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Update and Apology

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Hi everyone,

I wanted to apologize for not being on-list and available for the

last 2-3 days. Ever since I returned home from the conference, I've

either been out of town or had company. For the last three weekends

in a row, I've had guests from out of town. Consequently, my whole

schedule has been upended regarding laundry, getting groceries,

spending time with my husband, and of course, my family's emails from

the list!

Also, I guess I need to let everyone know that I've been having lots

of problems with my husband. He has ADD and is being treated for it

(as a result of our visit to Mayo Clinic last winter), but either

they haven't found the right combination of medication along with his

medications for Restless Leg and Narcolepsy, or it's just getting to

me more. We had a couple HUGE disagreements, which led me to lots of

thinking and trying to decide if our marriage is worth saving or

not. I've decided that it IS worth saving, IF we can learn to

communicate better without hurting each other's feelings or giving

the feeling of rejection. We recently began counseling last week and

had our first session, which I think went pretty well. At least we

both know this is something we both want-to be happier with each

other, get to know each other again, and make our marriage not only

survive but improve. Add into that, our health conditions, and it's

just been somewhat overwhelming to me. I have added to my

medications-Buspar, to help me with anxiety. I find conflict of any

kind to be very upsetting, and don't really deal with it in a very

good manner. Hopefully, this will help and I can be in a more

positive attitude, especially toward my husband Mike. Also, I'm

really hoping to have some time for just us now, to try to work on

our issues and get more from the counseling sessions.

Plus, we have a new program at work that we all need to learn, and

I'm trying to look after my aging parents; which isn't a huge task,

but my Mom doesn't get around well at all, can't walk much past a

block due to lumbar spinal stenosis. It's not that they're

demanding, but I just need to check in on them to make sure things

are going OK and to let them know I haven't abandon them.

Because of all of the above and being drained physically and

emotionally, I've not been very good about being able to read my

emails. There are a number of people I want to personally apologize

to, including CindyLouWho, Sis (Lonestar Rose), S. and the

people I owe emails to from the conference. I HAVE read your emails,

and in some cases, heard your voice message on our phone, and just

have not had time to write back or call back – and I'm VERY sorry

about that! I hope you all realize how very important you are to

me! I consider my friendships sacred to me. I promise I will be

more available, now that it looks like I won't be having constant

company on the weekends (I work full time for those of you who don't

know). As for the rest of my beloved EDS family, please forgive me

as well, for not being able to reply to missed birthdays and pleas

for suggestions or just plain support (Jo, I have you directly in the

front of my mind here, along with Betty and S)!

Also, as an update, my husband has now figured out what our problem

was in regards to capturing the videos I took at the conference, and

duplicating them to share. I hope to begin sending them to people in

the next couple weeks. Finally! J

I always include all of the people from the support lists I belong to

in my prayers and positive thoughts, and that will never end; so

please know that I haven't abandon any of YOU either! I'm sorry this

had to be a `group' email, but I hope you can see that I just didn't

have time or energy to send to everyone privately. I hope you all

have a great week!

Love Lana

p.s. Mike, I have someone I'd like you to visit sometime, or she can

come to you, perhaps when you are home for any length of time. It's

my cousin, and we are fairly certain that she too has EDS –

Hypermobile. She is also very psychic, and I know you would be very

interested in her views of many things. She's a very intelligent

person, and one who is delightful to converse with! I will try to

write you more on this later!

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