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Re: Alan, questions post up timet?

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Hi Mijke,

You'll know if you overdo it because your leg will hurt. And as

for the lump, I think most of us had (have) it. I was resurfaced in

April 04 and I still have a lump and some numbness at that area. It

seems to be going away very slowly. I'm pretty sure the lump and

some numbness are normal. As for your pain while sleeping, I must

ask if you are sleeping on your back, or are you able to roll onto

your side. I was able to find a five foot long " body " pillow to use

to lay on my non op side. It supported my operated leg all the way

down to the foot, and I could use my bottom (non-op) leg underneath

the pillow to help bend or straigten my surgical leg. It was very

helpful to me not to be in one position too long. You might try to

find such a pillow. Hang in there and don't sorry my friend, you are

only a little past 3 weeks from your surgery. I found that I started

to make real progress at the 3 week point. Be careful not to push

too hard. You stand to loose nothing by being patient and letting

your wounds heal.

C+ Amstutz 4-15-04

> Hey Alan,


> Since you are online I can perhaps ask you, after four weeks of

recovery on

> a very safe address I have moved to my own place today, somehow

this has

> caused a bit of a scary feeling.


> 1. When do you know if one does not overdo it?


> 2. Also, in my operated leg, it still feels like there is a big

lumb (??? is

> that a word?), a bit like there is not enough feeling in it. Is

that normal?


> 3. I guess I just need a mail that says everyting is going to be


> (I'm walking about 20% of my time with a stick) the further 80%

with non

> (normal, with a bit of a limp).


> 4. To be honoust, the only problem is sleeping, wich still hurts

after two

> hours in the same position.

> A lot of people write about, having no pain at all...that is not

the case

> for me, all my muscles ache all the time (but that is oke).


> Oke, I needed to ask so I can happily start living my Amsterdam


> again...still can't believe the whole hip-project is (partly)



> Thank you fellow hippies for all the information that I have

gotten from you

> the last four weeks.


> Regards, Mijke


> LBHR deSmet (2nd june 2004)


> _________________________________________________________________

> Chatten met je online vrienden via MSN Messenger.


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Hi, Mijke:

I am also just about 4 weeks post-op (Dr. Gross), so I thought you

might find it interesting to compare notes with someone at your same

stage, though as everyone here will tell you, each of us recovers

differently and on a different timetable.

On overdoing it -- I did it, at about 2+ weeks, and I only knew it

later, when I was way too sore. My advice: increase activity

gradually, not by big jumps, no matter how great you feel. That way,

you're not likely to stress things too much.

Re lump or numbness -- I gather the feeling is pretty normal, due

often to swelling or even to sleeping in the same position all the

time, a problem for us all at first. Pillow under the knees might

help while you're still sleeping principally on your back. My guess

is this is a temporary problem.

Walking: I'm also up to using a cane and I've walked some, around the

house, with no crutch/cane. Each doctor has a different protocol on

how to weight-bear. My doc says " weight-bearing as tolerated, " so

that's what I'm doing. I'm also monitoring my gait, so that if I

start to limp I correct it or use more support. Not sure what Dr.

DeSmet's rules are.

Sleeping: Oh, yeah. A problem if you don't like lying on your back

all night. Pillows help. I've just become able to turn onto non-op

side. Problem is, I don't find it comfortable for more than about 15

minutes yet. My operated leg starts to feel this aching, drawing

sensation, and I just decide to go back to my back. I hope this will

pass. My guess is that it will: I have to remember that 10 days ago,

turning onto my side seemed an impossibility altogether.

I think patience is a virtue in this recovery. What you can't do

today, you will be able to do tomorrow, soon, or someday, for sure --

especially if you pace yourself. Hard not to worry in the meanwhile,

I'll agree with you. But this site is a tremendous source of support.

Sounds to me like you're doing very well.

