the op than preop

actually........ but that is 'okay - getting better; pain.

I also knew someone else who had hassles with the top cup area.........it

didn't fix in........ That gave him a lot of pain, swelling and buritis

until they finally figured out what was happening......... apparently it


to easy to pick that up either........... Again the pain was deep inside


the cup was doing a slight movement at points...........

And for someone else who is worrying about infections......... My personal,

but faded memory of bone infections, is that they are very very painful and

you quickly get a raised temp late in the afternoon............It also

didn't take long from when there was slight pain walking until it was well

out of hand............. wanting to go nowhere pain.........My infection was

just in beside the hip joint but the inflammation quickly locked the hip


up.... if that is any help...............

All the best in your endeavours to have it sorted however............a

friendly GP sounds like a good place to start for blood tests.......... Bone

scans may be different and not sure how they work looking under the


Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02

> This will mean even more to and Lari and Elenore who have had

problems recovering and maybe some others out there but I need to talk about


> As some of you know I have had pain and " slow " recovery from the start (R

BHR January 6, 2004 with De Smet); lately though it seemed like I was going

slowly uphill and I was hopeful and then two weeks ago after a slightly

longer walk than usual I started to have more pain and since then it has

even increased and I cannot do my daily walks (which were about 20 minutes);

if I want to walk more than one or two blocks I have to go back to the cane.

> Yesterday I saw a surgeon here in Vancouver who dismissed my concerns

saying that healing can take up to 9 months to a year. Never heard of such

thing on this board though! then I sent an email to De Smet to tell him what

was happening and he responded right away saying I should have a bonescan

and blood test to check if I don't have AVN or infection. So now I am scared

and so so so disapointed about the whole thing! On top of this, I will have

to fight to get these tests done here and even probably will have to pay

myself to have it done in a timely manner.


> Here it is in writing how awful I feel and the future looks blink at this

point. However who knows?


> thanks for listening

> Sunita

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Dear Sunita,

How good you have been able to write. I know just how you feel-both

about the pain, the possibility of infection and the huge wait to find

out. You sound quite similar to me-thinking things are maybe getting a

bit better, walking more, doing more, but still that pain. My worst is

increased pain at night, but I think you don't have that? My OS said

that to him that is a sign of possible infection.

I am currently awaiting an aspiration arthrogram on the NHS and it is

taking ages. Have just learned that it is due to radiologist shortage

at my hospital-one just died very unexpectedly and one just retired. Am

trying to talk to the OS's senior registrar today, as my OS is on a

lecture tour in the States for 6 weeks. Want to know the effects of

living for longer with low level infection. So far, no one has

mentioned AVN to me, but of course, I know that could be a possibility.

I guess I need more information if I am to decide if I shell out to pay

privately for something faster. It is quite a lot of money, I think.

To any medics on the board-I'd be interested to know more about

aspiration arthrogram's and also the prognosis of infections. If I

understood correctly, my OS thought an infection could be between the

femur and the metal cup. Any thoughts from anyone on this? I just

always have a low dull pain. But unlike you, Sunita, I am walking

pretty well, and have even been a bit better the last few days with my

walking. This seems to come and go and perhaps will with you? I guess

my muscle is just getting stronger, pain and all, inspite of possible


So-Sunita, we will hang in there and see this through. In the meantime,

you are so much in my thoughts.


feeling awful... failing BHR or not???

This will mean even more to and Lari and Elenore who have had

problems recovering and maybe some others out there but I need to talk

about it!

As some of you know I have had pain and " slow " recovery from the start

(R BHR January 6, 2004 with De Smet); lately though it seemed like I was

going slowly uphill and I was hopeful and then two weeks ago after a

slightly longer walk than usual I started to have more pain and since

then it has even increased and I cannot do my daily walks (which were

about 20 minutes); if I want to walk more than one or two blocks I have

to go back to the cane.

Yesterday I saw a surgeon here in Vancouver who dismissed my concerns

saying that healing can take up to 9 months to a year. Never heard of

such thing on this board though! then I sent an email to De Smet to tell

him what was happening and he responded right away saying I should have

a bonescan and blood test to check if I don't have AVN or infection. So

now I am scared and so so so disapointed about the whole thing! On top

of this, I will have to fight to get these tests done here and even

probably will have to pay myself to have it done in a timely manner.

Here it is in writing how awful I feel and the future looks blink at

this point. However who knows?

thanks for listening


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Guest guest

Dear Sunita,

How good you have been able to write. I know just how you feel-both

about the pain, the possibility of infection and the huge wait to find

out. You sound quite similar to me-thinking things are maybe getting a

bit better, walking more, doing more, but still that pain. My worst is

increased pain at night, but I think you don't have that? My OS said

that to him that is a sign of possible infection.

