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Sleeping on the side

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Hy all,

After following the whole discussion of lying on the back I am a bit worried

about how I'm doing. I'm now 14 days post op. It is still not possible to

sleep without pain killers while my back is killing me after three or four

hours on my back. I also have some interesting pillow thing I use to sleep

on the side but even with the pillow I get some sort of hanging pain in my

hip. As if all the mussles are pulled downwards.

Sorry, no better way to explain.

To be honoust, turning in bed, there is no way I wouldn't wake up...

Dont't get this wrong, I'm very enthousiastic about the result but the lack

of sleep is getting a bit worried.

Did anyone slept through the same thing...and when will things get better?

Mijke (02/06/04 deSmet)

: The ? for Euro could be a very symbolic British bug within

Yahoo...thanks for the website.


Hotmail en Messenger on the move http://mobile.msn.com/?lc=nl-nl

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At 03:43 PM 6/16/2004 +0000, you wrote:

> It is still not possible to

>sleep without pain killers while my back is killing me after three or four

>hours on my back. I also have some interesting pillow thing I use to sleep

>on the side but even with the pillow I get some sort of hanging pain in my

>hip. As if all the mussles are pulled downwards.



>To be honoust, turning in bed, there is no way I wouldn't wake up...


I'm sure I slept on my back for longer than two weeks, and was not one bit

happy about it! I think that was the most miserable part of the whole

recovery process. I found though (and others have also been through it)

that when I thought I couldn't take another night of miserable sleep (which

meant for me lots of crying in frustration over the whole thing), that

suddenly things took a huge jump in improvement, and I could sleep on my

side part of the time, and was able to get onto my side without help (but

not without a lot of effort and pillows). Any day now....


C+ 5/25/01 and 6/28/01

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> Hy all,


> After following the whole discussion of lying on the back I am a bit


> about how I'm doing. I'm now 14 days post op. It is still not

possible to

> sleep without pain killers while my back is killing me after three

or four

> hours on my back. I also have some interesting pillow thing I use to


> on the side but even with the pillow I get some sort of hanging pain

in my

> hip. As if all the mussles are pulled downwards.

I had back pain through the third week (and probably a little bit into

the fourth). It sounds to me like you're doing fine. I'm a bilateral,

so I was instructed not to try side sleeping until the 6 week mark.

Because of this, I can't really comment on your discomfort in that


If you're really worried, why don't you email DeSmet? He seems to be

amazingly good about replying to prospective patients pre-op. I assume

he's even moreso with post-op concerns.

Steve (bilat C+ 4/20/04, Amstutz)

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I'm still flat on my back after 3 weeks -- tried rolling onto non-op

side and found it uncomfortable, so I didn't dally there. It is

tedious and uncomfortable to spend the whole night sleeping on one's

back, but there it is. My answer so far has been, pillows, pillows,

pillows. Try 'em under your knees, behind your calves, even under

your feet. And of course behind your head and maybe even under your

arms to rest them so they don't go numb. My heels were getting

incredibly sore, so my primary-care doc suggested pillows under the

calves so that the heels " floated, " not really touching the bed


Yours in discomfort,

lhr c2k 5/26/04

> Hy all,


> After following the whole discussion of lying on the back I am a

bit worried

> about how I'm doing. I'm now 14 days post op. It is still not

possible to

> sleep without pain killers while my back is killing me after three

or four

> hours on my back. I also have some interesting pillow thing I use

to sleep

> on the side but even with the pillow I get some sort of hanging

pain in my

> hip. As if all the mussles are pulled downwards.


> Sorry, no better way to explain.


> To be honoust, turning in bed, there is no way I wouldn't wake up...

> Dont't get this wrong, I'm very enthousiastic about the result but

the lack

> of sleep is getting a bit worried.


> Did anyone slept through the same thing...and when will things get



> Mijke (02/06/04 deSmet)


> : The ? for Euro could be a very symbolic British bug within

> Yahoo...thanks for the website.


