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hip resurfacing physician

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They are done fairly routinely in Australia if you want closer and then

there is a clinic in India that gets mentioned fairly regularly in posts

here............ It is even cheaper than Belgium and the doctors were

trained with the best in UK.............we have a couple of good reports in

the archives and they were mentioned only a couple of weeks ago if you want

to go look at past postings..........

The makers will supply you with lists of surgeons for areas if you go out

and ask them online.

Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02


> I am from the Philippines, and right now I am fixing a schedule for a THR

in the United States. I just recently found this group, and I dont know

where to begin looking for a doctor who does hip resurfacings. So far, I

only found Dr de Smet (Belgium), I cant seem to find a site or any way to

contact other doctors who do resurfacing. I would really appreciate help in

looking for doctors who do resurfacing and how to contact them. I am not

really particular as to where, as I am from the Philippines, but I would

really like a doctor who is responsive to patients.


> Thanks again.


> Sincerely,


> MK


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They are done fairly routinely in Australia if you want closer and then

there is a clinic in India that gets mentioned fairly regularly in posts

here............ It is even cheaper than Belgium and the doctors were

trained with the best in UK.............we have a couple of good reports in

the archives and they were mentioned only a couple of weeks ago if you want

to go look at past postings..........

The makers will supply you with lists of surgeons for areas if you go out

and ask them online.

Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02


> I am from the Philippines, and right now I am fixing a schedule for a THR

in the United States. I just recently found this group, and I dont know

where to begin looking for a doctor who does hip resurfacings. So far, I

only found Dr de Smet (Belgium), I cant seem to find a site or any way to

contact other doctors who do resurfacing. I would really appreciate help in

looking for doctors who do resurfacing and how to contact them. I am not

really particular as to where, as I am from the Philippines, but I would

really like a doctor who is responsive to patients.


> Thanks again.


> Sincerely,


> MK


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I am from city of Bangalore, India where the IT revolution that is

transforming the country is taking place.

I am a 44 yrs old medical doctor doing general practice and have had

my right hip resurfaced by Dr. Vijay C. Bose at Apollo speciality

Hospital in chennai.India

THe operation has been a miracle for me. The years of pain that i

suffered due to Avascular necrosis is gone and now every waking hour

is a joy. simple activities like sitting on the floor brings me sheer

happiness.I still have some residual stiffness in the early morning

which goes away once i start my routine activities

At 3 months post-op i have a question for those 'experienced' hippies.

Is jogging a good thing to do for the prosthesis at this time.My

doctor seems to think so and he says it will not cause damage. I have

read some information on the internet that some surgeons advise

againstimpact activities.I would be grateful for your thoughts

This surgeon of mine does some serious hip work and as i am a doctor

he showed some of the comlex resurfacings he has done in his laptop

computer. That was some unbelievably serious work. I chose him to do

my resurfacing as he is by far the most experienced in India with

more than two hundred BHRresurfacings but more importantly more than

100 of them have been for AVN - the condition that i was suffering


During my stay in the hospital i met two malaysians and one canadian

who had come for BHR surgery. The canadian remarked that the price he

got this surgery was a tiny fraction of what he was quoted in the

U.S. He also told me that he was here to escape the long waiting list

in Canada. I have no hesitation in recommending doctor Bose for hip

resurfacing as he seems to be a master in this craft.In addition he

is such a warm human being with geniune friendliness to his patients.

The thing that impressed me most was his prompt and detailed e-mail

replies to the hundreds of queries i had before surgery.

I wish others should benefit out of his expertise and have the most

pleasant experience that i had at chennai. his e-mail add is


Finally this group has been such a powerful resourse for me postop as

i continue to have an insatiable appetite for information on hip

resurfacing. Strangely some of my orthopaedic friends have not heard

of it or dismiss it as humbug. WOULD ANY ONE OF YOU BELIEVE THAT


with scores of big hospitals and hundreds of orthos.It is a strange

world that we live in.

in warm bonding with fellow surface hippies


> Hi,


> They are done fairly routinely in Australia if you want closer and


> there is a clinic in India that gets mentioned fairly regularly in


> here............ It is even cheaper than Belgium and the doctors


> trained with the best in UK.............we have a couple of good

reports in

> the archives and they were mentioned only a couple of weeks ago if

you want

> to go look at past postings..........