All best,

> Hey Alan,


> Since you are online I can perhaps ask you, after four weeks of

recovery on

> a very safe address I have moved to my own place today, somehow

this has

> caused a bit of a scary feeling.


> 1. When do you know if one does not overdo it?


> 2. Also, in my operated leg, it still feels like there is a big

lumb (??? is

> that a word?), a bit like there is not enough feeling in it. Is

that normal?


> 3. I guess I just need a mail that says everyting is going to be


> (I'm walking about 20% of my time with a stick) the further 80%

with non

> (normal, with a bit of a limp).


> 4. To be honoust, the only problem is sleeping, wich still hurts

after two

> hours in the same position.

> A lot of people write about, having no pain at all...that is not

the case

> for me, all my muscles ache all the time (but that is oke).


> Oke, I needed to ask so I can happily start living my Amsterdam


> again...still can't believe the whole hip-project is (partly)



> Thank you fellow hippies for all the information that I have gotten

from you

> the last four weeks.


> Regards, Mijke


> LBHR deSmet (2nd june 2004)


> _________________________________________________________________

> Chatten met je online vrienden via MSN Messenger.


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Guest guest

Hi, Mijke:

I am also just about 4 weeks post-op (Dr. Gross), so I thought you

might find it interesting to compare notes with someone at your same

stage, though as everyone here will tell you, each of us recovers

differently and on a different timetable.

On overdoing it -- I did it, at about 2+ weeks, and I only knew it

later, when I was way too sore. My advice: increase activity

gradually, not by big jumps, no matter how great you feel. That way,

you're not likely to stress things too much.

Re lump or numbness -- I gather the feeling is pretty normal, due

often to swelling or even to sleeping in the same position all the

time, a problem for us all at first. Pillow under the knees might

help while you're still sleeping principally on your back. My guess

is this is a temporary problem.

Walking: I'm also up to using a cane and I've walked some, around the

house, with no crutch/cane. Each doctor has a different protocol on

how to weight-bear. My doc says " weight-bearing as tolerated, " so

that's what I'm doing. I'm also monitoring my gait, so that if I

start to limp I correct it or use more support. Not sure what Dr.

DeSmet's rules are.

Sleeping: Oh, yeah. A problem if you don't like lying on your back

all night. Pillows help. I've just become able to turn onto non-op

side. Problem is, I don't find it comfortable for more than about 15

minutes yet. My operated leg starts to feel this aching, drawing

sensation, and I just decide to go back to my back. I hope this will

pass. My guess is that it will: I have to remember that 10 days ago,

turning onto my side seemed an impossibility altogether.

I think patience is a virtue in this recovery. What you can't do

today, you will be able to do tomorrow, soon, or someday, for sure --

especially if you pace yourself. Hard not to worry in the meanwhile,

I'll agree with you. But this site is a tremendous source of support.

Sounds to me like you're doing very well.

All best,

> Hey Alan,


> Since you are online I can perhaps ask you, after four weeks of

recovery on

> a very safe address I have moved to my own place today, somehow

this has

> caused a bit of a scary feeling.


> 1. When do you know if one does not overdo it?


> 2. Also, in my operated leg, it still feels like there is a big

lumb (??? is

> that a word?), a bit like there is not enough feeling in it. Is

that normal?


> 3. I guess I just need a mail that says everyting is going to be


> (I'm walking about 20% of my time with a stick) the further 80%

with non

> (normal, with a bit of a limp).


> 4. To be honoust, the only problem is sleeping, wich still hurts

after two

> hours in the same position.

> A lot of people write about, having no pain at all...that is not

the case

> for me, all my muscles ache all the time (but that is oke).


> Oke, I needed to ask so I can happily start living my Amsterdam


> again...still can't believe the whole hip-project is (partly)



> Thank you fellow hippies for all the information that I have gotten

from you

> the last four weeks.


> Regards, Mijke


> LBHR deSmet (2nd june 2004)


> _________________________________________________________________

> Chatten met je online vrienden via MSN Messenger.


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