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RE: Fusion Help

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All I've had done fusion-wise is an MCP joint in my thumb-done last Oct. So I'm

not sure if this will be of any assistance.

The doctor said after about the first week, it would feel more like a bone that

had been broken. (but I'd never broke a bone to know how that feels. )

I've had no pain in it since the bone ends healed together at about 3 weeks

post op, I think it was.

It's so much stronger, and better than that joint has ever been in my life!

The results are fantastic!



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I have had my R ulna head removed and fused to the radius. So that I can

twist my wrist, a chunk was removed about an inch below the fusion point.

So that the ulna is sort of floating. The fused head/radius rotates at the

now open spot.


Oh my gosh!

I have had pain before but this post op was the worst of all the 20 or so

surgeries. The surgeon said, of course, it would be *sore*. LIAR!

Oh no!

(sorry but my caps lock will not come off)

I had to re-teach my wrist to rotate. All the ligaments and tendons were

placed in a totally different place so it had to teach my brain to tell my

wrist how to rotate at this new place. The pre-op pain never returned once

the therapy was complete and my rotation was 100%.

Also had my L thumb wrist joint fused but this was not a very SUCCESSFUL

surgery and I ended up with RSD and a thumb/wrist that hurts more now than

before the surgery.

R shoulder was fused . just a part of it but it was a success and the pain

has never come back.

Sorry about the caps locked!


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Who did your thumb surgery?

I had a terrific surgeon do mine but I had terrible results. He had done 4

other wrist/thumb/elbow surgeries on my R side of my body but this one..

Well it was a total flop. The pain is worst than it was pre-op, basil joint

sticks out toward palm, I developed RSD and hand atrophied to about 1/3 of

the pre-surgery size.

I have to have surgery on my shoulder after the conference and was

considering having the thumb re-done at the same time. Can you give me the

name of your surgeon?

Hope to hear from you soon!


So. Cal. EDSer, in the Pink!

Re: Fusion Help

All I've had done fusion-wise is an MCP joint in my thumb-done last Oct. So

I'm not sure if this will be of any assistance.

The doctor said after about the first week, it would feel more like a bone

that had been broken. (but I'd never broke a bone to know how that feels.


I've had no pain in it since the bone ends healed together at about 3

weeks post op, I think it was.

It's so much stronger, and better than that joint has ever been in my life!

The results are fantastic!



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