I am currently awaiting an aspiration arthrogram on the NHS and it is

taking ages. Have just learned that it is due to radiologist shortage

at my hospital-one just died very unexpectedly and one just retired. Am

trying to talk to the OS's senior registrar today, as my OS is on a

lecture tour in the States for 6 weeks. Want to know the effects of

living for longer with low level infection. So far, no one has

mentioned AVN to me, but of course, I know that could be a possibility.

I guess I need more information if I am to decide if I shell out to pay

privately for something faster. It is quite a lot of money, I think.

To any medics on the board-I'd be interested to know more about

aspiration arthrogram's and also the prognosis of infections. If I

understood correctly, my OS thought an infection could be between the

femur and the metal cup. Any thoughts from anyone on this? I just

always have a low dull pain. But unlike you, Sunita, I am walking

pretty well, and have even been a bit better the last few days with my

walking. This seems to come and go and perhaps will with you? I guess

my muscle is just getting stronger, pain and all, inspite of possible


So-Sunita, we will hang in there and see this through. In the meantime,

you are so much in my thoughts.


feeling awful... failing BHR or not???

This will mean even more to and Lari and Elenore who have had

problems recovering and maybe some others out there but I need to talk

about it!

As some of you know I have had pain and " slow " recovery from the start

(R BHR January 6, 2004 with De Smet); lately though it seemed like I was

going slowly uphill and I was hopeful and then two weeks ago after a

slightly longer walk than usual I started to have more pain and since

then it has even increased and I cannot do my daily walks (which were

about 20 minutes); if I want to walk more than one or two blocks I have

to go back to the cane.

Yesterday I saw a surgeon here in Vancouver who dismissed my concerns

saying that healing can take up to 9 months to a year. Never heard of

such thing on this board though! then I sent an email to De Smet to tell

him what was happening and he responded right away saying I should have

a bonescan and blood test to check if I don't have AVN or infection. So

now I am scared and so so so disapointed about the whole thing! On top

of this, I will have to fight to get these tests done here and even

probably will have to pay myself to have it done in a timely manner.

Here it is in writing how awful I feel and the future looks blink at

this point. However who knows?

thanks for listening


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Just replied to Sunita and then had further thoughts. I have had four

blood tests so far. My white blood cell count indicating acute

infection is fine, but my ESR and CRE are very raised, indicating

inflammation. Sunita-blood tests are easy to get and your GP or

whatever they call your local doctor in Vancouver, should be able to do

this for you. It is for this reason my OS suspects a low level

infection, not an active one or that would show in the bloods.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed when these things happen and hard to wait

for all the tests. The reason I had several blood test was to see the

change over time. In my case, the inflammation levels are slowly

climbing, not decreasing.

In answer to someone else, as I understand it, infection can occur with

both BHR and THR, but is very rare in each case. It is just one of the

risks of any surgery.


Re: feeling awful... failing BHR or not???

Its still early days for you to be too concerned Sunita.

Those muscles can take a long time to recover. Some take longer

than others. I would'nt worry too much just yet.

Take thing at your own pace, and don't compare other peoples

recovery times to your own.

Keep you chip up, and take things slowly.

Time is a great healer.

Take care, gaz.

> This will mean even more to and Lari and Elenore who have had

problems recovering and maybe some others out there but I need to

talk about it!

> As some of you know I have had pain and " slow " recovery from the

start (R BHR January 6, 2004 with De Smet); lately though it seemed

like I was going slowly uphill and I was hopeful and then two weeks

ago after a slightly longer walk than usual I started to have more

pain and since then it has even increased and I cannot do my daily

walks (which were about 20 minutes); if I want to walk more than one

or two blocks I have to go back to the cane.

> Yesterday I saw a surgeon here in Vancouver who dismissed my

concerns saying that healing can take up to 9 months to a year.

Never heard of such thing on this board though! then I sent an email

to De Smet to tell him what was happening and he responded right

away saying I should have a bonescan and blood test to check if I

don't have AVN or infection. So now I am scared and so so so

disapointed about the whole thing! On top of this, I will have to

fight to get these tests done here and even probably will have to

pay myself to have it done in a timely manner.


> Here it is in writing how awful I feel and the future looks blink

at this point. However who knows?


> thanks for listening

> Sunita




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Just replied to Sunita and then had further thoughts. I have had four

blood tests so far. My white blood cell count indicating acute

infection is fine, but my ESR and CRE are very raised, indicating

inflammation. Sunita-blood tests are easy to get and your GP or

whatever they call your local doctor in Vancouver, should be able to do

this for you. It is for this reason my OS suspects a low level

infection, not an active one or that would show in the bloods.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed when these things happen and hard to wait

for all the tests. The reason I had several blood test was to see the

change over time. In my case, the inflammation levels are slowly

climbing, not decreasing.

In answer to someone else, as I understand it, infection can occur with

both BHR and THR, but is very rare in each case. It is just one of the

risks of any surgery.


Re: feeling awful... failing BHR or not???

Its still early days for you to be too concerned Sunita.

Those muscles can take a long time to recover. Some take longer

than others. I would'nt worry too much just yet.