> The makers will supply you with lists of surgeons for areas if you

go out

> and ask them online.


> Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02


> >

> > I am from the Philippines, and right now I am fixing a schedule

for a THR

> in the United States. I just recently found this group, and I dont


> where to begin looking for a doctor who does hip resurfacings. So

far, I

> only found Dr de Smet (Belgium), I cant seem to find a site or any

way to

> contact other doctors who do resurfacing. I would really

appreciate help in

> looking for doctors who do resurfacing and how to contact them. I

am not

> really particular as to where, as I am from the Philippines, but I


> really like a doctor who is responsive to patients.

> >

> > Thanks again.

> >

> > Sincerely,

> >

> > MK

> >

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Hi Rahul,

So glad to hear from another country and it is interesting how various

places in the world are dealing with the introduction of

Resurfacing......... Here in Australia it is catching on fairly fast but

there are still areas like yours where no surgeons do it.......though these

now tend to be those distant from state capital cities and a fraction of the

population of your cities..........

As for the jogging........... there are some emails in archives about

runners........ When you say you have found some internet info that says

surgeons advise against impact activities I am wondering if they were

Resurface surgeons........? It seems to be pretty doubtful that running on a

THR is too good for it long term but my understanding of a Resurface is that

some of the major doctors recommend that impact activities are actually good

for keeping the femur head alive and well......... possibly helping AVN

situations............ your Dr Bose was actually one who wrote to this site

once and explained some of that and spoke about stress loadings

etc.......... I suspect most of us would love to take up running and jogging

again but other joints in our bodies are more the culprit to stopping us

than our new hips............smile.

The timing that you take jogging also could be an issue but I would think

Dr. Bose would be the best advisor for that...........

Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02

> I am from city of Bangalore, India where the IT revolution that is

> transforming the country is taking place.

> I am a 44 yrs old medical doctor doing general practice and have had

> my right hip resurfaced by Dr. Vijay C. Bose at Apollo speciality

> Hospital in chennai.India

> THe operation has been a miracle for me. The years of pain that i

> suffered due to Avascular necrosis is gone and now every waking hour

> is a joy. simple activities like sitting on the floor brings me sheer

> happiness.I still have some residual stiffness in the early morning

> which goes away once i start my routine activities

> At 3 months post-op i have a question for those 'experienced' hippies.

> Is jogging a good thing to do for the prosthesis at this time.My

> doctor seems to think so and he says it will not cause damage. I have

> read some information on the internet that some surgeons advise

> againstimpact activities.I would be grateful for your thoughts

> This surgeon of mine does some serious hip work and as i am a doctor

> he showed some of the comlex resurfacings he has done in his laptop

> computer. That was some unbelievably serious work. I chose him to do

> my resurfacing as he is by far the most experienced in India with

> more than two hundred BHRresurfacings but more importantly more than

> 100 of them have been for AVN - the condition that i was suffering

> from.

> During my stay in the hospital i met two malaysians and one canadian

> who had come for BHR surgery. The canadian remarked that the price he

> got this surgery was a tiny fraction of what he was quoted in the

> U.S. He also told me that he was here to escape the long waiting list

> in Canada. I have no hesitation in recommending doctor Bose for hip

> resurfacing as he seems to be a master in this craft.In addition he

> is such a warm human being with geniune friendliness to his patients.

> The thing that impressed me most was his prompt and detailed e-mail

> replies to the hundreds of queries i had before surgery.

> I wish others should benefit out of his expertise and have the most

> pleasant experience that i had at chennai. his e-mail add is

> bose5vijay@...

