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Re: Taping joints

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Cindy -

There are a few different types, depending on what you want the tape

to do. As Liza mentioned, Kinesiotape is one of them (that's what I

was wearing on my knee at the conference, you remember, the bright

turquoise tape.) and I, personally, absolutely LOVE Kinesiotape!!!!!

Kinesiotape does not restrict the " normal " movement of the joint. If

you want to restrict the movement, there are several kinds, most of

which I don't know the names. When I go to PT for my knee (current

problem is subluxing patella), the first thing they do for me, is use

McConnell Tape to tape my kneecap in a stable position so it won't

move laterally. BUT, McConnell tape is really hard on the skin, and

they have to use some sort of white cloth-like tape (from 3M, don't

know what it is called) as a laywer between my skin and the MCConnell

tape. I can't tolerate the McConnell tape for more than a couple

hours, at the most. Like I said, there are other kinds too, but I

don't have experience with them and the type you want will depend on

exactly what you are hoping for it to do.

> Any one know what the name of the tape is that you tape joints with

to have them stay in place? Where would I find someone to teach me

how to use it? Anybody know?

> Cindylouwho



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