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My Mother ( TJ's ) , Any Suggestions? Please Read Below and let me know your thoughts- Thanks in Advance

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Hi Guys-

Question - suggestions- ideas on Mom again..........

She is back from L.A. of course and has been for a while now- but she is still

miserable and getting worse-

She swears she could not have EDS- VEDS , and reallly thinks I got that from my

biological dads side because of his clotting/bruising tendency - which may be


Her side of the family tends to have Sugar Diabities and actually all her

sisters have it too but one and so did Grannie .

So- not really being all that knowledgeable in that field or in any

field-------- I dont know what to think because alot of her symptoms remind me

of some of what I go through- yet there are many symptoms with similarities in

many different diagnoses as we all know.

She has been talking a lot about her legs bothering her- like creep crawly ,

burning meat is how she refers to it and it at times will keep her awake- she

asked my dr for quinine cuz it helps me and she now takes that- but also takes

legatrin p.m. at times too. She has a lot of edema if you remember correctly

from prior posts- but says if she keeps her legs up - they hurt worse- .

The other night she was nearly in tears because she's sick of the pain- and who

wouldn't be- she has pain pills - tramadal I do think- ( dont mark my words on

that one )- but she doesn't take them daily- she takes them like bottle says- 1

to 3 times a day as needed........ I tried to explain to her that my pain

medications seem to help me less if I don't keep them on schedule.........

She hates taking pills at all because she is already on so many- and has not

tried magnesium/calcium that I suggested or/ a multivitamin - because she

doesn't want to take any more pills at all........

Sometimes she jumps in the shower stall and runs water on them and she says it

helps a bit- but not totally. Well today she took my son shopping and it was

not a total grocery shopping run but:

Her nicname is Swampangel- and I'm going to copy/paste what she said in here-

because my colitis/ulcer is acting up and its hard for me to sit here very long

tonight- Forgive me for having to paste but its best to come from her own words


SwampAngel_44_100: by the time i got half way to the other side of the store i

almost had john go get me a buggy ( scooter)

SwampAngel_44_100: never had that like that so bad before

SwampAngel_44_100: both legs

IMMoonDancer: what did they do

IMMoonDancer: your legs

SwampAngel_44_100: first i had charlies in my feet so had john go get me a

bottle of water and took two quinines

SwampAngel_44_100: than the charlie went away and both legs ached so bad i could

hardly walk

SwampAngel_44_100: but i couldnt stand still either

IMMoonDancer: couldnt stand stilL?

SwampAngel_44_100: it hurt if i walked or stood still

IMMoonDancer: something has to be done for that u gotta tell dr this

SwampAngel_44_100: breathing didnt bother me at all ( remember she is on oxygen

now )

IMMoonDancer: i dont think charlies made me so i couldn't walk ever , they made

me so i had to walk- then after they were gone they were just sore- bruised

SwampAngel_44_100: this wasnt the charlie at the last

SwampAngel_44_100: i dont know what it is

IMMoonDancer: that reminds me more of my aneurysms

SwampAngel_44_100: maybe nueropathy hell if i know

IMMoonDancer: like a rubberband around em tight and couldnt stand/sit/walk- then

next day pounding with sledge hammer

SwampAngel_44_100: and i think that is nerve endings

SwampAngel_44_100: when i got home took two aleves (blanked out word here ) dont

know how to spell that but now im sitting down so its not so bad but sure

crippled my walking

IMMoonDancer: u had mri on legs?

SwampAngel_44_100: no

IMMoonDancer: u better have one- , cuz of that having a chance of happening, -

at least rule it out- maybe mri's would tell nerve thingies idk? , that blockage

did a lot of what u are talkin about more than the aneurysms- like the swimmign

effect ( when I had an 80 percent blockage in my right femoral artery- it felt

like I was walking in a pool of water and I could not walk very fast at all - )

SwampAngel_44_100: the meat hurts like granny use to say

IMMoonDancer: my meat never hurt- just felt heavy or cramps or sledge hamer


SwampAngel_44_100: gotta go i think chuckie is chasing me with his knife at


SwampAngel_44_100: lol

SwampAngel_44_100: going in kitchen now

SwampAngel_44_100: luff

IMMoonDancer: now that sounded like the aneurysms- kk luff

Now that was our paltalk conversation tonight- , I honestly don't know what to

think here anymore- , any suggestions from anyone on what she can do to relieve

this? Does it sound like its all the effects/symptoms of a Diabetic - and

nothing more? I know for a fact she has arthritis as well too because when she

is here with me she and I both tend to straighten out our hands after they've

cramped up- so why wouldnt VEDS cross my mind when its something I have- but

again- similarities........

Ok, I need to go lay my self down and see if I can get this colitis/ulcer to

calm some- but if any one has any ideas/suggestions on the above- I sure would

appreciate input.

Hope everyone is as well as can be- Hugs N Love- TJ

P.S. My SSI must have went through- , FIA sent me a note that my other help has

been lowered because they received a note from SSI- its approx 624 a month due

to never having worked but better than nothing eh....... plus I am getting in

house help 10 hrs a week paid by home health care------ they will do errand

running for me (groceries- medicine pick up - vacuuming, some laundry- mopping -

all the stuff that is harder for me to do........ and even whip 3 meals a week

together....... ) where was this help in the beginning? LOL-

God Bless And Hugs- Love Moon

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