> _________________________________________________________________

> Hotmail en Messenger on the move http://mobile.msn.com/?lc=nl-nl

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I'm still flat on my back after 3 weeks -- tried rolling onto non-op

side and found it uncomfortable, so I didn't dally there. It is

tedious and uncomfortable to spend the whole night sleeping on one's

back, but there it is. My answer so far has been, pillows, pillows,

pillows. Try 'em under your knees, behind your calves, even under

your feet. And of course behind your head and maybe even under your

arms to rest them so they don't go numb. My heels were getting

incredibly sore, so my primary-care doc suggested pillows under the

calves so that the heels " floated, " not really touching the bed


Yours in discomfort,

lhr c2k 5/26/04

> Hy all,


> After following the whole discussion of lying on the back I am a

bit worried

> about how I'm doing. I'm now 14 days post op. It is still not

possible to

> sleep without pain killers while my back is killing me after three

or four

> hours on my back. I also have some interesting pillow thing I use

to sleep

> on the side but even with the pillow I get some sort of hanging

pain in my

> hip. As if all the mussles are pulled downwards.


> Sorry, no better way to explain.


> To be honoust, turning in bed, there is no way I wouldn't wake up...

> Dont't get this wrong, I'm very enthousiastic about the result but

the lack

> of sleep is getting a bit worried.


> Did anyone slept through the same thing...and when will things get



> Mijke (02/06/04 deSmet)


> : The ? for Euro could be a very symbolic British bug within

> Yahoo...thanks for the website.


> _________________________________________________________________

> Hotmail en Messenger on the move http://mobile.msn.com/?lc=nl-nl

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I am almost 8 weeks post op and can sleep on my operated side thio I do not find

I can stay on that side for more than an hour or so. I was given the ok to turn

over onto my non operated side just after 4 weeks, using a pillow between the

legs and ankles to alleviate the strain on the hip. Pillows pillows pillows,

sure help, esp under the knees to prevent the heel soreness. I still toss and

turn at night, but any pain I think is from a heavy session at physio!!! Sure

beats the pre - op pain at night!. Actually I quite enjoy a hot cup of tea and

reading my book when I'm restless at night.


23/ 4 / 04 Melbourne Aust (McMahon)

susannisbett snisbett@...> wrote:


I'm still flat on my back after 3 weeks -- tried rolling onto non-op

side and found it uncomfortable, so I didn't dally there. It is

tedious and uncomfortable to spend the whole night sleeping on one's

back, but there it is. My answer so far has been, pillows, pillows,

pillows. Try 'em under your knees, behind your calves, even under

your feet. And of course behind your head and maybe even under your

arms to rest them so they don't go numb. My heels were getting

incredibly sore, so my primary-care doc suggested pillows under the

calves so that the heels " floated, " not really touching the bed


Yours in discomfort,

lhr c2k 5/26/04

> Hy all,


> After following the whole discussion of lying on the back I am a

bit worried

> about how I'm doing. I'm now 14 days post op. It is still not

possible to

> sleep without pain killers while my back is killing me after three

or four

> hours on my back. I also have some interesting pillow thing I use

to sleep

> on the side but even with the pillow I get some sort of hanging

pain in my

> hip. As if all the mussles are pulled downwards.


> Sorry, no better way to explain.


> To be honoust, turning in bed, there is no way I wouldn't wake up...

> Dont't get this wrong, I'm very enthousiastic about the result but

the lack

> of sleep is getting a bit worried.


> Did anyone slept through the same thing...and when will things get



> Mijke (02/06/04 deSmet)


> : The ? for Euro could be a very symbolic British bug within

> Yahoo...thanks for the website.


> _________________________________________________________________

> Hotmail en Messenger on the move http://mobile.msn.com/?lc=nl-nl

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Guest guest

I am almost 8 weeks post op and can sleep on my operated side thio I do not find

I can stay on that side for more than an hour or so. I was given the ok to turn

over onto my non operated side just after 4 weeks, using a pillow between the

legs and ankles to alleviate the strain on the hip. Pillows pillows pillows,

sure help, esp under the knees to prevent the heel soreness. I still toss and

turn at night, but any pain I think is from a heavy session at physio!!! Sure

beats the pre - op pain at night!. Actually I quite enjoy a hot cup of tea and

reading my book when I'm restless at night.