> Finally this group has been such a powerful resourse for me postop as

> i continue to have an insatiable appetite for information on hip

> resurfacing. Strangely some of my orthopaedic friends have not heard

> of it or dismiss it as humbug. WOULD ANY ONE OF YOU BELIEVE THAT


> with scores of big hospitals and hundreds of orthos.It is a strange

> world that we live in.


> in warm bonding with fellow surface hippies


> Rahul


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Hi Rahul,

So glad to hear from another country and it is interesting how various

places in the world are dealing with the introduction of

Resurfacing......... Here in Australia it is catching on fairly fast but

there are still areas like yours where no surgeons do it.......though these

now tend to be those distant from state capital cities and a fraction of the

population of your cities..........

As for the jogging........... there are some emails in archives about

runners........ When you say you have found some internet info that says

surgeons advise against impact activities I am wondering if they were

Resurface surgeons........? It seems to be pretty doubtful that running on a

THR is too good for it long term but my understanding of a Resurface is that

some of the major doctors recommend that impact activities are actually good

for keeping the femur head alive and well......... possibly helping AVN

situations............ your Dr Bose was actually one who wrote to this site

once and explained some of that and spoke about stress loadings

etc.......... I suspect most of us would love to take up running and jogging

again but other joints in our bodies are more the culprit to stopping us

than our new hips............smile.

The timing that you take jogging also could be an issue but I would think

Dr. Bose would be the best advisor for that...........

Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02

> I am from city of Bangalore, India where the IT revolution that is

> transforming the country is taking place.

> I am a 44 yrs old medical doctor doing general practice and have had

> my right hip resurfaced by Dr. Vijay C. Bose at Apollo speciality

> Hospital in chennai.India

> THe operation has been a miracle for me. The years of pain that i

> suffered due to Avascular necrosis is gone and now every waking hour

> is a joy. simple activities like sitting on the floor brings me sheer

> happiness.I still have some residual stiffness in the early morning

> which goes away once i start my routine activities

> At 3 months post-op i have a question for those 'experienced' hippies.

> Is jogging a good thing to do for the prosthesis at this time.My

> doctor seems to think so and he says it will not cause damage. I have

> read some information on the internet that some surgeons advise

> againstimpact activities.I would be grateful for your thoughts

> This surgeon of mine does some serious hip work and as i am a doctor

> he showed some of the comlex resurfacings he has done in his laptop

> computer. That was some unbelievably serious work. I chose him to do

> my resurfacing as he is by far the most experienced in India with

> more than two hundred BHRresurfacings but more importantly more than

> 100 of them have been for AVN - the condition that i was suffering

> from.

> During my stay in the hospital i met two malaysians and one canadian

> who had come for BHR surgery. The canadian remarked that the price he

> got this surgery was a tiny fraction of what he was quoted in the

> U.S. He also told me that he was here to escape the long waiting list

> in Canada. I have no hesitation in recommending doctor Bose for hip

> resurfacing as he seems to be a master in this craft.In addition he

> is such a warm human being with geniune friendliness to his patients.

> The thing that impressed me most was his prompt and detailed e-mail

> replies to the hundreds of queries i had before surgery.

> I wish others should benefit out of his expertise and have the most

> pleasant experience that i had at chennai. his e-mail add is

> bose5vijay@...

> Finally this group has been such a powerful resourse for me postop as

> i continue to have an insatiable appetite for information on hip

> resurfacing. Strangely some of my orthopaedic friends have not heard

> of it or dismiss it as humbug. WOULD ANY ONE OF YOU BELIEVE THAT


> with scores of big hospitals and hundreds of orthos.It is a strange

> world that we live in.


