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The Power of Choice

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To all of you who replied pre-op, thanks for your support & kind

words. Thanks too for the advice to semd x-rays to Dr.De Smet for

a second opinion. I saw the x-rays myself & trusted Dr. Gross's


Signing off & wanting to leave all of you with the legacy of my


When I came to South Carolina to See Dr.Gross I thought I still had

a choice; when I found out that I didn't I was devastated.

You can be educated. You can tell from your x-rays if your femoral

head is in tact. If you are considering resurfacing, that is what

you need to know.

After those first x-rays were taken my doctors told me that I

definitely needed surgery, but they only said to do so 'when I was

ready', no other guidelines or advice.

I don't think they meant harm, but I do think that they assumed from

the beginning that I wanted & was going to have a THR. They were


A week after that x-ray I went on a ski trip, for which I will

always wonder if that's what did me in & took away my choice.

I was ignorant, & because so, between the time that my x-rays were

taken in December & then in May, my femoral head was there & then


I thought I had a choice & I blew it. Know for yourselves if you

are considering choice , make the decision as fast as you can & in

the interim, stay off the hip as much as possible.

I hear people on this site say that choice is hard, but trust me, no

choice is much harder.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. I would not trade

for one minute the wonderful friends I have met, & the support that

I have gotten from this group. I am also grateful to have been here

with Dr. Gross, for the only 2nd choice that was acceptable to me.

I got the metal on metal 38mm. I have pretty much the same device

as most of you, just more of it. My bone will grow into it, & it

should be very stable. I hope so, because I don't plan to give up

playing any time soon!

It will be a long, hard recovery, but hopefully, sooner than later,

I will be back on the mountain & not remembering how much my ass

hurts today!

I still believe 100% in the resurf! I believe in all of you not

afraid to take risks!

For all of you having trouble deciding, remember, if a resurf

doesn't work for you, you can always get a THR later. You have your

bone, you have choice.

I'm sad & frustrated, because I really wanted to be a model for

anyone else who had a difficult situation, to tell them not to be

afraid. Hopefully, in some way, I still can.

I will miss talking to you all & gaining from your strenght, your

inspiration, & your courage.

Peace out.

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