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I got thinking last night that it is just a week away before I will

be in Baltimore, meeting with Dr. Francomano.

I would be very interested in knowing from those I have met

with/worked on over the last 60 days, how the treatments for the

various conditions have held up. What were the conditions treated

and the results? Did the results hold or were they just temporary?

What effects have there been in terms of any reduced need for

medications? What do you consider your pre and post treatment pain

levels to be? Any comparisons versus more tradtional treatments

tried in the past?

Don't know if I will be able to bring that info up in discussions,

but it would certainly be handy to have it if the opportunity does


Either respond by post or off-list email.


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Hi Mike,

Sorry for being so slow to follow up on the results of your visit.

First of all I will start with Josh who fell asleep very early in the

session. He has slept well most nights since. Probably the most notable

observation for him is the lack of any complaints of GERD since I tried the

accupressure points. He has compalined of leg generalized left leg pain

which may be due to his high level of activity at camp this week. He is

still fatigued but has lasted a little longer everyday at camp.

has settled better to sleep each night. He seems to be sleeping

better and waking refreshed. He has had some headaches due to the

fluctuating pressure systems. He has not complained of any tmj problems.

Miss D. slept through the night until 6:00 a.m. for 2 nights. She has

never slept that many consecutive hours ever! Her bowels have continued to

move little several times a day. She does not appear to be guarding her

belly on contact. Unfortunately, it appears that one of the tubes in her

ears slipped and the ear drum is now bugling and red. She in not talking

with the frequency she had been. She will be seeing the ENT ASAP for


Terri was uncomfortable the next day but suprised at how " different " she

felt. She still can't get over the fact that her ribs were out. For the

last 3 days Terri has had excruciating pain in her legs, migranes and a full

fibro flare. She has had very little sleep. I am hoping that as the

weather stabilizes for a couple of days that her pain will settle down. We

are making plans to get together this weekend so I will see if I can help

her then.

By Sunday night my headache and sinus congestion were gone. I was sore

Sunday night but I had moved almost everything in our basement - translation

I REALLY deserved to hurt! Monday I had mild aches (well desrved) but by

Tuesday I was fine. I have had some mild knee pain that could be related

weather. Other than feeling more tired than usual this week I have been


I will keep you posted.

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Looking back I realise it was the scapular muscle spasm that was

causing the problem. With that release the pull on the post. arm and

elbow just melted away over time.


Just another example of what I keep saying (and being told over and

over again in different classes) - identify the symptom and look

elsewhere for the cause. You would be absolutely amazed how many

times I find that the source/cause of the problem is nowhere near

where the symptomatic pain is. In your case, the pain was in the

elbow but the cause was in the shoulder.

And as long as " real doctors " continue to just treat the symptoms,

they are going to continue to fail to fix the problems.

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Looking back I realise it was the scapular muscle spasm that was

causing the problem. With that release the pull on the post. arm and

elbow just melted away over time.


Just another example of what I keep saying (and being told over and

over again in different classes) - identify the symptom and look

elsewhere for the cause. You would be absolutely amazed how many

times I find that the source/cause of the problem is nowhere near

where the symptomatic pain is. In your case, the pain was in the

elbow but the cause was in the shoulder.

And as long as " real doctors " continue to just treat the symptoms,

they are going to continue to fail to fix the problems.

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Looking back I realise it was the scapular muscle spasm that was

causing the problem. With that release the pull on the post. arm and

elbow just melted away over time.


Just another example of what I keep saying (and being told over and

over again in different classes) - identify the symptom and look

elsewhere for the cause. You would be absolutely amazed how many

times I find that the source/cause of the problem is nowhere near

where the symptomatic pain is. In your case, the pain was in the

elbow but the cause was in the shoulder.

And as long as " real doctors " continue to just treat the symptoms,

they are going to continue to fail to fix the problems.

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