> in warm bonding with fellow surface hippies


> Rahul


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Rahul! It's great to hear from an actual Indian physician who has

had resurfacing in India! We have been talking about the

availablility of this procedure in India back several weeks ago on

this site. I am exploring this procedure for myself...I'm female,

age 51 with a diagnosis of Protrusio Acetabulum or " Otto Pelvis " . My

husband is a physician...Internal Medicine...who had never heard of

this procedure and is very skeptical. We live in Memphis, Tennessee

where there are no surgeons who do resurfs either. In fact, I sat

next to an OS at a dinner about a month ago and he said very

bluntly " Don't let anyone resurface your hip! " I, however, have a

mind of my own and have spent much time researching this technique.

Anyway...I'm hoping that it will work for me. Welcome! It's great to

hear your story. Susie

> Hi Rahul,


> So glad to hear from another country and it is interesting how


> places in the world are dealing with the introduction of

> Resurfacing......... Here in Australia it is catching on fairly

fast but

> there are still areas like yours where no surgeons do

it.......though these

> now tend to be those distant from state capital cities and a

fraction of the

> population of your cities..........


> As for the jogging........... there are some emails in archives


> runners........ When you say you have found some internet info that


> surgeons advise against impact activities I am wondering if they


> Resurface surgeons........? It seems to be pretty doubtful that

running on a

> THR is too good for it long term but my understanding of a

Resurface is that

> some of the major doctors recommend that impact activities are

actually good

> for keeping the femur head alive and well......... possibly helping


> situations............ your Dr Bose was actually one who wrote to

this site

> once and explained some of that and spoke about stress loadings

> etc.......... I suspect most of us would love to take up running

and jogging

> again but other joints in our bodies are more the culprit to

stopping us

> than our new hips............smile.


> The timing that you take jogging also could be an issue but I

would think

> Dr. Bose would be the best advisor for that...........


> Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02


> > I am from city of Bangalore, India where the IT revolution that


> > transforming the country is taking place.

> > I am a 44 yrs old medical doctor doing general practice and have


> > my right hip resurfaced by Dr. Vijay C. Bose at Apollo speciality

> > Hospital in chennai.India

> > THe operation has been a miracle for me. The years of pain that i

> > suffered due to Avascular necrosis is gone and now every waking


> > is a joy. simple activities like sitting on the floor brings me


> > happiness.I still have some residual stiffness in the early


> > which goes away once i start my routine activities

> > At 3 months post-op i have a question for those 'experienced'


> > Is jogging a good thing to do for the prosthesis at this time.My

> > doctor seems to think so and he says it will not cause damage. I


> > read some information on the internet that some surgeons advise

> > againstimpact activities.I would be grateful for your thoughts

> > This surgeon of mine does some serious hip work and as i am a


> > he showed some of the comlex resurfacings he has done in his


> > computer. That was some unbelievably serious work. I chose him

to do

> > my resurfacing as he is by far the most experienced in India with

> > more than two hundred BHRresurfacings but more importantly more


> > 100 of them have been for AVN - the condition that i was suffering

> > from.

> > During my stay in the hospital i met two malaysians and one


> > who had come for BHR surgery. The canadian remarked that the

price he

> > got this surgery was a tiny fraction of what he was quoted in the

> > U.S. He also told me that he was here to escape the long waiting


> > in Canada. I have no hesitation in recommending doctor Bose for


> > resurfacing as he seems to be a master in this craft.In addition


> > is such a warm human being with geniune friendliness to his


> > The thing that impressed me most was his prompt and detailed e-


> > replies to the hundreds of queries i had before surgery.

> > I wish others should benefit out of his expertise and have the


> > pleasant experience that i had at chennai. his e-mail add is

> > bose5vijay@h...

> > Finally this group has been such a powerful resourse for me

postop as

> > i continue to have an insatiable appetite for information on hip

> > resurfacing. Strangely some of my orthopaedic friends have not


> > of it or dismiss it as humbug. WOULD ANY ONE OF YOU BELIEVE THAT



> > with scores of big hospitals and hundreds of orthos.It is a


> > world that we live in.

> >

> > in warm bonding with fellow surface hippies

> >

> > Rahul

> >

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