23/ 4 / 04 Melbourne Aust (McMahon)

susannisbett snisbett@...> wrote:


I'm still flat on my back after 3 weeks -- tried rolling onto non-op

side and found it uncomfortable, so I didn't dally there. It is

tedious and uncomfortable to spend the whole night sleeping on one's

back, but there it is. My answer so far has been, pillows, pillows,

pillows. Try 'em under your knees, behind your calves, even under

your feet. And of course behind your head and maybe even under your

arms to rest them so they don't go numb. My heels were getting

incredibly sore, so my primary-care doc suggested pillows under the

calves so that the heels " floated, " not really touching the bed


Yours in discomfort,

lhr c2k 5/26/04

> Hy all,


> After following the whole discussion of lying on the back I am a

bit worried

> about how I'm doing. I'm now 14 days post op. It is still not

possible to

> sleep without pain killers while my back is killing me after three

or four

> hours on my back. I also have some interesting pillow thing I use

to sleep

> on the side but even with the pillow I get some sort of hanging

pain in my

> hip. As if all the mussles are pulled downwards.


> Sorry, no better way to explain.


> To be honoust, turning in bed, there is no way I wouldn't wake up...

> Dont't get this wrong, I'm very enthousiastic about the result but

the lack

> of sleep is getting a bit worried.


> Did anyone slept through the same thing...and when will things get



> Mijke (02/06/04 deSmet)


> : The ? for Euro could be a very symbolic British bug within

> Yahoo...thanks for the website.


> _________________________________________________________________

> Hotmail en Messenger on the move http://mobile.msn.com/?lc=nl-nl

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--I am now just over 4 weeks post-op and was able to have a good

night's sleep on both sides only about 4 days ago. Still a bit

painful on the op side, but don't even need a pillow between myknees

anymore. Patience . . .- In surfacehippy , " sog1927 "



> > Hy all,

> >

> > After following the whole discussion of lying on the back I am a


> worried

> > about how I'm doing. I'm now 14 days post op. It is still not

> possible to

> > sleep without pain killers while my back is killing me after


> or four

> > hours on my back. I also have some interesting pillow thing I

use to

> sleep

> > on the side but even with the pillow I get some sort of hanging


> in my

> > hip. As if all the mussles are pulled downwards.


> I had back pain through the third week (and probably a little bit


> the fourth). It sounds to me like you're doing fine. I'm a


> so I was instructed not to try side sleeping until the 6 week mark.

> Because of this, I can't really comment on your discomfort in that

> position.


> If you're really worried, why don't you email DeSmet? He seems to


> amazingly good about replying to prospective patients pre-op. I


> he's even moreso with post-op concerns.


> Steve (bilat C+ 4/20/04, Amstutz)

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Guest guest

--I am now just over 4 weeks post-op and was able to have a good

night's sleep on both sides only about 4 days ago. Still a bit

painful on the op side, but don't even need a pillow between myknees

anymore. Patience . . .- In surfacehippy , " sog1927 "



> > Hy all,

> >

> > After following the whole discussion of lying on the back I am a


> worried

> > about how I'm doing. I'm now 14 days post op. It is still not

> possible to

> > sleep without pain killers while my back is killing me after


> or four

> > hours on my back. I also have some interesting pillow thing I

use to

> sleep

> > on the side but even with the pillow I get some sort of hanging


> in my

> > hip. As if all the mussles are pulled downwards.


> I had back pain through the third week (and probably a little bit


> the fourth). It sounds to me like you're doing fine. I'm a


> so I was instructed not to try side sleeping until the 6 week mark.

> Because of this, I can't really comment on your discomfort in that

> position.


> If you're really worried, why don't you email DeSmet? He seems to


> amazingly good about replying to prospective patients pre-op. I


> he's even moreso with post-op concerns.


> Steve (bilat C+ 4/20/04, Amstutz)

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