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Fourth type of doctor? Re Re: Re: Bone Density Scan Appointment Next Week

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> 1) Paternal - The doctor dictates everything and the patient has no control.


> 2) Consumer - The patient tells the doctor what's wrong and does research on

> treatments. The doc just orders the tests or treatments as directed by the

> patient.


> 3) Mututal - A true partnership with a lot of communication.

I was reflecting back on my doctors; trying to figure out what type they

are. I can identify some in categories above. I think there might be a

fourth type: Narcisistic

The narcissistic medical doctor or mental health professional ... The rich,

powerful, more knowledgeable narcissist occupy a Pathological Narcissistic

Space... the narcissist might resort to emotional extortion, straight

blackmail, abuse, or misuse of his authority... incapable of empathising...

Those unfortunate humans who do not comply with this overriding dictum must

be made to alter their ways and if even this fails, the narcissist loses

interest in them and they are classified as " sub-human, animals,

service-providers, functions, symbols " and worse... there is no moral

dimension to abusing others ­ only a pragmatic one: will he be punished for

doing so? ... He is likely to rise to prominence in narcissistic



The narcissist naturally gravitates towards those professions which

guarantee the abundant and uninterrupted provision of Narcissistic Supply.

He seeks to interact with people from a position of authority, advantage, or

superiority. He thus elicits their automatic admiration, adulation, and

affirmation ­ or, failing that, their fear and obedience. Several vocations

meet these requirements: ... the medical professions... It is safe to

predict that narcissists would be over-represented in these occupations.

The cerebral narcissist is likely to emphasize his intellectual prowess and

accomplishments (real and imaginary) in an attempt to solicit supply from

.... dependent patients... They misrepresent their credentials, knowledge,

talents, skills, and achievements. A narcissist medical doctor would rather

let patients die than expose his ignorance. A narcissistic therapist often

traumatizes his clients with his acting out, rage, exploitativeness, and

lack of empathy... When his sources become weary, rebellious, tired, bored,

disgusted, repelled, or plainly amused by the narcissist's incessant

dependence, his childish craving for attention, his exaggerated or even

paranoid fears which lead to obsessive-compulsive behaviours, and his " drama

queen " temper tantrums - he resorts to emotional extortion, straight

blackmail, abuse, or misuse of his authority, and criminal or antisocial

conduct. If these fail, the narcissist devalues and discards the very people

he so idealized and cherished only a short while before... As opposed to

their " normal " colleagues or peers, narcissists in authority lack empathy

and ethical standards... Nor is the narcissist deterred by possible

punishment or regards himself subject to Man-made laws. His sense of

entitlement coupled with the conviction of his own superiority lead him to

believe in his invincibility, invulnerability, immunity, and divinity... He

regards human needs and emotions as weaknesses to be predatorily exploited.


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