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Hi dear. Ya know, with this rollercoaster we ride, an elec. chair doesn't mean

forever. Sometimes we walk, sometimes we cane, and sometimes we ride. A year or

month of this and that. For what ever reason, you seem to be on a wild ride for

the moment. Things are going wrong right and left. It doesn't mean you won't

have times that are better. Times you can walk to the berries and pick them.

Walk to the mailbox, watch TV without going to the ER. EDS is such a strange

thing, with times of good and times of bad. There is no answer why we just fall

to pieces at times and other times we don't. I know the hard times are soooo

hard to get through. like there will never be a good day again. I also know you

have added problems with your body that make things more complicated, so I don't

want to sound like it's all that simple. I know it's not. What your going

through right now is just to much for any one person, but it is the body you are

living in. I'm not here to say any words of wisdom or say something like,

" things will be better " because I don't know that. I just want to say, I'm here,

to listen, to try to understand how things are for you now, and to tell you my

thoughts and prayers are with you. I pray things improve for you and you can

walk off this ride sometime soon. I will send you healing energy with every

thought I have of you.


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