Take thing at your own pace, and don't compare other peoples

recovery times to your own.

Keep you chip up, and take things slowly.

Time is a great healer.

Take care, gaz.

> This will mean even more to and Lari and Elenore who have had

problems recovering and maybe some others out there but I need to

talk about it!

> As some of you know I have had pain and " slow " recovery from the

start (R BHR January 6, 2004 with De Smet); lately though it seemed

like I was going slowly uphill and I was hopeful and then two weeks

ago after a slightly longer walk than usual I started to have more

pain and since then it has even increased and I cannot do my daily

walks (which were about 20 minutes); if I want to walk more than one

or two blocks I have to go back to the cane.

> Yesterday I saw a surgeon here in Vancouver who dismissed my

concerns saying that healing can take up to 9 months to a year.

Never heard of such thing on this board though! then I sent an email

to De Smet to tell him what was happening and he responded right

away saying I should have a bonescan and blood test to check if I

don't have AVN or infection. So now I am scared and so so so

disapointed about the whole thing! On top of this, I will have to

fight to get these tests done here and even probably will have to

pay myself to have it done in a timely manner.


> Here it is in writing how awful I feel and the future looks blink

at this point. However who knows?


> thanks for listening

> Sunita




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Hi Eleanor,

There are 2 sets of infection risks with the surgery of hip replacement.

Firstly the chances of staf infections which lurk with any encounter with

surgery of any description from what I can gather......... Thus the

importance of checking out your hospital's history - though good surgeons

generally refuse to operate in hospitals with high rates of staf infection


Secondly, the opportunity for infections such as osteomylitis to be

activated by interferring with bones during an operation........ It is my

understanding from my own situation is that there is far more chance of that

happening with a THR.......... No OS would even discuss doing a THR on me

for 30 years........ and basically it was about the large risk of provoking

my osteomylitis into being again through the radical interference with the

bone required for a THR..........i.e. the larger the surface left damaged

the greater the chance........... Because there is less interference needed

with a Resurface and the all important bone marrow isn't touched, there is

less chance.

Both these infections can occur simultaneously............

As I understand it once one gets some distance from the operation date the

infections occuring under the cap would need introduction via other sources

if one didn't show up with early hassles............. the teeth being

nominated as one possible site.........These come down to maintaining good

general health, fitness etc and the luck of the draw........

Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02


> In answer to someone else, as I understand it, infection can occur with

> both BHR and THR, but is very rare in each case. It is just one of the

> risks of any surgery.


> Eleanor



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Hi Eleanor,

There are 2 sets of infection risks with the surgery of hip replacement.

Firstly the chances of staf infections which lurk with any encounter with

surgery of any description from what I can gather......... Thus the

importance of checking out your hospital's history - though good surgeons

generally refuse to operate in hospitals with high rates of staf infection


Secondly, the opportunity for infections such as osteomylitis to be

activated by interferring with bones during an operation........ It is my

understanding from my own situation is that there is far more chance of that

happening with a THR.......... No OS would even discuss doing a THR on me

for 30 years........ and basically it was about the large risk of provoking

my osteomylitis into being again through the radical interference with the

bone required for a THR..........i.e. the larger the surface left damaged

the greater the chance........... Because there is less interference needed

with a Resurface and the all important bone marrow isn't touched, there is

less chance.

Both these infections can occur simultaneously............

As I understand it once one gets some distance from the operation date the

infections occuring under the cap would need introduction via other sources

if one didn't show up with early hassles............. the teeth being

nominated as one possible site.........These come down to maintaining good

general health, fitness etc and the luck of the draw........

Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02


> In answer to someone else, as I understand it, infection can occur with

> both BHR and THR, but is very rare in each case. It is just one of the

> risks of any surgery.


> Eleanor



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Hi Eleanor,

There are 2 sets of infection risks with the surgery of hip replacement.

Firstly the chances of staf infections which lurk with any encounter with

surgery of any description from what I can gather......... Thus the

importance of checking out your hospital's history - though good surgeons

generally refuse to operate in hospitals with high rates of staf infection


Secondly, the opportunity for infections such as osteomylitis to be

activated by interferring with bones during an operation........ It is my

understanding from my own situation is that there is far more chance of that

happening with a THR.......... No OS would even discuss doing a THR on me

for 30 years........ and basically it was about the large risk of provoking

my osteomylitis into being again through the radical interference with the

bone required for a THR..........i.e. the larger the surface left damaged

the greater the chance........... Because there is less interference needed

with a Resurface and the all important bone marrow isn't touched, there is

less chance.

Both these infections can occur simultaneously............

As I understand it once one gets some distance from the operation date the

infections occuring under the cap would need introduction via other sources

if one didn't show up with early hassles............. the teeth being

nominated as one possible site.........These come down to maintaining good

general health, fitness etc and the luck of the draw........

Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02


> In answer to someone else, as I understand it, infection can occur with

> both BHR and THR, but is very rare in each case. It is just one of the

> risks of any surgery.


> Eleanor



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