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Hi Grace!

Sorry I have not said welcome yet.

Been a bit preoccupied with my own stuff and my head in the toilet lately!

Welcome to this wonderful family.

You will find love and support here from a group of loving and crazy


Both emotional and educational support pops up here and if there have been

experiences one or the other might relay it will, I am sure, come your way.

Jill is just wonderful in finding out about stuff too so never hesitate in

calling upon her (hope that was OK to say Jill!)

I found CEDA by complete accident and have never looked back.

The support I get here outweighs anything else combined. Just knowing what

I am going thru *because others are or have gone thru too* is support enough

but having loving persons out there you know who care and are praying for

you is just totally over the top.

I hope you find this place. this family. a comfortable place to be.

Blessings to you.


Re: Re: Oh what a wonderful CEDAfamily I have!

Hey I'm the new girl so I'm not going either....lol I have MSN :

gracebeers@... and also yahoo. I use yahoo more. gbinpa1969 Anyone

can add me. Just let me know your from Ceda. Hope your feeling better today



Re: Oh what a wonderful CEDAfamily I have!

Hi Debbi

If you get too bored not being at the conference I am not going

either so just send me an email (stacey8127(at)yahoo.com) or add me

to a messanger program. I have MSN (panss_27(at)hotmail.com) and

Yahoo! (stacey8127(at)yahoo.com). Us non-conference goes got to

stick together :)


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