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Re: Brief Update

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from my past surgical experience you will see the anesthetic person

before (we call them by different names, I.e anasthetesiologist (you)

and anesthesist (us) both I can't spell ) and YOU tell him

then, If you think you will forget.

Type up and print out a page with ALL of the informaiton you want

those dealing with you in the OR to do.

i.e the pulse rate thing, to warn ALL to be ever so careful when

moving you if unconscious, to be careful when working in your mouth

that they don't dislocate your jaw and so on, and TELL them this in

person, Remind your dentist/ dental surgeon, nurses, orderlies,

anesthetic doc and everyone, and keep reminding them if youhave to up

uintil you can no longer do so (i.e you are out).

As to the other stuff,

You must stop taking asprin and ibuprofen drugs as they can cause

SERIOUS clotting problems (they PREVENT clotting) and can cause you

all sorts of serious bleeding issues. The MsContin is a different

category of drug and is fine in this sense.

As to the MsContin you doctor is being a total LOSER, it is the age

old question where doctors seem to think if you are on them long term

or need them they try to make you feel like a drug addict, YOU ARE

NOT... A LOT of us use Narcotics becasue they are one of the only

things that help, and they do NOT remove our pain, they just help to

drop it a little so that we MAYBE can function a little in life.

This makes me SO mad, if this person keeps up with trying to get you

off them (and if they are working) then get a new GP, this guy isn't

worth it.

As to your parents, and the NIH (even I have applied from Australia)

I am unsure if I would get in and if I could afford to get to the US

if I did get in, but I would try my hardest as the information I

could get from them could help me SO MUCH with my day to day life and

management plans here in Australia (where I get no real help except

my GP who gives me my Medications (and Stacey I take 60mg MsContin in

the Mornings and 100mg at night and I can go up to double on each

dose if I need to and I have liquid Codiene for breakthrough pain).

Good Luck wiht the wisdom teeth surgery (I had mine done a few years

ago (mine too were impacted and I only had 3 and they were lying

parallel with my jaw bone) get used to eating icecream and KFC's

potato and gravy is VERY nice too and other MUSCHY foods for a few

days at least.


> Hello everyone


> I know I havent posted here much but it's been an interesting


> and I have spent most of my time at home in a deep depression.

> Medically I have dislocated two joints in my left thumb which is

> leaving my fingers and wrist on the left side very sore. Also my

> left ankle is really been aggrevated lately for some reason. My

> main concern right now is that I am going in for surgery in 9 days!

> (Sept 3rd) to get all four of my impacted wisdom teeth removed.

> Well I did the pre-admin consult today and have been told I have to

> stop all asprine and ibprufin drugs. Well I am allergic to tylenol

> so that leaves me empty handed for any type of pain control.

> Thankfully I am allowed to stay on the MS Contin througout the

> entire process. The other thing is my pulse rate. A few weeks ago

> I had a ECG and 24-Hour Holter Moniter done. The ECG came back


> and said that my pulse rate was only 81!!! I havent measured it


> low in well over a month! And I measure it at all different times,

> during and after activities, basically an all around good

> measurement and it has generally been between 105 and 144! I went

> to the pre-op today and it was around 119 - 125 and was jumping

> between that area the entire time. She made sure that I had told

> the anesthesiologist about it and I had and he was going to get my

> holter monitor results to go over. The problem is that my GP is

> blaming any and every thing on the MS Contin lately and wants me to

> get off it right now. He makes me feel like a drug addict


> I am in there. I am just worried that he is going to 'forget' to

> mention the pulse rate problem for when I go into surgery and

> something happens. Also been having a few personal problems with


> parents dealing with the possibility of me applying for the NiH

> study. Well right now pain is really starting to set in so I


> lie down. Dad is going to do some accupressure when he gets home

> but he still isnt that well at it and the results only last a few

> hours if that :(. I may have to resort to taking some tylenol as I

> can 'technically' take it just it really really upsets my stomach


> the point I have had a doctor telling me it was an allergy. Oh

> well, such is life.


> Stacey

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