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Re: Some pain 2 years post op....thanks to all

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Thanks to everyone on this great forum for the helpful replies. I

sent an email to Koen DeSmet about the problem and I'm sure he'll

respond promptly as he always does. He'll probably want me to get an

x-ray to him. I'll keep you all posted. Thanks again.


3/12/02 BHR DeSmet


> Hi ,


> I can only feel for you with one only a tiny bit

older............... I

> would dread something unusual turning up...........


> My only comment would be to think back on anything you may have

done the day

> the before that could have set it off in some way............ I

have never

> lost a degree of pain and tightness all around my new hip because

of the pre

> situation which at least saves me from doing a panic............

but if you

> were getting along doing lots without any sign of trouble and

didn't do

> anything unusual, I would think this would be very


> Aching, if occuring deep in the bone area, especially...........


> Do you have any physio or other health professionals that you could


> contact to have them check out the muscles?? They may be able to


> determine if it could be attributed to muscular

issues...........which may

> or may not increase your worry level............


> Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02


> > I had a right BHR with DeSmet on 3/12/02. Everything was normal

> > until just a few days ago when I started experiencing some mild


> > moderate aching and tightness in the right hip and thigh.

> >

> > Has anyone else experienced any pain/discomfort this long after


> > surgery?

> >

> > I am pondering getting in touch with Dr. DeSmet, but I'm not sure


> > I have anything to worry about yet. I live near Los Angeles so I

> > hope an emergency trip to back to Belgium will not be required.

> >

> >

> > Schiller

> > BHR 3/12/02 De Smet

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Hi Maureen,

Actually I don't think it has a time limit on it......... Many of my scars

are over 35 years old and with my new found enthusiam for exercise many are

placing objections to being stretched and pulled off places they have sat

for ages.......... and hate to think what role the scar tissue around the

inside of my left joint plays in the various patches of soreness I get at


Edith LBHR Dr. L Walter Syd Aust 8/02

> Ask him if development of scar tissue can cause the pain. I've been


> a lot lately about scar tissue from an operation causing other problems


> usually around the year-and-a-half to 2-year timeframe. I'm not


> talking about hip surgeries, but surgery in general.


> Maureen

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