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I am using the laptop on a tray, but even that hurts so cannot be on the

computer long. My recent cervical myleogram, CT scan, and EMG (nerve

conduction test on my upper body) were all abnormal. All indicated " remarkable "

and " significant " abnormalities at c 3-4 and c-6-7 as well as he congenital

narrowing of my spinal column from c-3 to t-1 (that part can't be changed nor

corrected). Disc bulging and vertebrae degeneration at those locations

posterially, anterially, and bilaterally. Pinched nerves particularly

significant at c-6-7 causing pain, numbness, and tingling to constantly run down

my right arm and outer two digits on my right hand. Pinched nerves and disc and

vertebrae abnormalities also causing significant pain on the right shoulder (as

well as significant muscle spasming and pain), base of my skull in back, upper

back on right side, and in front on and between both collar bones. Not a pretty


My long term and VERY TRUSTED orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Craig Callewart, has

strongly recommended an extension of my 1999 cervical fusion at c-6-7, which has

beeb scheduled for Sept. 9, 2004 at Baylor Dallas (EXCELLENT hospital). Dr.

Callewart told me that he and some of his colleagues are currently trying to

perfect some " higher tech " artificial discs, but " have only implanted approx 60

in patients so far " . Therefore, he wants to " improve them " and does NOT want to

implant any in me at this time due to all of my other medical issues,

particularly my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. He stressed that IM will undoubtedly

require another cervical fusion at c-3-4, but as that area is not as urgently in

need of surgical intervention, he wants to try to wait another 9=12 months so as

not to put my body through quite as much trauma all at once AND in his goal/hope

of better perfecting the artificial discs to implant in me at that area at that


Dr. Callewart was, as always, forthright, direct, and very frank with both me

and my immediate family (all of whom were present) about the surgical risks for

me, including but not limited to: stroke, paralysis, decreased neck mobility,

increased and/or the same level of very high chronic pain level, and death. He

specifically asked to be certain that I have a current Directive to Physicians

and a Living Will. I do. He said that he was reasonably certain that I will be

in a high level of chronic pain and require pain management and pain meds for

the rest of my life. He further explained in detail that he will go in through

the 1999 anterior incision site, how long he anticipates the surgery to last

(pending whether he sees with his eyes and feels with his hands more damage

like he did in 1999), that I will be hospitalized a MINIMUM of 2 days and

nights, that I will be very incapacitated for a MINIMUM of one month afterwards,

that during that time I will require A LOT of assistance with self-help

(bathing, using the toilet, having meals prepared and served to me (and possibly

even fed to me for awhile), that I will be unable to drive during recuperation

(and possibly permently due to decreased neck mobility), that he may recommend

home health care (and will assist me in dealing with my ins regarding that) and

even possibly me going to a skilled nursing facility during the first and most

difficult part pf my recuperation period (due to my multiple medical problems,

slow healing history, etc).

I told him that I trust him with my life and whole heart, that I KNOW he is not

just my doctor but my FRIEND, and that if success is possible, he will

succeed....and if he doesn't, it won't be his fault. He smiled and verbally

assured me that all of this is VERY TRUE. And so now, I await the c-spine

fusion on Sept. 9 (earlier if they happen to have a cancellation, which they

sometimes do). I must rest now. This email has taken a great deal out of me


love each and every one of my " family of choice "




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