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Re: Another day, another injury + NIH/Jo

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Please, Please follow up with the Dr. tomorrow, I will do the same!

Love, S.

Another day, another injury + NIH

> Well as the title suggests I have indeed ended up back my hospital.

> I swear I see more of the staff up there than I do most of my

> family. Thank God they are aware of my problems now and care more

> than most of my family! ;-)


> Anyway, after struggling to get ready this morning I was shuffling

> down the stairs on my bum as usual, when my wrist, which was just

> newly out of the cast splint on Monday, gave way on my again letting

> of a huge crack in the process again. I couldn't believe it had

> happened again, but fully expected to just have to reduce it, take

> some pain millers and pop it back in the splint for a while. I soon

> realised that it was going to be rather different this time though,

> as the wrist joint was completely separated from the Ulna and the

> muscles and ligaments had gone into an agonising contracture, which

> was pulling and contorting my dislocated joint even further out of

> position.


> I could even bare touching the thing let alone manipulating it back

> into position. I was feeling rather perturbed but convinced myself

> that if I took some meds and rested it in a sling for a while it

> would settle enough for me to pop back in. Two agonising and spasm

> filled hours later I finally twigged it wasn't going to happen and

> got bundled back up to A&E where the staff's panicked and shocked

> reactions made me realise how stupid waiting around had been!


> They started off by trying me on Entenox (gas and air) but the

> contracture and pain were too severe even with me spaced out and

> floating on the ceiling! So I was whisked into resus so the give me

> medazilam sedation yet again. Even this wasn't straight forward

> though, as due to my EDS being in full flare right now all my veins

> kept collapsing on them, so it took 15 minutes to get a stable line

> into me. My right arm is now nearly as sore as my left arm form all

> the bruising and puncture wounds!


> Thankfully the sedation worked pretty quickly afterwards and they

> managed to reduce the contracture and dislocation, then sending me

> off for x-rays once I had come back round a little. Everything is

> back in place again, but the ligaments feel very sore and stretched,

> I thought one of them was going to snap at one point it was so very

> tight and tense. I am back in my plaster cats splint again tonight

> and feeling very sore, battered and still rather woozy and nauseous

> from the potent mix of pain killers, entenox and sedation...my

> bedroom looks rather cool spinning round and round actually!


> Anyway, I have to return for follow up in Ortho clinic tomorrow

> morning, where I'm hoping Mac will be on duty again. He will of

> course be even more horrified to see me again, but he's the only

> person I really trust enough with all of this right now. I just hope

> that following this latest incident he doesn't want to admit be

> until I can get into hospital with Prof though. Fingers crossed I

> will be back home tomorrow, but if you don't hear form me don't

> panic!


> Take care everyone and please know that no matter what, I will be

> thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.


> Love and hugs.....Jo

> xxx


> P.S. I am really considering the NIH option now as I'm at my wits

> end with all of this. I know I'm going to stay with Prof soon and

> hope he can give me some answers, but still feel that the

> specialised skills and research program they are running at NIH

> would be great help for me and my consultants over here too. Anyone

> know when the closing date is for this study as I'm not entirely

> sure how quickly I could do it (financially) if I did manage to get

> accepted. Thanks in advance.





> To learn more about EDS, visit our website: http://www.ehlersdanlos.ca


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