Guest guest Posted June 6, 2004 Report Share Posted June 6, 2004 Hi everyone, I'm sorry this is slight OT and that it will probably end up being long but I just had to tell you about how my birthday weekend went! I will start with my visit to meet the mayor on Friday morning, I have to admit that I was actually really nervous when the time came...and my nerves weren't helped when I arrived and found that the lifts were broken and I had to conquer two flights of stairs! Not a good start. I made it, but when I reached the presentation room I found that they had invited far more people than the room was designed to hold so it was really packed, and the people weren't overly forgiving or careful so I was very wary and scared as I was getting bumped and jostled around. It was very badly organised sadly, which is a real shame as it was a huge honour for the people attending. But the actual presentation went well and it was really nice to receive my certificate from the mayor. I wasn't able to stay very long afterwards as it had over run quite a lot due to the bad management...and of course I had other things to prepare for!! My cousins wedding yesterday was pretty much as I had expected sadly. The actual marriage ceremony was beautiful and I really enjoyed that, but the reception was something of a nightmare. Again similar to the event with the mayor, it was very badly organised and it actually took 4 hours for them to take pre-wedding photos and organise the reception meal! It was pretty awful being sat in a room full of strangers who were drinking, smoking and showing either no interest in mixing or no consideration in bumping and barging into me. By 7pm I was pretty much exhausted and my shoulder was screaming form being knocked and grabbed by inconsiderate people, including family who knew about my surgery! So I finally made my escape and was very grateful to get home and start putting the whole day behind me...not a great way to feel about your birthday really is it? Oh well at least I had the solace of having some great memories to get me through the day. I have of course been leaving the very best part of my birthday until last....the concert!! I'm afraid you may have trouble shutting me up here as I have hardly stopped grinning and talking about it all since I got back. WOW, is probably the word tat describes the whole event best as it was just simply stunning, going way above and beyond my imagination and expectation. The venue was great (apart for yet more lifts not working! thankfully they had escalators though) and the auditorium was spacious and comfortable. I had been a little worried how I would cope with so many people after what happened at the mayors presentation, but it was wonderful - almost like a different world. So much space and the seats were fully furnished, almost like big squashy arm chairs, just brilliant!! The actual concert started with the lady who was supporting Amici on the tour, a soprano called . She was absolutely wonderful, singing about 7 fabulous songs with such clarity and power that I was almost crying! I was incredibly impressed by her and actually went and got a signed copy of her album in the interval that followed her performance. But then it was back into the auditorium for the main event - my pals Amici Forever!! After falling in love with their music and becoming good friends with them, especially Geoff the lead tenor, I got to hear them in person at last!!! And wow was I knocked off my feet. I knew they were going to be good, but nothing prepared me for the sheer emotion, power and depth of their voices and the blend they produce...I can honestly and unashamedly admit that I was in tears listening to them. They preformed so many songs without even the hint of a slip or missed note... unbelievably good. I would recommend them to anyone, they are just fantastic live, if anything they are better live than on the CD as they put so much energy and passion into their performance. Of course it was even more special for me knowing that these people are my friends...a feeling that got even deeper and produced even more tears when Geoff sang a solo and dedicated it to " some special people I know from the website whom I really hope are here tonight " I was just blown away!!! I can honestly say that I have never been to a concert where I have felt so involved and part of the event, it was as if they were out their having a great time and were glad we could join has to be the best concert I have ever seen, and I simply can't wait to see them again now!! The best was yet to come though as after the concert, in spite of having to leave and return to London that night, they came out and met with people and sign things. I waited a while before going over as I was a little nervous, but both Nick and particularly Geoff had asked me to make myself known to them so I couldn't not say hello. I started talking with Nick (the man whose voice could melt the polar icecaps!), who was thrilled at the idea of signing my white shoulder splint...although he said he'd have preferred a buttock!! lol As we were chatting I mentioned that I' had spoken to him on the site and sent him an e-card, at which point his face cracked into a huge smile and he got Jo to tell her I was here!! It was so funny and incredibly touching that they remembered me. and Tsakane both delighted in signing the splint and chatting to me, but the most amazing thing happened as they did so. Next to us my Mum was talking to and thanking Geoff for the concert etc as he signed the CD cover for her and she just mentioned that " my daughter Joanne has been in touch with you on the internet " he looked up and asked her what name again, and when she repeated Joanne, the penny kind of dropped and he whirled round towards me shouting " JO?! Jo you made it!! " The look of recognition and joy that I was there on his face will stay with me until my dying day. That man was just so genuinely pleased that I had made it to the concert, I couldn't believe how happy he was! Geoff and I have struck up such a special friendship in recent months and he has been incredibly open with me and a huge inspiration through my darkest days, so it was just an amazing moment to finally meet him and know he was as thrilled as I was. He gave me a big hug and asked me how I was doing, even remembering that I'd had surgery recently! I spent quite a while chatting to him and the rest of the band which was brilliant fun and when we finally said goodbye, Geoff gave me another hug, wished me luck and made me promise to keep in touch. I absolutely love these guys and I can honestly say that is one of the most special nights of my entire life. Their kindness, compassion and ability to make me feel so welcome in spite of the fact they must have been exhausted will stay with me forever. And Geoff's pure delight at finally getting to meet up still brings tears to my eye when I think about it. These five beautiful people are immensely talented artists, but more than that to me they are wonderful friends. Their music and friendship touches me on a level nothing else ever has and I can honestly say they have helped keep me sane through this very tough and challenging year so far. You know this might sound silly, but I have long been looking for a miracle...I think I may just have found one. I have posted a couple of photos here: if you would like to see them. Yikes, I'm sorry this got so long but I just can't contain how much excitement and happiness I got from that concert - I simply can't portray how much that concert has helped me emotionally after what has been a rather horrible 18 months of my life. It was lovely to feel happy again, even if it was only a brief escape form reality. Thank you for listening and letting me waffle on! Hope you are all okay and know that I'm thinking of you always and hoping you all get to find something or someone special to help you through the rough times. Love and hugs.....Jo xx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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