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Re: conf. - free flights =) -( appts too )

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Dear :

Please forgive my delay in welcomimg you to our family. I was at the

conference & unfortunately tried to go waterskiing in the shower... no, actually


fell due to the hotel's negligance, but that's another story...... so I haven't

opened much emial lately. So, a delayed, but a very hearty ,WELCOME!

I see you've already met a few people & see what an amazing group we have.

I've been involved with the EDNF for @ 15 years & with CEDA, almost since it's

beginnings, as well. I must say, as large as we've gotten, we've always

remained one small family. And, I'd hazard a guess that you'll never find a


where you'll feel more " at home " & where you can go to anytime, for any reason

& there will alwys be someone here for you.

And over the years, though people seem to be more active & then gone for

years (and often come back), the group that's really quite active now has been


incredible. This was my 11th conference & it's was really quite different

than most, in that I realized that it was the first one that there were soooo

many people that I really had never met face to face, knew only from CEDA, but

felt that I had known all my life! Gosh, we even had pajama parties this year!

Yes, real P.J. parties....... One night you should have seen the look on

some guy's face when he got in the elevator, when a few of us were standing in

there, all decked out in our finest P.J.s, on our way to another room & yes,

before we got there, a young man got into the elevator as well......... I


to melt into the woodwork of the elevator! Fortunately, it was a short ride!

In any event, share, enjoy,& most of all welcome!, I'm in Central NJ & have

the hypermobile type. Where are you?

And, thanks for sharing some invaluable information, That's all amazing &

will be in touch again & would love to know more about what sounds like some

great times you've have on some of these trips. And a lot of people ask me if I

know about things like that, so I'm happy to know that there are more caring

people out there, that do these kinds of things, for people that really need it!

All the best,

C. Schoenberg - President

NorthCentralNJ EDNF

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